1. | DCO | Digital Central Office |
2. | SXS | AT&T Technologies 350A or #1 SXS |
3. | 355 | AT&T Technologies 355A SXS |
4. | RSS | AT&T Technologies IOA Remote Switching System |
5. | RSM | AT&T Technologies Remote Switching Module |
6. | IAESS | AT&T Technologies #IA Electronic Switching System |
7. | 2ESS | AT&T Technologies #2 Electronic Switching System |
8. | 2BES | AT&T Technologies #2B Electronic Switching System |
9. | 3ESS | AT&T Technologies #3 Electronic Switching System |
10. | 5XB | AT&T Technologies #5 Crossbar |
11. | 5ESS | AT&T Technologies #5 Electronic Switching System |
12. | SXS-AE | Automatic Electric SXS |
13. | REM | Generic Digital Remote |
14. | DIG | Generic Digital Switch |
15. | TDM | Generic Tandem Switch |
16. | TCS-5 ITT | Corporation Analog Electronic Switching System |
17. | DSS-1210 | ITT Digital Switch |
18. | SXS-I | ITT SXS |
19. | RM-K | Kellogg Relay-Matic Electromechanical Switch |
20. | SXS-K | Kellogg SXS |
21. | RM-L | Lenkhurt Relay-Matic Electromechanical Switch |
22. | NEAX61K | NEC Digital Switch, Version K |
23. | NWC | New Wire Center |
24. | NX-2A | North Crossbar Switch |
25. | NXI-E | North Crossbar Switch with Processor Control |
26. | DMS-200 | Northern Telecom Access Tandem/TOPS |
27. | SP-1 | Northern Telecom Analog Electronic Switching System |
28. | DSM-1/200 | Northern Telecom Combined Local/Access Tandem |
29. | DSM-10 | Northern Telecom Digital Multiplexing System |
30. | DSM-100 | Northern Telecom Local Digital Switch |
31. | RLCM | Northern Telecom Remote Line Concentrator Module |
32. | RLSE | Northern Telecom Remote Line Switch Equipment |
33. | RSC | Northern Telecom Remote Switching Center |
34. | RM-S | Stromberg Carlson Electromechanical Switch |
35. | ESC-1 | Stromberg Carlson Electromechanical Switching Center |
36. | XY | Stromberg Carlson Step-by-Step Switch |
37. | ITS-5 | Vidar Corporation Digital Switch |
Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1220-04-06-.05
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 65-2-102 and 65-4-104.