Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-12-01-.02
(Note: The term "spent material" includes any material that has been used and is no longer fit for use without being regenerated, reclaimed or otherwise reprocessed.) (Note: As used in the definition of spent materials, "contamination" includes any impurity, factor, or circumstance which causes the material to be taken out of service.)
(Note: The term "by-product" includes residues that result from manufacturing or other operations that are not one of the primary products that are produced.) (Note: The term "co-product" means a material produced for use by the general public and suitable for end use essentially as-is.)
Materials noted with a "---" in column 3 of Table 1 are not solid wastes when reclaimed. Materials noted with a "*" in column 3 of Table 1 are solid wastes when reclaimed unless they meet the requirements of subparts (d)1(xvii), (xxiii), (xxiv) or (xxvii) of this paragraph.
Materials noted with a "*" in column 4 of Table 1 are solid wastes when accumulated speculatively.
Table 1 | ||||
Use constituting disposal (subpart (1)(b)3(i) of this rule) | Energy recovery/fuel (subpart (1)(b)3(ii) of this rule) | Reclamation (subpart (1)(b)3(iii) of this rule) except as provided in subpart (1)(d)1(xvii), (xxiii), (xxiv) or (xxvii) of this rule | Speculative accumulation (subpart (1)(b)3(iv) of this rule) | |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | |
Spent Materials | (*) | (*) | (*) | (*) |
Sludges [listed in Rule 0400-12-01-.02(4)(b) or (c)] | (*) | (*) | (*) | (*) |
Sludges exhibiting a characteristic of hazardous waste | (*) | (*) | _ | (*) |
By-products [listed in Rule 0400-12-01-.02(4)(b) or (c)] | (*) | (*) | (*) | (*) |
By-products exhibiting a characteristic of hazardous waste | (*) | (*) | _ | (*) |
Commercial chemical products listed in Rule 0400-12-01-.02(4)(d) | (*) | (*) | _ | _ |
Scrap metal that is not excluded under Rule 0400-12-01-.02(1)(d) 1(xiii) | (*) | (*) | (*) | (*) |
(Note: The terms "spent materials", "sludges", "by-products", "scrap metal" and "processed scrap metal" are defined in part (1)(a)3 of this rule.)
(Note: Unused commercial chemical products and unused manufactured articles, which are not listed in subparagraph (4) (d) of this rule, that exhibit a characteristic of hazardous waste in accordance with paragraph (3) of this rule shall have the same status as commercial chemical products listed in subparagraph (4)(d) of this rule when reclaimed. These non-listed commercial chemical products or manufactured articles are not solid waste when legitimately recycled except when they are recycled in ways that differ from their normal manner of use.)
The following materials are solid wastes when they are recycled in any manner:
Respondents in actions to enforce regulations implementing the Act and Chapter 0400-12-01 who raise a claim that a certain material is not a solid waste, or is conditionally exempt from regulation, must demonstrate that there is a known market or disposition for the material, and that they meet the terms of the exclusion or exemption. In doing so, they must provide appropriate documentation (such as contracts showing that a second person uses the material as an ingredient in a production process) to demonstrate that the material is not a waste, or is exempt from regulation. In addition, owners or operators of facilities claiming that they actually are recycling materials must show that they have the necessary equipment to do so.
A hazardous secondary material found to be sham recycled is considered discarded and a solid waste. Sham recycling is recycling that is not legitimate recycling as defined in subparagraph (5)(d) of Rule 0400-12-01-.01.
Used oil containing more than 1000 ppm total halogens is presumed to be a hazardous waste because it has been mixed with halogenated hazardous waste listed in paragraph (4) of this rule. Persons may rebut this presumption by demonstrating that the used oil does not contain hazardous waste (for example, to show that the used oil does not contain significant concentrations of halogenated hazardous constituents listed in appendix VIII of paragraph (30) of this rule).
Constituent | Maximum for any single composite sample-TCLP (mg/l) |
Generic exclusion levels for K061 and K062 nonwastewater HTMR residues | |
Antimony | 0.10 |
Arsenic | 0.50 |
Barium | 7.6 |
Beryllium | 0.010 |
Cadmium | 0.050 |
Chromium (total) | 0.33 |
Lead | 0.15 |
Mercury | 0.009 |
Nickel | 1.0 |
Selenium | 0.16 |
Silver | 0.30 |
Thallium | 0.020 |
Zinc | 70 |
Generic exclusion levels for F006 nonwastewater HTMR residues | |
Antimony | 0.10 |
Arsenic | 0.50 |
Barium | 7.6 |
Beryllium | 0.010 |
Cadmium | 0.050 |
Chromium (total) | 0.33 |
Cyanide (total) (mg/kg) | 1.8 |
Lead | 0.15 |
Mercury | 0.009 |
Nickel | 1.0 |
Selenium | 0.16 |
Silver | 0.30 |
Thallium | 0.020 |
Zinc | 70 |
(Comment: This exclusion does not exclude waste/wastewaters while they are being generated, collected, stored, or treated before entering the sewer system. This exclusion applies when the material enters the sewer system where it will mix with sanitary wastes at any point before reaching the POTW whereupon this material is regulated under water pollution statutes and regulations. This material is subject to all applicable reporting, monitoring, and permitting requirements of the T.C.A. §§ 68-221-101, 69-3-101 to -148 and the associated regulations. Management of this material must be in compliance with all applicable authorization (permits, etc.) associated with disposal into a POTW for subsequent treatment.)
