Each operator shall submit a Revegetation Plan in accordance with T.C.A. § 59-8-209 and Chapter 0400-42-05. Since most of the area mined for Ball Clay or covered by spoil will be returned to farmland or pasture, no specific planting requirements are established. However, the plan must provide for stablization of the area, as quickly as possible, after it has been disturbed in order to control erosion and siltation of streams and to return the area to productive use.
Areas covered by spoil shall be fertilized and seeded with legumes and/or perennial grasses immediately after grading while the surface is still loose and scarified. If seeding is not accomplished before the soil has become hardened, mulching will be required following seeding.
Standards for legumes and/or perennial grasses shall require at least an eighty percent (80%) ground cover. Bare areas shall not exceed 2,500 square feet (50 feet by 50 feet) in size, nor total more than twenty percent (20%) of the area seeded unless such areas are too stony to support vegetation.
Trees or shrubs shall be planted at a 6-foot by 6-foot spacing. Standards for woody plants shall require the survival of a minimum of six hundred (600) trees (including volunteer trees) and/or planted shrubs per acre. Distribution of stems shall be generally uniform, with no areas larger than one-fourth (1/4) acre with substandard stocking, that is, with spacing averaging more than seventy (70) square feet per stem.
After the vegetative cover has been inspected and approved, the operator shall submit his final report to the Commissioner and request release of the remaining portion of the performance bond still in force. No revegetation performance bonds will be released until the approved revegetation plan has been carried out unless the Commissioner determines that further efforts toward revegetation are impractical. No revegetation plans will be considered to have been carried out until satisfactory coverage and survival have been obtained.
Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-42-10-.04
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 59-8-201 et seq. and 4-5-201 et seq.