Current through January 8, 2025
Section 1200-05-03-.02 - EXAMINATIONS(1) All examinations shall be written except that the Board may approve alternate examination methods if an applicant has a disability which would prevent him/her from taking a written examination.(2) All examinations shall be taken by the applicant without the assistance of course text materials, student notes, computer stored materials, or other materials.(3) The examination may contain one or more of the following type questions: matching, multiple choice, true-false, discussion, short answer, and problems.(4) An applicant who correctly scores at least seventy percent (70%) on a written examination, and who is otherwise eligible, shall receive a certificate of competency.(5) An applicant shall be notified in writing whether his/her examination score was satisfactory for the issuance of a certificate.(6) An applicant who fails to achieve a satisfactory score may reapply for the next examination by submitting an abbreviated application for examination with fees, but he/she shall not be eligible to take another examination for the particular operator classification which he/she failed until five months have elapsed from the date that examination was taken.(7) All examinations shall be administered by the Board or its authorized representatives who are empowered to maintain the integrity of all examinations.(8)(a) An applicant shall be guilty of cheating upon a written examination who does an act including, but not limited to, the following:1. violates paragraph (2) of this rule; or2. without express authorization from examination officials,(i) removes examination materials furnished by the Board or the written examination itself, in whole or in part, from the examination room, or(ii) aids another applicant in answering examination questions during a written examination; or3. violates the examination rules.(b) Upon a determination by the Commissioner that an applicant is guilty of cheating upon a written examination for a particular operator classification, the applicant shall not be issued an initial certificate of competency for that classification.(c) An applicant shall be ineligible to again apply for certification in that same operator classification for one year from the date the determination of cheating becomes final.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-05-03-.02
Original rule certified June 7, 1974. Repeal and new rule filed March 31, 1982; effective July 1, 1982. Repeal and new rule filed June 9, 1986; effective July 10, 1986. Amendment filed September 18, 1990; effective December 1, 1990. Amendment filed September 12, 1994; effective December 14, 1994. Amendment filed July 31, 2000; effective October 14, 2000.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-101 et seq.,4-5-202, 68-221-906, 68-221-908, and 68-221-910.