(Comment: This exclusion applies only to the actual point source discharge. It does not exclude industrial wastewaters while they are being collected, stored or treated before discharge, nor does it exclude sludges that are generated by industrial wastewater treatment.)
(Note: As used in this subpart, "production process" includes those activities that tie directly into the manufacturing operation or those activities that are the primary operation at an establishment.)
Constituent | Maximum Allowable Total Concentration in Fertilizer, per Unit (1%) of Zinc (ppm) |
Arsenic | 0.3 |
Cadmium | 1.4 |
Chromium | 0.6 |
Lead | 2.8 |
Mercury | 0.3 |
The following wastes are not hazardous wastes:
Samples undergoing treatability studies and the laboratory or testing facility conducting such treatability studies (to the extent such facilities are not otherwise subject to the requirements under this Chapter) are not subject to any requirement of this Chapter provided that the conditions of subparts (i) through (xi) of this part are met. A mobile treatment unit (MTU) may qualify as a testing facility subject to subparts (i) through (xi) of this part. Where a group of MTUs are located at the same site, the limitations specified in subparts (i) through (xi) of this part apply to the entire group of MTUs collectively as if the group were one MTU.
"I certify under penalty of law that the carbon dioxide stream that I am claiming to be excluded under part (1)(d)8 of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 has not been mixed with hazardous wastes, and I have transported the carbon dioxide stream in compliance with (or have contracted with a pipeline operator or transporter to transport the carbon dioxide stream in compliance with) Department of Transportation requirements, including the pipeline safety laws (49 U.S.C. 60101 et seq.) and regulations (49 CFR Parts 190-199) of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and the pipeline safety regulations adopted and administered by a state authority pursuant to a certification under 49 U.S.C. 60105, as applicable, for injection into a well subject to the requirements for the Class VI Underground Injection Control Program of the Safe Drinking Water Act. As specified in Tennessee Code Annotated Section 39-16-702(a)(4), this declaration is made under penalty of perjury."
"I certify under penalty of law that the carbon dioxide stream that I am claiming to be excluded under part (1)(d)8 of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 has not been mixed with, or otherwise co-injected with, hazardous waste at the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class VI permitted facility, and that injection of the carbon dioxide stream is in compliance with the applicable requirements for UIC Class VI wells, including the applicable requirements in 40 CFR Parts 144 and 146. As specified in Tennessee Code Annotated Section 39-16-702(a)(4), this declaration is made under penalty of perjury."
The disposal of PCB-containing dielectric fluid and electric equipment containing such fluid authorized for use and regulated under part 761 and that are hazardous only because they fail the test for the Toxicity Characteristic (Hazardous Waste Codes D018 through D043 only) are exempt from regulation under Rule 0400-12-01-.02 through .08 and .10.
Nothing in these rules shall exclude persons whose waste is nonhazardous or otherwise excluded from these rules from the requirements of the "Tennessee Solid Waste Disposal Act" (T.C.A. §§ 68-211-101 et seq.) and applicable regulations or from other applicable State, local or Federal laws.
The wastes listed in this subparagraph are exempt from regulation under Rules 0400-12-01-.03 through 0400-12-01-.07, 0400-12-01-.09, and 0400-12-01-.10 except as specified in Rule 0400-12-01-.12 and, therefore, are not fully regulated as hazardous waste. The wastes listed in this subparagraph are subject to regulation under Rule 0400-12-01-.12:
(Note: Substances will be listed in paragraph (30) Appendix VIII of this rule only if they have been shown in scientific studies to have toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic effects on humans or other life forms.)
(Note: Wastes listed in accordance with these criteria will be designated Toxic wastes.)
(Comment: Rule 0400-12-01-.03(1)(b) sets forth the generator's responsibility to determine whether his waste exhibits one or more of the characteristics identified in this paragraph.)
(Comment: Since the paragraph (30) Appendix I of this rule sampling methods are not being formally adopted by the Board, a person who desires to employ an alternative sampling method is not required to demonstrate the equivalency of his method under the procedures set forth in paragraph (3) of Rule 0400-12-01-.01.)
An oxidizer for the purpose of this rule is a substance such as a chlorate, permanganate, inorganic peroxide, or a nitrate, that yields oxygen readily to stimulate the combustion of organic matter.
