Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-03-18-.45

Current through December 26, 2024
(1) APPLICABILITIY: This regulations is applicable to those commercial facilities making spot repairs, panel repairs, refinishing of parts and/or the refinishing of the entire motor vehicle or mobile equipment. This rule applies to any facility located in Davidson, Rutherford, Sumner, Williamson or Wilson County whose potential emissions fro the facility is greater than 15 pounds of volatile organic compounds (VOC 's) per day.
(2) DEFINITIONS: Terms used in this regulations not defined herein shall have the meaning given then in Regulations .01 of this chapter.
(a) "Adhesion promoter" means a coating used to promote adhesion of a topcoat on surfaces such as trim moldings, door locks, door spills, or any coating which provides adhesion to plastic substrates, where sanding is not practical.
(b) "Aerosol coating products" means a mixture of resins, pigments, liquid solvents and gaseous propellants, packaged in a disposable can for small, hand-held spraying applications. or change method of compliance, the owner or operator of a subject printing press shall certify to the Technical Secretary that the printing press is in compliance with Paragraph (3)(a) through (f) of this rule. Such certification shall include:
(i) The name and location of the facility;
(ii) The address and telephone number of the person responsible for the facility;
(iii) Identification of subject sources;
(iv) The name and identification of each ink, fountain solution, and cleaning solution as applied; and
(v) The VOC content of all inks, fountain solutions and cleaning solutions, as applied, expressed in units of the applicable standard.
2. By November 15, 1996, or on and after the initial startup date, or after changing method of compliance, the owner or operator of a printing press subject to this rule and complying with Subparagraph (3)(a) through (f) shall collect and record all of the following information for each printing press and maintain the information for a period of 3 years:
(c) "Basecoat" means a pigmented topcoat which is the first topcoat applied as part of a multiple stage topcoat system.
(d) "Basecoat/clearcoat system" means a topcoat system composed of a pigmented basecoat portion and a transparent and clear overcoat portion.
(e) "Capture system" means the equipment including, but not limited to, booths, ducts, dryers or ovens, fans, and hoods that contains, collects, and transports an air pollutant to a control device.
(f) "Catalyst" means a substance whose presence enhances the reaction between chemical compounds.
(g) "Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) registration number" means that unique identification number, usually three parts, given to each chemical product or component by the Chemical Abstract Service.
(h) "Clearcoat" means a topcoat which contains no pigments or only transparent pigments and which is the final topcoat applied as a part of a multiple stage topcoat system.
(i) "Coating" means coating or surface cleaning.
(j) "Color match" means the ability of a repair coating to blend into an existing coating so that color difference is not visible.
(k) "Exempt VOC" means any of the compounds expressly excluded from the definition of volatile organic compound in Rule .01 of this chapter.
(l) "Elastomeric materials" means topcoats and primers that are specifically formulated for application over flexible parts such as filler panels and elastomeric bumpers.
(m) "Electrostatic application" means the application of charged atomized paint droplets which are deposited by electrostatic attraction.
(n) "Extreme performance coating" means any coating used on the surface of a motor vehicle, mobile equipment or their parts or components which, during intended use, is exposed to either of the following conditions:
1. Industrial grade detergents, cleaners or abrasive scouring agents, or
2. Extreme environmental conditions during the vehicle's principle use, which is use in extremely hot or cold, extremely high or low humidity and etc.
(o) "Graphic design application" means the application of logos, letters lines, stripes numbers and/or other graphics to a painted surface, with or without the use of a template.
(p) "Ground support vehicles" means vehicles used in support of aircraft activities at airports.
(q) "Group I vehicles and equipment" means passenger cars, large-sized trucks cabs and chassis, light and medium duty trucks and vans, motor homes, recreational vehicles and motorcycles.
(r) "Group II vehicles" means buses and mobile equipment.
(s) "High-volume, low pressure (HVLP) spray" means equipment used to apply coatings by means of a spray gun which typically operates at less than 10 psig applied air pressure.
(t) "Material Safety Data Sheet" (MSDS) means the documentation required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard for a solvent, cleaning material, finishing material, or other material that identifies select reportable hazardous ingredients of the material, safety and health considerations, and handling procedures.
(u) Metallic/iridescent topcoat" means any coating which contains more than 5 g/l (0.042 lb/gal) of metal or iridescent particles, as applied, where such particles are visible in the dried coating.
(v) "Midcoat" means a semi-transparent topcoat which is a middle topcoat applied as part of a multiple topcoat system.
(w) "Mobile equipment" means any equipment which may be drawn or is capable of being driven on a roadway, including but not limited to: trucks bodies, truck trailers, cargo vaults, utility bodies, camper shells, construction equipment (mobile cranes, bulldozers, concrete mixers), farming equipment (tractor, plows, pesticide sprayers), and miscellaneous equipment (street cleaners, golf carts, ground support vehicles, tow motors, fork lifts).
