Section 1100-01-01-.10 - PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATIONS(1) The Board may order a psychological evaluation of any inmate, where they believe it appropriate.(2) Psychological evaluations for sex offenders must meet the standards cited in T.C.A. § 40-28-116 or the standard that was in effect at the time such inmate committed the sex offense for which they are currently serving their sentence. Such certification is required before any inmate convicted of a sex crime is released on parole.(3) Such evaluations are not required prior to a sex offender's parole hearing but only prior to a sex offender's release on parole.(4) Prisoners who have been convicted of a sex offense shall not be released on mandatory parole unless they have been evaluated and meet the statutory requirement described in T.C.A. § 40-28-116.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1100-01-01-.10
Original rule filed December 6, 1979; effective January 20, 1980. Amendment filed March 11, 1985; effective April 10, 1985. Amendment filed April 18, 1986; effective July 14, 1986. Repeal and new rule filed August 31, 1990; effective November 28, 1990. Repeal and new rule filed May 5, 2009; effective September 28, 2009. Repeal and new rules filed December 14, 2018; effective 3/14/2019.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 40-28-104, 40-28-106, 40-28-116, 40-28-117, and 40-35-503.