Table 1. - Maximum Concentration of Contaminants for the Toxicity Characteristic | |||
HW Code No.1 | Contaminant | CAS No.2 | Regulatory Level (mg/L) |
D004 | Arsenic | 7440-38-2 | 5.0 |
D005 | Barium | 7440-39-3 | 100.0 |
D018 | Benzene | 71-43-2 | 0.5 |
D006 | Cadmium | 7440-43-9 | 1.0 |
D019 | Carbon tetrachloride | 56-23-5 | 0.5 |
D020 | Chlordane | 57-74-9 | 0.03 |
D021 | Chlorobenzene | 108-90-7 | 100.0 |
D022 | Chloroform | 67-66-3 | 6.0 |
D007 | Chromium | 7440-47-3 | 5.0 |
D023 | o-Cresol | 95-48-7 | 4200.0 |
D024 | m-Cresol | 108-39-4 | 4200.0 |
D025 | p-Cresol | 106-44-5 | 4200.0 |
D026 | Cresol | 4200.0 | |
D016 | 2,4-D | 94-75-7 | 10.0 |
D027 | 1,4-Dichlorobenzene | 106-46-7 | 7.5 |
D028 | 1,2-Dichloroethane | 107-06-2 | 0.5 |
D029 | 1,1-Dichloroethylene | 75-35-4 | 0.7 |
D030 | 2,4-Dinitrotoluene | 121-14-2 | 30.13 |
D012 | Endrin | 72-20-8 | 0.02 |
D031 | Heptachlor (and its epoxide) | 76-44-8 | 0.008 |
D032 | Hexachlorobenzene | 118-74-1 | 30.13 |
D033 | Hexachlorobutadiene | 87-68-3 | 0.5 |
D034 | Hexachloroethane | 67-72-1 | 3.0 |
D008 | Lead | 7439-92-1 | 5.0 |
D013 | Lindane | 58-89-9 | 0.4 |
D009 | Mercury | 7439-97-6 | 0.2 |
D014 | Methoxychlor | 72-43-5 | 10.0 |
D035 | Methyl ethyl ketone | 78-93-3 | 200.0 |
D036 | Nitrobenzene | 98-95-3 | 2.0 |
D037 | Pentachlorophenol | 87-86-5 | 100.0 |
D038 | Pyridine | 110-86-1 | 35.0 |
D010 | Selenium | 7782-49-2 | 1.0 |
D011 | Silver | 7440-22-4 | 5.0 |
D039 | Tetrachloroethylene | 127-18-4 | 0.7 |
D015 | Toxaphene | 8001-35-2 | 0.5 |
D040 | Trichloroethylene | 79-01-6 | 0.5 |
D041 | 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol | 95-95-4 | 400.0 |
D042 | 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol | 88-06-2 | 2.0 |
D017 | 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) | 93-72-1 | 1.0 |
D043 | Vinyl chloride | 75-01-4 | 0.2 |
FOOTNOTE: 1Hazardous waste number.
FOOTNOTE: 2Chemical abstracts service number.
FOOTNOTE: 3Quantitation limit is greater than the calculated regulatory level. The quantitation limit therefore becomes the regulatory level.
FOOTNOTE: 4If o-, m-, and p-Cresol concentrations cannot be differentiated, the total cresol (D026) concentration is used. The regulatory level of total cresol is 200 mg/l.
Ignitable Waste (I)
Corrosive Waste (C)
Reactive Waste (R)
Toxicity Characteristic Waste (E)
Acute Hazardous Waste (H)
Toxic Waste (T)
Paragraph (30) Appendix VII of this rule identifies the constituent which caused the Board to list the waste as a Toxicity Characteristic Waste (E) or Toxic Waste (T) in subparagraphs (b) and (c) of this paragraph.