(x) "Multiple stage topcoat system" means any basecoat/clearcoat topcoat system or any three-stage or more topcoat system manufactured as a system, and used as specified by the manufacturer.
(y) "Panel" means a complete section (e.g., hood, door), which typically is approximately 9 square feet.
(z) "Precoat" mans any coating which is applied to bare metal primarily to deactivate the metal surface for corrosion resistance to a subsequent water-base primer.
(aa) "Pretreatment wash primer" means any coating which contains a minimum of 0.5% acid by weight, as necessary to provide surface etching and is applied directly to bare metal surfaces to provide etching and is applied directly to bare, metal surfaces to provide corrosion resistance and adhesion.
(bb) "Primer" means any coating applied prior to the application of a topcoat for the purpose of corrosion resistance and adhesion of the topcoat
(cc) "Primer sealer" means any coating applied prior to the application of a topcoat for the purpose of corrosion resistance, adhesion of the topcoat, color uniformity and to promote the ability of an undercoat to resist penetration by the topcoat.
(dd) "Primer surface" means any coating applied prior to the application of a topcoat for the purpose of corrosion resistance, adhesion of the topcoat, and which promotes a uniform surface by filling in surface imperfections.
(ee) "Reducer" means the solvent used to thin enamel.
(ff) "Refinishing" means any coating of vehicles, their parts and components, or mobile equipment, including partial body collision repairs, for the purpose of protection or beautification and which is subsequent to the original coating applied at a manufacturing plant coating line.
(gg) "Specialty coating" means any coating which is necessary due to unusual job performance requirements. The coating includes, but is not limited to: weld-through primer, adhesion promoter, uniform finish blender, elastomeric material, gloss flattener, bright metal trim repair, antiglare coating, and safety related coating.
(hh) "Spot/panel repair" means the non assembly line process of repairing and restoring a portion of a motor vehicle or mobile equipment to predamaged condition.
(ii) "Three-stages coating system" means a topcoat system composed of a pigmented basecoat portion, a semi-transparent midcoat portion, and a transparent clearcoat portion.
(jj) "Topcoat" means any coating applied over a primer or an original finish for the purpose of protection or appearance. For the purpose of this regulation, basecoat/clearcoat and multiple-stage coating systems shall be considered topcoats.
(kk) "Touch-up coating" means any coating applied by brush and, in some limited cases, by aerosol spray to repair minor surface damage or imperfections.
(ll) "Transfer efficiency" means the ratio of the amount of coating solids adhering to the object being coated to the total amount of coating solids used in the application process, expressed as a percentage.
(mm) "Trucks" means a motor vehicle designed, used, or maintained primarily for the transportation of property.
(nn) "Large-sized truck" means a truck having a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating of more than 8500 pounds.
(oo) "Small-sized truck" means any motor vehicle having a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating at 8500 pounds or less and which is designed primarily for the purposes of transportation of property or is a derivative of such vehicle, or is available with special features enabling on-street or off-highway operation and use.
(pp) "Van" means a closed truck for carrying property or persons.
(qq) "Waterborne primer" means any primer using waste as the primary solids suspension agent, usually containing 5% or more water in its volatile fraction.
(3) EXEMPTIONS: The following activities are exempted from this regulation:
(a) Application of aerosol coating products;
(b) Graphic designs such as the application of letter, lines, logos, numbers, striping, etc. covering less than 10% of the total painted surface of the vehicle;
(c) Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) coatings applied at manufacturing or assembly plants.
(d) Touch-up operations involving the application of very small quantities of coatings, usually by brush;
(e) Application of waterborne coatings of less than 2 lbs VOC/gal of coating as applied; and
(f) Small facilities that perform minimal coating operations and meet all of the following limitations. These limitations must be met on a weekly basis, where a time period is shown:
1. Not more than one complete motor vehicle or mobile equipment per week shall be refinished;
2. Not more than five panel or spot repair jobs per week shall be performed; and
3. No visible emissions shall leave the applicator's property.
(g) An exemption under this Paragraph does not constitute an exemption from any other regulations.
(4) STANDARDS AS FOLLOW APPLY: Effective on the dates specified, a person applying coatings to Group I or Group II vehicles and equipment, including parts and components, repairing of partial collision damage or refinishing entire motor vehicles or mobile equipment, shall not apply materials that have a VOC content which exceeds the limits in Subparagraphs (4)(a) and(4)(b). Compliance with the VOC limits shall be based on VOC content, including any VOC material added to the original coating supplied by the manufacturer, less water and exempt solvent, as applied to the coated surface.
(a) Group I Vehicles: Group I vehicles, their parts and components, whether existing or replacement parts, shall not be refinished with a coating which has a VOC content in excess of the limits in Part (4)(a)1.;
1. After November 15, 1996, no coatings shall be used which have a VOC content in excess of the following limits, expressed as pounds of VOC per gallon of coating, as applied, less water and exempt compounds unless the condition of Subparagraph (4)(c) are met.

