Section 1730-02-.08 - SMALL ANIMAL SURGERY(1) Small animal surgery shall be performed in a manner compatible with current veterinary medical practice with regard to anesthesia, asepsis, life support and monitoring procedures as well as recovery care. The standards for current veterinary practice are made available to the licensee through the courses required for mandatory continuing education.(2) Small animal surgery shall be performed in a room designated and reserved for surgery. The minimum standards for small animal surgery shall be:(a) The surgery room shall be completely and totally enclosed, and shall have four (4) walls, a ceiling, and a solid door or partition that extends to the ceiling.(b) Sterilization must include steam pressure sterilization or autoclave. Gas sterilization is acceptable. Cold sterilization may be used for specialty items.(c) Instruments and equipment utilized in surgery shall be commensurate with the type of surgical service being provided.(d) Emergency drugs must be readily available to the surgery area.(e) The operating table shall be constructed of a smooth and impervious material.(f) There shall be a separate preparation area.(g) There shall be available for surgery sterilized instruments, gowns, towels, drapes, gloves, caps, and surgically appropriate scrub brushes and masks.(h) The surgery room shall be equipped with emergency lighting.(i) Surgeries shall be carried out using aseptic techniques appropriate for the procedure.(j) Safe and effective anesthesia shall be used appropriately for the surgical procedure being performed.1. There shall be a preanesthesia examination for all patients undergoing general anesthesia when possible.2. Positive pressure ventilation with oxygen shall be available.3. Endotracheal intubation shall be available.4. A gas scavenger shall be used with the gas anesthesia machines.5. A monitoring device shall be available.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1730-02-.08
Original rule filed April 28, 1995; effective July 12, 1995. Repeal and new rule filed June 10, 1999; effective August 24, 1999. Amendment filed September 12, 2001; effective November 26, 2001. Amendment filed August 18, 2003; effective November 1, 2003. Amendment filed June 24, 2004; effective September 7, 2004. Amendment filed November 2, 2005; effective January 16, 2006.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 4-5-204, 63-12-106, 63-12-129, and 63-12-139.