Industry and Hazardous Waste Code | Hazardous Waste | Hazard Code |
Generic: | ||
F001 | The following spent halogenated solvents used in degreasing: Tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene, methylene chloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride, and chlorinated fluorocarbons; all spent solvent mixtures/blends used in degreasing containing, before use, a total of ten percent or more (by volume) of one or more of the above halogenated solvents or those solvents listed in F002, F004, and F005; and still bottoms from the recovery of these spent solvents and spent solvent mixtures. | (T) |
F002 | The following spent halogenated solvents: Tetrachloroethylene, methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, chlorobenzene, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, ortho-dichlorobenzene, trichlorofluoromethane, and 1,1,2-trichloroethane; all spent solvent mixtures/blends containing, before use, a total of ten percent or more (by volume) of one or more of the above halogenated solvents or those listed in F001, F004, or F005; and still bottoms from the recovery of these spent solvents and spent solvent mixtures. | (T) |
F003 | The following spent non-halogenated solvents: Xylene, acetone, ethyl acetate, ethyl benzene, ethyl ether, methyl isobutyl ketone, n-butyl alcohol, cyclohexanone, and methanol; all spent solvent mixtures/blends containing, before use, only the above spent non-halogenated solvents; and all spent solvent mixtures/blends containing, before use, one or more of the above non-halogenated solvents, and, a total of ten percent or more (by volume) of one or more of those solvents listed in F001, F002, F004, and F005; and still bottoms from the recovery of these spent solvents and spent solvent mixtures. | (I)* |
F004 | The following spent non-halogenated solvents: Cresols and cresylic acid, and nitrobenzene; all spent solvent mixtures/blends containing, before use, a total of ten percent or more (by volume) of one or more of the above non-halogenated solvents or those solvents listed in F001, F002, and F005; and still bottoms from the recovery of these spent solvents and spent solvent mixtures. | (T) |
F005 | The following spent non-halogenated solvents: Toluene, methyl ethyl ketone, carbon disulfide, isobutanol, pyridine, benzene, 2-ethoxyethanol, and 2-nitropropane; all spent solvent mixtures/blends containing, before use, a total of ten percent or more (by volume) of one or more of the above non-halogenated solvents or those solvents listed in F001, F002, or F004; and still bottoms from the recovery of these spent solvents and spent solvent mixtures. | (I, T) |
F006 | Wastewater treatment sludges from electroplating operations except from the following processes: (1) Sulfuric acid anodizing of aluminum; (2) tin plating on carbon steel; (3) zinc plating (segregated basis) on carbon steel; (4) aluminum or zinc-aluminum plating on carbon steel; (5) cleaning/stripping associated with tin, zinc and aluminum plating on carbon steel; and (6) chemical etching and milling of aluminum. | (T) |
F007 | Spent cyanide plating bath solutions from electroplating operations. | (R, T) |
F008 | Plating bath residues from the bottom of plating baths from electroplating operations where cyanides are used in the process. | (R, T) |
F009 | Spent stripping and cleaning bath solutions from electroplating operations where cyanides are used in the process. | (R, T) |
F010 | Quenching bath residues from oil baths from metal heat treating operations where cyanides are used in the process. | (R, T) |
F011 | Spent cyanide solutions from salt bath pot cleaning from metal heat treating operations. | (R, T) |
F012 | Quenching waste water treatment sludges from metal heat treating operations where cyanides are used in the process. | (T) |
F019 | Wastewater treatment sludges from the chemical conversion coating of aluminum except from zirconium phosphating in aluminum can washing when such phosphating is an exclusive conversion coating process. Wastewater treatment sludges from the manufacturing of motor vehicles using a zinc phosphating process will not be subject to this listing at the point of generation if the wastes are not placed outside on the land prior to shipment to a landfill for disposal and are either: disposed in a Subtitle D municipal or industrial landfill unit that is equipped with a single clay liner and is permitted, licensed or otherwise authorized by the state; or disposed in a landfill unit subject to, or otherwise meeting, the landfill requirements in 40 C.F.R. § 258.40 or the state equivalent, Rule 0400-12-01-.06(14)(b) or Rule 0400-12-01-.05(14)(b). For the purposes of this listing, motor vehicle manufacturing is defined in item 2(iv)(I) of this subparagraph and item 2(iv)(II) of this subparagraph describes the recordkeeping requirements for motor vehicle manufacturing facilities. | (T) |
F020 | Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from hydrogen chloride purification) from the production or manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate, or component in a formulating process) of tri- or tetrachlorophenol, or of intermediates used to produce their pesticide derivatives. (This listing does not include wastes from the production of Hexachlorophene from highly purified 2,4,5-trichlorophenol.). | (H) |
F021 | Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from hydrogen chloride purification) from the production or manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate, or component in a formulating process) of pentachlorophenol, or of intermediates used to produce its derivatives. | (H) |
F022 | Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from hydrogen chloride purification) from the manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate, or component in a formulating process) of tetra-, penta-, or hexachlorobenzenes under alkaline conditions. | (H) |
F023 | Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from hydrogen chloride purification) from the production of materials on equipment previously used for the production or manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate, or component in a formulating process) of tri- and tetrachlorophenols. (This listing does not include wastes from equipment used only for the production or use of Hexachlorophene from highly purified 2,4,5-trichlorophenol.). | (H) |