CoatingVOC lb/gal
Surface cleaner1.7
Pretreatment wash primer6.5
Prime sealer4.6
Primer/primer surface4.8
Metallic/iridescent topcoat5.2
Extreme performance6.2

(b) Group II Vehicles: Group II vehicles, or their existing parts and components, or replacement parts or components, shall not be refinished with a coating which has a VOC content in excess of the limits in part (4)(b)1.;
1. After November 15, 1996, no coatings shall be used which have a VOC content in excess of the following limits, expressed as pounds of VOC per gallon of coating, as applied, less water and exempt compounds unless the conditions of paragraph (4)(c) are met:

CoatingVOC lb/gal
Surface cleaner1.7
Pretreatment wash primer6.5
Primer/primer surface2.8
Primer sealer3.5
Metallic/iridescent topcoat3.5
Extreme performance6.2

(c) The limitations of VOC content in Subparagraph (4)(a) and (4)(b) shall not exceed unless:
1. Emissions are controlled to an equivalent level by air pollutant control equipment.
2. The efficiency of the control equipment is a minimum of 85%, and
3. The control equipment has been approved by the Technical Secretary.
4. A determination is made of the overall emission reduction efficiency needed to demonstrate compliance.
5. A determination is made each day that the overall emission reduction efficiency achieved is greater than or equal to the overall emission reduction efficiency required.
6. A capture system and control device are operated at all times that the line is in operation, and the owner or operator demonstrates compliance with this rule through the applicable coating analysis and capture system and control device efficiency test methods specified in this chapter, and;
7. The control device is equipped with the applicable monitoring equipment specified in this chapter, and the monitoring equipment is installed, calibrated,, operated, and maintained according to the vendor's specifications at all times the control device is in use.
(d) In lieu of satisfying the standards above for specialty coating, specialty coatings shall not be applied unless;
1. The VOC content is equal to or less than 7 pounds of VOC per gallon of coating, as applied, less water and exempt compounds and;
2. The application of all such coatings, except safety related coatings, shall not exceed 10% of all coatings applied, on a weekly basis.
(e) VOC content shall be given and/or calculated in lbs/gal as follows.

Calculation 1:

The VOC content of a basecoat/topcoat system shall be calculated according to the following equation:

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VOCms = the composite VOC content, less water and less exempt compounds, to be used for compliance determination under the multistage topcoat system coating category.

VOCbc = the VOC content, less water and less exempt compounds as applied, of any given basecoat.

VOCcc = the VOC content, less water and less exempt compounds as applied, of any given clearcoat.

Calculation 2:

The VOC content per gallon of any coating, less water and less exempt compounds, shall be calculated by the following equation:

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Pounds of VOC per gallon of coating, less water and less exempt compounds is the weight of VOC per combined volume of VOC and coating solids.

Ws = weight of volatile compounds in pounds.

Ww = weight of water in pounds.

Wes = weight of exempt compounds in pounds.

Vm = volume of material in gallons.

Vw = volume of water in gallons.

Ves = volume of exempt compounds in gallons.

Calculation 3:

The VOC content of any coating shall be calculated by the following equation:

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Ws = weight of volatile compounds in pounds.

Ww = weight of water in pounds.

Wes = weight of exempt compounds in pounds.

Vm = volume of material in gallons.

Calculation 4:

The VOC content of a three-stage topcoat system shall be calculated according to the equation:

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A three-stage topcoat system is a topcoat system composed of a basecoat portion, a midcoat portion, and a transparent clearcoat portion.

VOCms = the composite VOC content, less water and less exempt compounds, to be used for compliance determination under the multistage topcoat system coating category.

VOCbc = the VOC content, less water and less exempt compounds as applied, of any give basecoat.

VOCmc = the VOC content, less water and less exempt compounds as applied, of any give midcoat.

