Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-12-01-.08
The purpose of this rule is to establish a system and schedule whereby certain fees shall be levied and collected by the Commissioner. Expenditures of such fees collected shall be restricted to operation of the hazardous waste management program established pursuant to the Act. Any unencumbered and any unexpended balance shall be maintained in the Tennessee Environmental Protection Fund (the "Fund").
The requirements of this rule apply as specified to the following persons:
Any person required to pay a fee under this rule shall submit the fee by check or money order or other method approved by the Commissioner in the specified amount, made payable to the Treasurer, State of Tennessee for deposit in the Tennessee Environmental Protection Fund. Submission of the fee shall be accompanied with appropriate supporting documentation as directed by the department and may include electronic forms, printable pages available through the internet, or manually prepared paper copies, or a combination of any of the above.
Any person identified in subparagraph (1)(b) of this rule applying to the Department for an Installation Identification Number on the Notification Forms provided by the Department shall submit as part of the request a fee as set forth below:
150 | dollars for a new site; |
150 | dollars for a change in ownership; |
150 | dollars for a site relocation; and |
100 | dollars for adding a new hazardous waste stream |
Any person who applies for a permit or a modification to a permit to transport hazardous wastes in Tennessee must submit a fee as set forth below:
200 | dollars with a permit application; and |
200 | dollars per permit modification. |
Any person who applies for a permit for a hazardous waste storage, treatment, or disposal facility must submit, as part of his Part A application and prior to application review, an application fee for each new or revised application as set forth below:
600 | dollars for an existing facility; or |
2,800 | dollars for a new facility. |
Any person who applies for a permit, or permit renewal, for a hazardous waste storage, treatment, or disposal facility must submit, as part of his Part B application and prior to application review, an application fee for each new or revised application as set forth below:
15,000 | dollars for a storage facility; |
15,000 | dollars for a treatment facility; |
30,000 | dollars for a disposal facility; and |
30,000 | dollars for a landfill site. |
37,500 | dollars for a storage facility; |
37,500 | dollars for a treatment facility; |
75,000 | dollars for a disposal facility; and |
75,000 | dollars for a landfill site. |
30,000 | dollars for a unit not previously permitted under a hazardous waste operating permit; and |
15,000 | dollars for a unit which previously operated under a hazardous waste operating permit. |
15,000 | dollars for a facility, as defined under Rule 0400-12-01-.01(2)(a), implementing corrective action under Rule 0400-12-01-.06(6)(l) not already included in subparts (i), (ii) or (iii) of this part. |
Any person who applies for modification or reissuance (following revocation) of his existing facility permit, order, or other enforceable document [refer to Rule 0400-12-01.07(9)] must submit, as part of his Part B application and prior to modification review, an application fee as set forth below:
9,700 | dollars for modification of a container or tank storage and/or treatment unit, thermal treatment unit, or drip pad, storage and/or treatment unit; |
12,500 | dollars for modification of a disposal unit, waste pile storage unit, containment building storage and/or treatment unit, surface impoundment storage and/or treatment unit, or other miscellaneous unit; and |
15,000 | dollars for modification of a post-closure unit. |
15,000 | dollars for modification of a container or tank storage and/or treatment unit, thermal treatment unit, or drip pad, storage, and/or treatment unit; |
15,000 | dollars for modification of any permit to include the final remedy for Solid Waste Management Units under corrective action requiring remediation and/or maintenance activities; |
30,000 | dollars for modification of a disposal unit, waste pile storage unit, containment building storage and/or treatment unit, surface impoundment storage and/or treatment unit, or other miscellaneous unit; and |
20,000 | dollars for modification of a post-closure unit. |
Any person required to submit a closure plan or post-closure plan [refer to Rule 0 40012-01-.05(7) and -.06(7)] for a hazardous waste facility must submit, as part of the closure or post-closure plan, and prior to plan review, an application fee, unless the above plan was reviewed as part of a permit application package, as set forth below:
2,800 | dollars for a closure plan; and |
2,800 | dollars for a post-closure plan. |
2,800 dollars for a closure plan; and
2,800 dollars for a post-closure plan.
300 | dollars for Class 1 Modification; |
850 | dollars for Class 11 Modification; |
1,100 | dollars for Class 2 Modification; and |
1,700 | dollars for Class 3 Modification. |
Any person who applies for an emergency permit (refer to Rule 0400-12-01-.07(1)(d) ) must submit, as part of the emergency permit application, an application fee of 2,400 dollars.
Any person who applies for a research, demonstration, and development permit (refer to Rule 0400-12-01-.07(1)(g) ) must submit, as part of the research, demonstration, and development permit application, an application fee of 2,800 dollars. An additional fee of 2,800 dollars is assessed for each renewal pursuant to Rule 0400-12-01-.07(1)(g) 4.
Any person who applies for a temporary authorization pursuant to Rule 0400-12-01-.07(9)(c) 5(v) must submit as part of the temporary authorization request, an application fee of 3,000 dollars. An additional fee of 300 dollars is assessed for the renewal pursuant to Rule 0400-12-01-.07(9)(c) 5(v)(IV).