F024 | Process wastes, including but not limited to, distillation residues, heavy ends, tars, and reactor clean-out wastes, from the production of certain chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons by free radical catalyzed processes. These chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons are those having carbon chain lengths ranging from one to and including five, with varying amounts and positions of chlorine substitution. (This listing does not include wastewaters, wastewater treatment sludges, spent catalysts, and wastes listed in subparagraph (b) or (c) of this paragraph.). | (T) |
F025 | Condensed light ends, spent filters and filter aids, and spent desiccant wastes from the production of certain chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons, by free radical catalyzed processes. These chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons are those having carbon chain lengths ranging from one to and including five, with varying amounts and positions of chlorine substitution. | (T) |
F026 | Wastes (except wastewater and spent carbon from hydrogen chloride purification) from the production of materials on equipment previously used for the manufacturing use (as a reactant, chemical intermediate, or component in a formulating process) of tetra-, penta-, or hexachlorobenzene under alkaline conditions. | (H) |
F027 | Discarded unused formulations containing tri-, tetra-, or pentachlorophenol or discarded unused formulations containing compounds derived from these chlorophenols. (This listing does not include formulations containing Hexachlorophene synthesized from prepurified 2,4,5-trichlorophenol as the sole component.). | (H) |
F028 | Residues resulting from the incineration or thermal treatment of soil contaminated with Hazardous Waste Codes F020, F021, F022, F023, F026, and F027. | (T) |
F032 | Wastewaters (except those that have not come into contact with process contaminants), process residuals, preservative drippage, and spent formulations from wood preserving processes generated at plants that currently use or have previously used chlorophenolic formulations (except potentially cross-contaminated wastes that have had the F032 waste code deleted in accordance with subparagraph (f) of this paragraph or potentially cross-contaminated wastes that are otherwise currently regulated as hazardous wastes (i.e., F034 or F035), and where the generator does not resume or initiate use of chlorophenolic formulations). This listing does not include K001 bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewater from wood preserving processes that use creosote and/or pentachlorophenol | (T) |
F034 | Wastewaters (except those that have not come into contact with process contaminants), process residuals, preservative drippage, and spent formulations from wood preserving processes generated at plants that use creosote formulations. This listing does not include K001 bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewater from wood preserving processes that use creosote and/or pentachlorophenol | (T) |
F035 | Wastewaters (except those that have not come into contact with process contaminants), process residuals, preservative drippage, and spent formulations from wood preserving processes generated at plants that use inorganic preservatives containing arsenic or chromium. This listing does not include K001 bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewater from wood preserving processes that use creosote and/or pentachlorophenol | (T) |
F037 | Petroleum refinery primary oil/water/solids separation sludge-Any sludge generated from the gravitational separation of oil/water/solids during the storage or treatment of process wastewaters and oily cooling wastewaters from petroleum refineries. Such sludges include, but are not limited to, those generated in oil/water/solids separators; tanks and impoundments; ditches and other conveyances; sumps; and stormwater units receiving dry weather flow. Sludge generated in stormwater units that do not receive dry weather flow, sludges generated from non-contact once-through cooling waters segregated for treatment from other process or oily cooling waters, sludges generated in aggressive biological treatment units as defined in subpart 2(ii) of this subparagraph (including sludges generated in one or more additional units after wastewaters have been treated in aggressive biological treatment units) and K051 wastes are not included in this listing. This listing does include residuals generated from processing or recycling oil-bearing hazardous secondary materials excluded under item (1)(d)1(xii)(I) of this rule, if those residuals are to be disposed of. | (T) |
F038 | Petroleum refinery secondary (emulsified) oil/water/solids separation sludge-Any sludge and/or float generated from the physical and/or chemical separation of oil/water/solids in process wastewaters and oily cooling wastewaters from petroleum refineries. Such wastes include, but are not limited to, all sludges and floats generated in: induced air flotation (IAF) units, tanks and impoundments, and all sludges generated in DAF units. Sludges generated in stormwater units that do not receive dry weather flow, sludges generated from non-contact once-through cooling waters segregated for treatment from other process or oily cooling waters, sludges and floats generated in aggressive biological treatment units as defined in subpart 2(ii) of this paragraph (including sludges and floats generated in one or more additional units after wastewaters have been treated in aggressive biological treatment units) and F037, K048, and K051 wastes are not included in this listing. This listing does include residuals generated from processing or recycling oil-bearing hazardous secondary materials excluded under item (1)(d)1(xii)(I) of this rule, if those residuals are to be disposed of. | (T) |
F039 | Leachate (liquids that have percolated through land disposed wastes) resulting from the disposal of more than one restricted waste classified as hazardous under this paragraph. (Leachate resulting from the disposal of one or more of the following Hazardous Wastes and no other Hazardous Wastes retains its Hazardous Waste Code(s): F020, F021, F022, F026, F027, and/or F028.). | (T) |
* (I, T,) should be used to specify mixtures that are ignitable and contain toxic constituents.
(R, T) should be used to specify mixtures that are reactive and contain toxic constituents.
