Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1240-01-04-.02

Current through January 8, 2025

Eligibility shall exist if the value of nonexempt resource, both liquid and non-liquid assets, for the HH/AG do not exceed:

(1) Food Stamps Only.
(a) $3,000 for all Food Stamps households with at least one member who is age 60 or older.
(b) $2,000 for all other Food Stamp households.
(2) AFDC Only
(a) Non-exempt resources of an AFDC aid group, liquid and non-liquid, may not exceed $1,000. Resources in excess of this limit result in ineligibility. A person receiving SSI benefits cannot be included in the AFDC aid group. The SSI recipient's income and resources, including the SSI payment, are disregarded in determining eligibility for the other AFDC family members.
(b) Reserved for future use.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1240-01-04-.02

Original rule filed August 15, 1980; effective September 29, 1980. Amendment filed December 3, 1980; effective January 19, 1981. Amendment filed December 10, 1981; effective January 25, 1982. Amendment filed April 15, 1986; effective July 14, 1986. Amendment filed April 27, 2012; to have been effective July 26, 2012. The Department of Human Services filed a 75-day stay of the effective date on June 19, 2012; new effective date October 9, 2012. On September 25, 2012, the Department of Human Services filed a withdrawal of the rule.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 14-4-102, 14-8-104, 14-3-106, and 14-27-104; PL 97-35 and PL 99-198; 7 CFR 273.7, 273.8 and 273.9; 45 CFR 224.20.