Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0455-01-05-.02

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0455-01-05-.02 - GROUNDS FOR DENIAL OF A LICENSE
(1) The following may be grounds for denial of a license:
(a) Failure to meet any requirement or standard established by law or by rules and regulations adopted by the Board.
(b) Engaging in fraud, misrepresentation, deception, or concealment of a material fact in applying for or securing licensure or taking any examination required for licensure.
(c) Having disciplinary action pending or having a license denied, conditionally issued, reprimanded, placed on probation, suspended, revoked, or voluntarily surrendered in another state, territory or country.
(d) Having been court-martialed or administratively discharged by a branch of the United States Armed Forces for any act or conduct that would constitute grounds for discipline.
(e) Any other reason authorized by law.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0455-01-05-.02

Emergency rule filed February 1, 2010; effective through July 31, 2010. New rule filed February 1, 2010; effective July 29, 2010. Rule petitioned March 1, 2010. Emergency rule filed February 1, 2010 expired effective August 1, 2010. Original rule filed July 26, 2010; effective October 24, 2010.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 20-9-605, 20-9-606, 20-9-607, 20-9-609, 20-9-610 and 20-9-612.