Industry and Hazardous Waste Code | Hazardous Waste | Hazard Code |
Wood preservation: | ||
K001 | Bottom sediment sludge from the treatment of wastewaters from wood preserving processes that use creosote and/or pentachlorophenol. | (T) |
Inorganic pigments: | ||
K002 | Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome yellow and orange pigments. | (T) |
K003 | Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of molybdate orange pigments. | (T) |
K004 | Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of zinc yellow pigments. | (T) |
K005 | Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome green pigments. | (T) |
K006 | Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chrome oxide green pigments (anhydrous and hydrated). | (T) |
K007 | Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of iron blue pigments. | (T) |
K008 | Oven residue from the production of chrome oxide green pigments. | (T) |
Organic chemicals: | ||
K009 | Distillation bottoms from the production of acetaldehyde from ethylene. | (T) |
K010 | Distillation side cuts from the production of acetaldehyde from ethylene. | (T) |
K011 | Bottom stream from the wastewater stripper in the production of acrylonitrile. | (R, T) |
K013 | Bottom stream from the acetonitrile column in the production of acrylonitrile. | (R, T) |
K014 | Bottoms from the acetonitrile purification column in the production of acrylonitrile. | (T) |
K015 | Still bottoms from the distillation of benzyl chloride. | (T) |
K016 | Heavy ends or distillation residues from the production of carbon tetrachloride. | (T) |
K017 | Heavy ends (still bottoms) from the purification column in the production of epichlorohydrin. | (T) |
K018 | Heavy ends from the fractionation column in ethyl chloride production. | (T) |
K019 | Heavy ends from the distillation of ethylene dichloride in ethylene dichloride production. | (T) |
K020 | Heavy ends from the distillation of vinyl chloride in vinyl chloride monomer production. | (T) |
K021 | Aqueous spent antimony catalyst waste from fluoromethanes production. | (T) |
K022 | Distillation bottom tars from the production of phenol/acetone from cumene. | (T) |
K023 | Distillation light ends from the production of phthalic anhydride from naphthalene. | (T) |
K024 | Distillation bottoms from the production of phthalic anhydride from naphthalene. | (T) |
K025 | Distillation bottoms from the production of nitrobenzene by the nitration of benzene. | (T) |
K026 | Stripping still tails from the production of methyl ethyl pyridines. | (T) |
K027 | Centrifuge and distillation residues from toluene diisocyanate production. | (R, T) |
K028 | Spent catalyst from the hydrochlorinator reactor in the production of 1,1,1-trichloroethane. | (T) |
K029 | Waste from the product steam stripper in the production of 1,1,1-trichloroethane. | (T) |
K030 | Column bottoms or heavy ends from the combined production of trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene. | (T) |
K083 | Distillation bottoms from aniline production. | (T) |
K085 | Distillation or fractionation column bottoms from the production of chlorobenzenes. | (T) |
K093 | Distillation light ends from the production of phthalic anhydride from ortho-xylene. | (T) |
K094 | Distillation bottoms from the production of phthalic anhydride from ortho-xylene. | (T) |
K095 | Distillation bottoms from the production of 1,1,1-trichloroethane. | (T) |
K096 | Heavy ends from the heavy ends column from the production of 1,1,1-trichloroethane. | (T) |
K103 | Process residues from aniline extraction from the production of aniline. | (T) |
K104 | Combined wastewater streams generated from nitrobenzene/aniline production. | (T) |
K105 | Separated aqueous stream from the reactor product washing step in the production of chlorobenzenes. | (T) |
K107 | Column bottoms from product separation from the production of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) from carboxylic acid hydrazides. | (C,T) |
K108 | Condensed column overheads from product separation and condensed reactor vent gases from the production of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) from carboxylic acid hydrazides. | (I,T) |
K109 | Spent filter cartridges from product purification from the production of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) from carboxylic acid hydrazides. | (T) |
K110 | Condensed column overheads from intermediate separation from the production of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) from carboxylic acid hydrazides. | (T) |
K111 | Product washwaters from the production of dinitrotoluene via nitration of toluene. | (C,T) |
K112 | Reaction by-product water from the drying column in the production of toluenediamine via hydrogenation of dinitrotoluene. | (T) |
K113 | Condensed liquid light ends from the purification of toluenediamine in the production of toluenediamine via hydrogenation of dinitrotoluene. | (T) |
K114 | Vicinals from the purification of toluenediamine in the production of toluenediamine via hydrogenation of dinitrotoluene. | (T) |
K115 | Heavy ends from the purification of toluenediamine in the production of toluenediamine via hydrogenation of dinitrotoluene. | (T) |
K116 | Organic condensate from the solvent recovery column in the production of toluene diisocyanate via phosgenation of toluenediamine. | (T) |
K117 | Wastewater from the reactor vent gas scrubber in the production of ethylene dibromide via bromination of ethene. | (T) |
K118 | Spent adsorbent solids from purification of ethylene dibromide in the production of ethylene dibromide via bromination of ethene. | (T) |
K136 | Still bottoms from the purification of ethylene dibromide in the production of ethylene dibromide via bromination of ethene. | (T) |
K149 | Distillation bottoms from the production of alpha- (or methyl-) chlorinated toluenes, ring-chlorinated toluenes, benzoyl chlorides, and compounds with mixtures of these functional groups, (This waste does not include still bottoms from the distillation of benzyl chloride.). | (T) |