(i) Hydrogeologic Report (Assessment Plan, Sampling and Analysis Plans, Groundwater Annual Reports, and Groundwater Monitoring Plan) | 180 days |
(ii) Closure Plan | 180 days |
(iii) Post-Closure Plan | 180 days |
(iv) Review of Part A Application for Completeness | 45 days |
(v) Initial Review of Part B Application and Class 3 Permit Modifications | 180 days |
(vi) Initial Review of Class 1 and 11 Modification | 60 days |
The owner or operator of each hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility in Tennessee having either a permit issued under the Act or interim status as provided under Rule 0400-12-01-.07(3) must submit to the Commissioner, by March 1 of each year, an annual permit maintenance fee as provided in this subparagraph.
Constructed Design Capacity | Amount |
1 - 5,000 gal. | $1,450 |
5,001 - 10,000 gal | 2,150 |
10,001 - 50,000 gal. | 4,250 |
50,001 - 100,000 gal. | 5,000 |
100,001 - 500,000 gal. | 5,700 |
500,001 - 1,000,000 gal. | 6,400 |
over 1,000,000 gal. | 7,100 |
Constructed Design Capacity | Amount |
1 - 5,000 gal. | $ 2,850 |
5,001 - 10,000 gal. | 4,250 |
10,001 - 50,000 gal. | 8,550 |
50,001 - 100,000 gal. | 9,950 |
100,001 - 500,000 gal. | 11,400 |
500,001 - 1,000,000 gal. | 12,800 |
over 1,000,000 gal. | 14,250 |
Constructed Design Capacity | Amount |
1 - 5,000 gpd | $2,850 |
5,001 - 10,000 gpd | 3,550 |
10,001 - 50,000 gpd | 4,250 |
50,001 - 100,000 gpd | 5,000 |
100,001 - 500,000 gpd | 5,700 |
500,001 - 1,000,000 gpd | 6,400 |
over 1,000,000 gpd | 7,100 |
Constructed Design Capacity | Amount |
1 - 5,000 gpd | $ 5,700 |
5,001 - 10,000 gpd | 7,100 |
10,001 - 50,000 gpd | 8,550 |
50,001 - 100,000 gpd | 9,950 |
100,001 - 500,000 gpd | 11,400 |
500,001 - 1,000,000 gpd | 12,800 |
over 1,000,000 gpd | 14,250 |
These fees are applicable only to facilities which require a permit under Rule 0400-12-01-.07 of the rules governing hazardous waste management for the State of Tennessee. The owner or operator of each facility shall be assessed an annual fee as set forth below:
700 | dollars per each acre-foot of remaining design capacity of landfill operations (to include waste piles and surface impoundments used for disposal and subject to closure as landfills); |
700 | dollars per each acre of remaining design capacity of land application operations; and |
1.50 | dollars per gallon per day (gpd) for the permitted injection capacity of injection well operations; |
(Note: This fee shall not exceed $22,500 in accordance with T.C.A. § 68-203-103(h)(19).)
1,400 | dollars per each acre-foot of remaining design capacity of landfill operations (to include waste piles and surface impoundments used for disposal and subject to closure as landfills); |
1,400 | dollars per each acre of remaining design capacity of land application operations; and |
1.50 | dollars per gallon per day (gpd) for the permitted injection capacity of injection well operations. |
(Note: This fee shall not exceed $75,000 in accordance with T.C.A. § 68-203-103(h)(15).)
These fees are applicable to facilities that require a permit, order, or other enforceable document under Rule 0400-12-01-.07 of the rules governing hazardous waste management for the State of Tennessee. The owner or operator shall be assessed an annual fee set forth below:
1,200 | dollars for each remediation system conducting active remediation for contaminated media. |
These fees are applicable to facilities that require corrective action for Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) under Rule 0400-12-01-.07(5)(e) and Rule 0400-12-01-.06(6)(l). The owner or operator shall be assessed an annual fee set forth below:
2,400 | dollars for Confirmatory Sampling |
4,800 | dollars for RCRA Facility Investigation |
3,600 | dollars for Corrective Measures Study |
2,400 | dollars for Interim Measures |
(Note: This fee does not apply to facilities that are reimbursing the State, pursuant to the Department of Defense/State Memorandum of Agreement, costs incurred by the State for corrective action activities at those facilities.)
The owner or operator of a universal waste destination facility, as defined in Rule 0 40012-01-.12, shall submit to the Commissioner an annual maintenance fee of 2,000 dollars within 30 days of the effective date of this rule and by March 1 of each year thereafter.
The owner or operator of a facility that processes and/or re-refines used oil, as defined in Rule 0400-12-01-.11, shall submit to the Commissioner an annual maintenance fee of 2,000 dollars within 30 days of the effective date of this rule and by March 1 of each year thereafter. This fee does not apply to used oil generators who solely process their own used oil generated at the same facility where processing is performed.
(Note: The fee exclusions in this subparagraph also apply to Department-approved remediation or corrective actions under the administration of the Tennessee Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Act and Tennessee Drycleaner's Environmental Response Act.)
