Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0780-02-09-.03

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0780-02-09-.03 - [Effective until 3/23/2025] REQUIRED DOCUMENTS
(1) A person, or person's designee, who retains a third-party plans examiner and has exhausted the exempt jurisdiction's review process and is requesting the Division review the building plans shall submit documents for review in accordance with the procedures determined by the Division.
(2) The person, or person's designee, shall submit all required documents as described in Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0780-02-09-.03 pursuant to T.C.A. § 68-120-101(k).
(3) For review of plans, the person, or designee, that engages a third-party plans examiner to examine plans and specifications prior to construction as required by T.C.A. § 68-120-101(k)(2)(D)(i) shall provide the following to the Division in a manner approved by the Division for review and approval:
(a) A copy of the withdrawal of review filed with the exempt jurisdiction;
(b) The appropriate fee as established in Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0780-02-03, Review of Plans and Specifications;
(c) The name of the exempt jurisdiction with a statement of all applicable codes of the exempt jurisdiction and the codes used to perform the plans examination, and any modifications to the prescriptive code that were granted by the exempt jurisdiction;
(d) Stamped and sealed copy(ies) of all plans and shop drawings, if required;
(e) The building name and intended address;
(f) For each discipline of code review, the third-party plans examiner's name and registration number assigned by the Division;
(g) The local building official's and fire official's names and contact information;
(h) A statement under penalty of perjury by the third-party plans examiner declaring the plans comply with the applicable codes and no deficiencies remain;
(i) Copies of any local ordinances and local amendments to the code that govern the review;
(j) The occupancy classification of the structure;
(k) An affidavit from the third-party plans examiner that no conflict of interest exists between the party requesting the third-party and the third-party conducting the review; and
(l) Any other documents deemed necessary by the Division after initial review to ensure compliance with applicable codes.
(4) The person, or designee, who engages a third-party inspector to conduct commercial, electrical, or residential building construction inspections as required by T.C.A. § 68-120-101(k)(3)(D)(i), and has exhausted the exempt jurisdiction's review process and is requesting the Division to review the inspection report shall provide the following to the Division in a manner approved by the Division for review and approval:
(a) A copy of the withdrawal of review filed with the exempt jurisdiction;
(b) The appropriate fee as established in Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0780-02-09-.05;
(c) The name of the exempt jurisdiction with a statement of all applicable codes of the exempt jurisdiction and codes used to conduct the inspection and any equivalencies granted;
(d) Copy(ies) of the inspection report(s) and any proposed occupancy release(s);
(e) The building name and address;
(f) The third-party inspector's name and registration number assigned by the Division;
(g) The local building official's and fire official's names and contact information;
(h) The type of inspection conducted (including occupancy and inspection type);
(i) A statement under penalty of perjury by the third-party inspector declaring that no deficiencies of the applicable codes were identified or identifies all deficiencies of the applicable codes;
(j) Copies of any local ordinances and local amendments to the code used for the inspection;
(k) The occupancy classification for which the structure was inspected;
(l) An affidavit from the third-party inspector that no conflict of interest exists between the party requesting the third-party and the third-party conducting the review; and
(m) Any other documents deemed necessary by the Division to ensure compliance with applicable codes.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0780-02-09-.03

Emergency rules filed 9/24/2024; exp. through 3/23/2025 (Emergency).

Authority: Chapter 771, Public Acts of 2024 and T.C.A. § 68-120-101.