Section 1730-02-.01 - DEFINITIONSAs used in these rules, the terms and acronyms shall have the following meanings ascribed to them.
(1) Advertisement - Information communicated to the public, in any manner, designed to attract public attention to the practice of veterinarians or facilities licensed in Tennessee.(2) Advertising - Includes, but is not limited to business solicitations, with or without limiting qualifications, in a card, sign, or device issued to a person; in a sign or marking in or on any building; or in any newspaper, magazine, directory, or other printed matter. Advertising also includes business solicitations communicated by individuals, radio, video, television broadcasting, electronic communication, or any other means designed to secure public attention.(3) Applicant - Any individual seeking licensure by the Board who has submitted an official application and paid the application fee.(4) Bait and Switch Advertising - An alluring but insincere offer to sell a product or service which the advertiser in truth does not intend or want to sell. Its purpose is to switch consumers from buying the advertised service or merchandise, in order to sell something else, usually for a higher fee or on a basis more advantageous to the advertiser.(5) Board - The Tennessee Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners.(6) Conspicuous Place - A place easily viewable by the public.(7) Department - Tennessee Department of Health.(8) "Discounted Fee" - A fee offered or charged by a person or organization for any veterinary product or service that is less than the fee usually offered or charged for the product or service. Products or services expressly offered free of charge are not considered to be offered at a "discounted fee".(9) Division - The Tennessee Department of Health, Division of Health Related Boards, from which the Board receives administrative support.(10) House Call - A scheduled visit for the purpose of providing veterinary services to an individual client outside of a veterinary facility at the client's residence, business, or property. A veterinarian who conducts a house call shall have a permanent base of operations with a published address and telephone facilities for making appointments or responding to emergency situations;(11) Licensee - Any person who has been lawfully issued a license to practice veterinary medicine or as a veterinary technician in the State of Tennessee or any licensed facility where veterinary medicine is practiced in the State of Tennessee.(12) Practitioner - Refers to a Tennessee licensed Veterinarian.(13) Premises - Any veterinary facility where a licensed veterinarian practices or where the practice of veterinary medicine occurs.(14) Premises Owner - Any person, corporation or other similar organization, public or private, for-profit or not-for-profit, holding title to a facility where a licensed veterinarian practices or where the practice of veterinary medicine occurs.(15) Premises Permit - A permit issued by the board to operate a veterinary medical facility when the premises meet minimum standards established by the Board.(16) Public Rabies Vaccination Clinic - A clinic sponsored by a local health department to provide vaccination of dogs and cats against rabies, under the local health department's ordinances and regulations.(17) Retail Establishment - Any retail store in excess of two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet that primarily sells goods not related to the practice of veterinary medicine, or any veterinary facility located in an enclosed shopping mall or enclosed shopping center.(18) Supervising Veterinarian - A person who is validly and currently licensed to practice veterinary medicine in Tennessee, who shall be accountable to the board for the facility's compliance with the laws and rules governing the practice of veterinary medicine in this state, and is responsible for the supervision of a temporary licensee, veterinary student intern, employee, or consulting veterinarian.(19) Surgery - The art, practice, or work of treating disease, injuries, deformities, or conditions by manual or operative procedures. The castrating or dehorning of any wild or domestic animal is not considered veterinary surgery.(20) Veterinary Facility has the same meaning established by T.C.A. § 63-12-103(18).(21) Veterinary Practice means: (a) Large Animal Practice - a practice in which ninety percent (90%) or more of the animals seen/treated are equine, farm animal, or any other animals deemed as "large animal" by the Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners.(b) Small Animal Practice - a practice in which ninety percent (90%) or more of the animals seen/treated are companion animals or any other animals deemed as "small animal" by the Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners.(c) Mixed Animal Practice - a practice in which both large and small animals are seen/treated and the percentage of animals seen/treated exceeds ten percent (10%) for both types of animals.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1730-02-.01
Original rule filed May 30, 1980; effective August 27, 1980. Amendment filed July 10, 1989; effective August 24, 1989. Repeal and new rule filed April 28, 1995; effective July 12, 1995. Repeal and new rule filed June 10, 1999; effective August 24, 1999. Amendment filed June 25, 2003; effective September 8, 2003. Amendment filed October 18, 2004; effective January 1, 2005. Amendment filed May 23, 2014; effective 8/21/2014.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 4-5-204, 63-1-101, 63-1-116, 63-12-101 et. seq., 63-12-102, 63-12-103, 63-12-104, 63-12-105, 63-12-106, 63-12-110, 63-12-112, 63-12-113, 63-12-121, 63-12-129, 63-12-133, 63-12-139, and 68-8-103.