Section 0720-15-.10 - RECORDS AND REPORTS(1) Children's Records.(a) The following records shall be maintained at the PCCC and made available to the Department upon request. Each child shall have a record containing the following information: 1. A current information form which includes the child's name, date of birth, name of parent(s), child and parent's home address, parent's business address, phone numbers, work hours, social history, and the name and address (home and business or school) of a responsible person to contact in an emergency if parent(s) cannot be located promptly;2. Name, address and telephone number of a physician to call in case of an emergency;3. Written consent of parent(s) regarding emergency medical care;4. A transportation plan, including to whom the child will be released, and a clear policy concerning the release of the child(ren) to anyone whose behavior may place the child(ren) in immediate risk;5. Comprehensive protocol for care specifying the goals for care and methods for goal achievement and time frame for reviewing and revising the plan;6. A consent for treatment form signed by parent and PCCC representative;7. A medical history for the child, including notations from visits to health care providers;8. Before a preschool child older than eight weeks is accepted for care, he/she shall have proof of being age-appropriately immunized according to the current schedule authorized by the Tennessee Department of Health. (Children six through eight weeks of age may be enrolled before immunizations are begun.)9. If a child has any known allergies, they shall be indicated in the child's health record. Foreign-born children must also present evidence of tuberculosis screening. (See Appendix C)10. A copy of each infant/toddler's or preschool child's health history and immunization record, signed or stamped by a certified health care provider, shall be on file in the prescribed child care center and available to the appropriate staff. The health record shall be returned to the parent upon request when the child leaves the center.11. Exceptions to requirements 8. and 10. of this section may be made only if:(i) The child's physician or the health department provides a signed and dated statement, giving a medical reason why the child should not be given a specified immunization; or(ii) The child's parent provides a signed written statement that such immunizations conflict with his/her religious tenets and practices.12. Before an infant or toddler is accepted for care, the parent shall have proof of the child's physical examination within three months prior to admission, signed or stamped by a physician or health care provider. Each infant/toddler shall have on file an official health record of the first medical checkup and health history.13. Other requirements as set forth in Appendix C shall apply.14. Flow chart of treatments administered;15. Concise, accurate information and initialed case notes reflecting progress toward plan goal achievement or reasons for lack of progress;16. Documentation of nutritional management and special diets, as appropriate;17. Documentation of physical, occupational, speech and/or other special therapies;18. Daily attendance records for each child;19. Written permission for field trips away from the premises; and20. The same records shall be kept on infants/toddlers as on other children in the PCCC. In addition, each infant's/toddler's and any other non-verbal child's daily activities, including time and amount of feeding, time and amount of medication given, vital signs taken, elimination, times of diaper changes, sleep patterns, and developmental progress shall be recorded and shared with the parent(s) daily.(b) A child's records shall be kept for one year following the child's leaving the PCCC. (The health record shall be returned upon request when the child leaves the facility.)(2) The PCCC shall report all incidents of abuse, neglect, and misappropriation to the Department of Health in accordance with T.C.A. § 68-11-211.(3) The PCCC shall report the following incidents to the Department of Health in accordance with T.C.A. § 68-11-211. (a) Strike by staff at the facility;(b) External disasters impacting the facility;(c) Disruption of any service vital to the continued safe operation of the PCCC or to the health and safety of its patients and personnel; and(d) Fires at the PCCC that disrupt the provision of patient care services or cause harm to the patients or staff, or that are reported by the facility to any entity, including but not limited to a fire department charged with preventing fires.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0720-15-.10
Original rule filed June 13, 2002; effective August 27, 2002. Amendment filed Janaury 3, 2012; effective April 2, 2012. Transferred from chapter 1200-08-02 pursuant to Public Chapter 1119 of 2022 effective 7/1/2022.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 68-11-202, 68-11-204, 68-11-206, 68-11-209, and 68-11-211.