Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1210-01-04

Current through January 8, 2025
(1) Each state agency that maintains agency records shall develop an RDA for each record or record series maintained by the agency.
(2) Each RDA submitted for approval by the Commission shall include the following:
(a) The title of the record or records series being maintained;
(b) The type of media;
(c) Applicable federal and state laws and rules related to the retention of the records;
(d) A detailed description of the records;
(e) The retention period for each record or record series;
(f) The disposition requirements for each record or record series; and
(g) A description of the records disposition at the end of the retention period, detailing whether the records will be destroyed, scanned, transferred to the Library & Archives or transferred to the record center for long-term storage.
(3) Once the agency has drafted an RDA, the records officer for the agency shall send the pending RDA to the Division for review and comment by the Division, Library & Archives and the Comptroller of the Treasury's Department of Audit. Each of those agencies' review may contain recommended edits and revisions to the RDA.
(4) The agency shall consider the recommendations of the Division, Library & Archives and the Comptroller of the Treasury's Department of Audit and shall resubmit for final approval.
(5) The agency shall present the completed RDA to the Commission for the Commission's approval.
(6) If the Commission approves the RDA, it becomes effective immediately and it then constitutes authorization to dispose of the records as authorized by the RDA. No further approval by the Commission is required unless the RDA is amended.
(7) Any RDA not approved by the Commission shall be returned to the submitting agency. The submitting agency may resubmit the RDA incorporating any recommended changes of the Commission and the Division.
(8) An RDA must be submitted sufficiently in advance to allow reasonable review before the next Commission meeting.
(9) Agencies may request changes to approved RDAs by submitting a proposed revision of the RDA to the Division. The proposed revision is then subject to the same approval process.
(10) Once approved by the Commission, each agency shall maintain the agency's records or record series in accordance with the applicable RDA.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1210-01-04

Original rule filed December 4, 1991; effective March 30, 1992. Amendments filed December 7, 2018; effective 3/7/2019.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 10-7-302, 10-7-303, 10-7-304, and 10-7-306.