K150 | Organic residuals, excluding spent carbon adsorbent, from the spent chlorine gas and hydrochloric acid recovery processes associated with the production of alpha- (or methyl-) chlorinated toluenes, ring-chlorinated toluenes, benzoyl chlorides, and compounds with mixtures of these functional groups. | (T) |
K151 | Wastewater treatment sludges, excluding neutralization and biological sludges, generated during the treatment of wastewaters from the production of alpha- (or methyl-) chlorinated toluenes, ring-chlorinated toluenes, benzoyl chlorides, and compounds with mixtures of these functional groups. | (T) |
K156 | Organic waste (including heavy ends, still bottoms, light ends, spent solvents, filtrates, and decantates) from the production of carbamates and carbamoyl oximes. (This listing does not apply to wastes generated from the manufacture of 3-iodo-2-propynyl n-butylcarbamate.) | (T) |
K157 | Wastewaters (including scrubber waters, condenser waters, washwaters, and separation waters) from the production of carbamates and carbamoyl oximes. (This listing does not apply to wastes generated from the manufacture of 3-iodo-2-propynyl n-butylcarbamate.) | (T) |
K158 | Bag house dusts and filter/separation solids from the production of carbamates and carbamoyl oximes. (This listing does not apply to wastes generated from the manufacture of 3-iodo-2-propynyl n-butylcarbamate.) | (T) |
K159 | Organics from the treatment of thiocarbamate wastes. | (T) |
K161 | Purification solids (including filtration, evaporation, and centrifugation solids), bag house dust and floor sweepings from the production of dithiocarbamate acids and their salts. (This listing does not include K125 or K126.) | (R,T) |
K174 | Wastewater treatment sludges from the production of ethylene dichloride or vinyl chloride monomer (including sludges that result from commingled ethylene dichloride or vinyl chloride monomer wastewater and other wastewater), unless the sludges meet the following conditions: (i) they are disposed of in a Subtitle C or non-hazardous landfill licensed or permitted by the state or federal government; (ii) they are not otherwise placed on the land prior to final disposal; and (iii) the generator maintains documentation demonstrating that the waste was either disposed of in an on-site landfill or consigned to a transporter or disposal facility that provided a written commitment to dispose of the waste in an off-site landfill. Respondents in any action brought to enforce the requirements of Subtitle C must, upon a showing by the government that the respondent managed wastewater treatment sludges from the production of vinyl chloride monomer or ethylene dichloride, demonstrate that they meet the terms of the exclusion set forth above. In doing so, they must provide appropriate documentation (e.g., contracts between the generator and the landfill owner/operator, invoices documenting delivery of waste to landfill, etc.) that the terms of the exclusion were met. | (T) |
K175 | Wastewater treatment sludges from the production of vinyl chloride monomer using mercuric chloride catalyst in an acetylene-based process. | (T) |
K181 | Nonwastewaters from the production of dyes and/or pigments (including nonwastewaters commingled at the point of generation with nonwastewaters from other processes) that, at the point of generation, contain mass loadings of any of the constituents identified in part 3 of this subparagraph that are equal to or greater than the corresponding part 3 levels, as determined on a calendar year basis. These wastes will not be hazardous if the nonwastewaters are: (i) disposed in a Subtitle D landfill unit subject to the design criteria in 40 CFR 258.40, (ii) disposed in a Subtitle C landfill unit subject to either Rule 0400-12-01-.06(14)(b) or Rule 0400-12-01-.05(14)(b); (iii) disposed in other Subtitle D landfill units that meet the design criteria in 40 CFR 258.40, Rule 0400-12-01-.06(14)(b), or Rule 0400-12-01-.05(14)(b); or (iv) treated in a combustion unit that is permitted under Subtitle C, or an onsite combustion unit that is permitted under the Clean Air Act. For the purposes of this listing, dyes and/or pigments production is defined in subpart 2(i) of this subparagraph. Part 4 of this subparagraph describes the process for demonstrating that a facility's nonwastewaters are not K181. This listing does not apply to wastes that are otherwise identified as hazardous under subparagraphs (b) through (e) of paragraph (3) of this rule and subparagraphs (b) through (d) of paragraph (4) of this rule at the point of generation. Also, the listing does not apply to wastes generated before any annual mass loading limit is met. | (T) |
Inorganic chemicals: | ||
K071 | Brine purification muds from the mercury cell process in chlorine production, where separately prepurified brine is not used. | (T) |
K073 | Chlorinated hydrocarbon waste from the purification step of the diaphragm cell process using graphite anodes in chlorine production. | (T) |
K106 | Wastewater treatment sludge from the mercury cell process in chlorine production. | (T) |
K176 | Baghouse filters from the production of antimony oxide, including filters from the production of intermediates (e.g., antimony metal or crude antimony oxide). | (E) |
K177 | Slag from the production of antimony oxide that is speculatively accumulated or disposed, including slag from the production of intermediates (e.g., antimony metal or crude antimony oxide). | (T) |
K178 | Residues from manufacturing and manufacturing-site storage of ferric chloride from acids formed during the production of titanium dioxide using the chloride-ilmenite process. | (T) |
Pesticides: | ||
K031 | By-product salts generated in the production of MSMA and cacodylic acid. | (T) |