(Note: The fee exclusion in part 2 of this subparagraph also applies to department approved remediation or corrective actions under the administration of the Tennessee Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Act and Tennessee Drycleaner's Environmental Response Act.)
The Director may include other handling codes for waste treatment methods in part (c)1 or part (d)1 of this paragraph on a case-by-case basis, based upon application by a generator.
These generator fees shall be paid no later than March 1 of each year for hazardous waste activities conducted the previous calendar year.
Prior to the beginning of any construction, at any unit, a permittee shall pay a Construction Inspection Fee for each item to be constructed based upon the class of modification of the item using Appendix I, Classification of Permit Modification, in Rule 0400-12-01-.07(10), as follows:
Class 3* | Class 2 | Class 11 | Class 1 | |
Storage Unit | $2,700 | $2,000 | $1,300 | $300 |
Treatment Unit | $5,350 | $4,000 | $2,700 | $550 |
Disposal Unit | $5,350 | $4,000 | $2,700 | $550 |
Post Closure Unit | $5,350 | $4,000 | $2,700 | $550 |
*Also applies to newly permitted units not as yet constructed.
Any person who requests approval by the Department of a mixed waste treatment plan is assessed a mixed waste treatment plan review fee that is equal to all cost associated with the Department's review of the initial mixed waste treatment plan, any update to the mixed waste treatment plan, and/or any revision(s) to the mixed waste treatment plan. Costs shall include, but not be limited to mileage, lab expense, the current hourly rate and benefits for the Department's employees actively involved in review activities, including preparation for and attendance at meetings, the current Department overhead rate, and costs billed by Department contractor(s). Costs shall not include Part A and Part B permit review expenses that are recovered through other applicable fees. The Department shall provide a person subject to this rule with quarterly statements reflecting review cost posted during the previous quarter. All review costs reflected on a person's quarterly statement shall be paid to the Department within thirty (30) days of their receipt of the invoice.
In addition to all other fees imposed by this Chapter, Tennessee facilities with a hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal permit are assessed a hazardous waste tipping fee based on the amount of hazardous waste received from off-site as set forth below:
Pounds Received | Fee Amount |
1 - 100,000 pounds | $ 1,200 |
100,001 - 500,000 pounds | $ 4,700 |
500,001 - 1,000,000 pounds | $ 8,200 |
1,000,001 - 5,000,000 pounds | $ 11,700 |
5,000,001 - 10,000,000 pounds | $ 17,550 |
10,000,001 - 20,000,000 pounds | $ 23,350 |
over 20,000,000 pounds | $ 29,200 |
11,700 | dollars for a Trial Burn Plan for each type of unit; |
11,700 | dollars for a Risk Burn Plan for each type of unit; |
5,000 | dollars for a Certificate of Compliance Plan for each type of unit; |
11,700 | dollars for a Facility Risk Assessment and/or Risk Evaluation Plan associated with a land based unit; |
11,700 | dollars for a Facility Risk Assessment and/or Risk Evaluation Plan associated with a combustion unit; |
11,700 | dollars for the initial Dispersion Model and Direct Human Health Risk Assessment; |
5,850 | dollars for Periodic Modeling and Direct Human Health Risk Assessment; |
3,000 | dollars for each variance or waiver request regardless of whether the variance or waiver request is approved or denied; |
650 | dollars for each variance or waiver renewal request regardless of whether the variance or waiver request is approved or denied; |
500 | dollars for a contained-in determination; |
50 | dollars per hour for the staff time required to research and prepare a written response from the Division to a request of an official regulatory interpretation, including, but not limited to, waste determinations, recycling, exclusions, exemptions, etc. |
250 | dollars for each accidental spill or accidental discharge (of hazardous waste or other material, which when spilled or discharged becomes a hazardous waste) where Division staff responds by a site visit or inspection to confirm an adequate response but not requiring Division oversight of the investigation and/or remediation of soil, groundwater, or surface water and/or sediment; |
500 | dollars for each accidental spill or accidental discharge (of hazardous waste or other material, which when spilled or discharged becomes a hazardous waste) requiring investigation and/or remediation of soil, groundwater, or surface water and/or sediment, provided such investigation/remediation is overseen by the Division of Solid Waste Management (this oversight requires ten [10] hours or less of staff time); |
1,000 | dollars for each accidental spill or accidental discharge (of hazardous waste or other material, which, when spilled or discharged, becomes a hazardous waste) requiring investigation and/or remediation of soil, groundwater, or surface water and/or sediment, provided such investigation/remediation is overseen by the Division of Solid Waste Management (this oversight requires over ten [10] hours but under twenty-four [24] hours of staff time); and |
2,000 | dollars for each spill or accidental discharge (of hazardous waste, or other material which, when spilled or discharged, becomes a hazardous waste) requiring investigation and/or remediation of soil, groundwater, or surface water and/or sediment, provided such investigation/remediation is overseen by the Division of Solid Waste Management (the oversight requires twenty-four [24] hours or more of staff time). |
2,500 | dollars for each chromium waste stream applicable to the exclusion in subpart (1)(d)2(vi) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02. |
Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-12-01-.08
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201, et seq.; 68-203-101, et seq.; and 68-212-101, et seq.