VOCcc = the VOC content, less water and less exempt compounds as applied, of any given clearcoat.

(5) EQUIPMENT STANDARDS: All spray coating operators that coat more than one complete motor vehicle or mobile equipment per week or perform more than five panel or spot repairs per week shall perform those operations using the following equipment:
(a) Spraying operations shall be performed in a totally enclosed spray booth or a totally enclosed spray area which provides, at a minimum, proper maintenance of the equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
(b) Effective November 15, 1996, spraying equipment shall have a minimum transfer efficiency of 65% at 8 inches from the work surface. Compliance may be achieved by any of the following:
1. Electrostatic application equipment operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations;
2. High Volume Low Pressure (HVLP) spray equipment operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations; or
3. Any other coating application equipment which has been satisfactorily demonstrated to be capable of achieving a minimum of 65% efficiency and approved by the Technical Secretary.
(c) VOC pollution control equipment, if required for compliance with Section (4), shall be appropriately installed, maintained and operated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The minimum efficiency of the control device shall be 85%.
(d) Spray and other equipment cleanup shall be accomplished in a totally enclosed apparatus specifically designed to minimize evaporation of VOC materials to the atmosphere. Non-enclosed gun cleaners, etc. may be used provided that the vapor pressure of the cleaning solvent is less than 100 mmHg at 68 degrees F and the used solvent is contained for subsequent disposal by means which minimize emission of the used solvent
(6) Prohibitions:
(a) No person shall specify or require for use the application of any coating if such use results in a violation of this regulations. This prohibition is applicable to all contracts wherein a coating is to be applied at any location within Davidson, Rutherford, Sumner, Wilson and Williamson counties. This prohibition shall not apply if the coating is to be utilized at surface coating facilities where control equipment has been installed to meet the requirements of paragraph (5)(c).
(b) Cleaning of equipment by spraying solvent through the spray gun without measures being employed to collect the sprayed solvent and minimize emissions of the solvent is prohibited.
(7) OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: The owner/operator shall implement good housekeeping practices which include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) All equipment shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations;
(b) All fresh or used solvents shall be stored in closed containers;
(c) All waste coatings, and surface cleaners, waste solvents, and uncured spray booth filters, etc. shall be stored in closed containers prior to disposal by means which minimize emissions of volatile organic compounds; and
(d) Storage of cloth or paper products used for solvents surface preparation and cleanup shall be stored in closed containers prior to disposal by means which minimize emissions of volatile organic compounds.
(e) A person using pressure pots shall use either;
1. Bag-type liners to aid cleanup and minimize cleaning solvent use;
2. Insert containers to aid cleanup and minimize cleaning solvent use; or
3. Other reasonable practices to reduce the amount of cleaning solvent used.
(f) Equipment cleanup shall be performed with appropriate methods to minimize the use of solvents. Reasonable effort must be made to reclaim the bulk of the used solvents. Absolutely no cleaning shall be effected by the direct spraying of solvent such that it is emitted to the atmosphere.
(g) Personnel performing spraying operations must be trained to properly position a spray gun to minimize overspray.
(h) Reasonable effort shall be employed to schedule operations of a similar nature to significantly reduce overall VOC material consumption.
(8) REPORTING AND RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS: Any person subject to this regulation shall comply with the following requirements as a minimum:
(a) A current list of all coatings, solvents, reducers, additives, and any other VOC containing material in use at the facility shall be maintained and readily available upon request. This list shall include, but is not limited to, the following information:
1. Name and appropriate identification of coating, catalyst, hardener, reducer, etc. used;
2. Mix ratio of components used; and
3. VOC content of coatings, as applied, less water and exempt solvents, in pounds per gallon.
(b) Daily records shall be maintained which shall include:
1. Identification of applied coatings pursuant to Part (8)(a)1. and
2. Quantity of each coating applied.
(c) Monthly records shall be maintained which shall include:
1. Type of solvent used for cleanup and/or surface preparation, and
2. Quantity of each solvent, cleaner, etc. used.
(d) MSDS or other data sheets provided by the material manufacturer and/or its agent shall be maintained and readily retrievable for each item listed pursuant to Part (8)(a)1. and shall include as a minimum the designation of VOC content as supplied, expressed in lbs/gal, less water and exempt compounds;
(e) Records specified in this section shall be retained and readily available for inspection by EPA; Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Air Pollution Control; Nashville and Davidson County Metropolitan Health Department, Air Pollution Division; and each record shall be maintained for 5 years.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-03-18-.45

Original rule filed November 3, 1995; effective January 17, 1996.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201 et. seq. and 68-201-105.