K032 | Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of chlordane. | (T) |
K033 | Wastewater and scrub water from the chlorination of cyclopentadiene in the production of chlordane. | (T) |
K034 | Filter solids from the filtration of hexachlorocyclopentadiene in the production of chlordane. | (T) |
K035 | Wastewater treatment sludges generated in the production of creosote. | (T) |
K036 | Still bottoms from toluene reclamation distillation in the production of disulfoton. | (T) |
K037 | Wastewater treatment sludges from the production of disulfoton. | (T) |
K038 | Wastewater from the washing and stripping of phorate production. | (T) |
K039 | Filter cake from the filtration of diethylphosphorodithioic acid in the production of phorate. | (T) |
K040 | Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of phorate. | (T) |
K041 | Wastewater treatment sludge from the production of toxaphene. | (T) |
K042 | Heavy ends or distillation residues from the distillation of tetrachlorobenzene in the production of 2,4,5-T. | (T) |
K043 | 2,6-Dichlorophenol waste from the production of 2,4-D. | (T) |
K097 | Vacuum stripper discharge from the chlordane chlorinator in the production of chlordane. | (T) |
K098 | Untreated process wastewater from the production of toxaphene. | (T) |
K099 | Untreated wastewater from the production of 2,4-D. | (T) |
K123 | Process wastewater (including supernates, filtrates, and washwaters) from the production of ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid and its salt. | (T) |
K124 | Reactor vent scrubber water from the production of ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid and its salts. | (C,T) |
K125 | Filtration, evaporation, and centrifugation solids from the production of ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid and its salts. | (T) |
K126 | Baghouse dust and floor sweepings in milling and packaging operations from the production or formulation of ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid and its salts. | (T) |
K131 | Wastewater from the reactor and spent sulfuric acid from the acid dryer from the production of methyl bromide. | (C,T) |
K132 | Spent absorbent and wastewater separator solids from the production of methyl bromide. | (T) |
Explosives: | ||
K044 | Wastewater treatment sludges from the manufacturing and processing of explosives. | (R) |
K045 | Spent carbon from the treatment of wastewater containing explosives. | (R) |
K046 | Wastewater treatment sludges from the manufacturing, formulation and loading of lead-based initiating compounds. | (T) |
K047 | Pink/red water from TNT operations. | (R) |
Petroleum refining: | ||
K048 | Dissolved air flotation (DAF) float from the petroleum refining industry. | (T) |
K049 | Slop oil emulsion solids from the petroleum refining industry. | (T) |
K050 | Heat exchanger bundle cleaning sludge from the petroleum refining industry. | (T) |
K051 | API separator sludge from the petroleum refining industry. | (T) |
K052 | Tank bottoms (leaded) from the petroleum refining industry. | (T) |
K169 | Crude oil storage tank sediment from petroleum refining operations. | (T) |
K170 | Clarified slurry oil tank sediment and/or in-line filter/separation solids from petroleum refining operations. | (T) |
K171 | Spent Hydrotreating catalyst from petroleum refining operations, including guard beds used to desulfurize feeds to other catalytic reactors (this listing does not include inert support media). | (I,T) |
K172 | Spent Hydrorefining catalyst from petroleum refining operations, including guard beds used to desulfurize feeds to other catalytic reactors (this listing does not include inert support media). | (I,T) |
Iron and steel: | ||
K061 | Emission control dust/sludge from the primary production of steel in electric furnaces. | (T) |
K062 | Spent pickle liquor generated by steel finishing operations of facilities within the iron and steel industry (SIC Codes 331 and 332). | (C,T) |
Primary aluminum: | ||
K088 | Spent potliners from primary aluminum reduction. | (T) |
Secondary lead: | ||
K069 | Emission control dust/sludge from secondary lead smelting. (Note: This listing is stayed administratively for sludge generated from secondary acid scrubber systems. The stay will remain in effect until further administrative action is taken. If EPA takes further action effecting this stay, EPA will publish a notice of the action in the Federal Register). | (T) |
K100 | Waste leaching solution from acid leaching of emission control dust/sludge from secondary lead smelting. | (T) |
Veterinary pharmaceuticals: | ||
K084 | Wastewater treatment sludges generated during the production of veterinary pharmaceuticals from arsenic or organo-arsenic compounds. | (T) |
K101 | Distillation tar residues from the distillation of aniline-based compounds in the production of veterinary pharmaceuticals from arsenic or organo-arsenic compounds. | (T) |
K102 | Residue from the use of activated carbon for decolorization in the production of veterinary pharmaceuticals from arsenic or organo-arsenic compounds. | (T) |
Ink formulation: | ||
K086 | Solvent washes and sludges, caustic washes and sludges, or water washes and sludges from cleaning tubs and equipment used in the formulation of ink from pigments, driers, soaps, and stabilizers containing chromium and lead. | (T) |
Coking: | ||
K060 | Ammonia still lime sludge from coking operations. | (T) |
K087 | Decanter tank tar sludge from coking operations. | (T) |
K141 | Process residues from the recovery of coal tar, including, but not limited to, collecting sump residues from the production of coke from coal or the recovery of coke by-products produced from coal. This listing does not include K087 (decanter tank tar sludges from coking operations). | (T) |
K142 | Tar storage tank residues from the production of coke from coal or from the recovery of coke by-products produced from coal. | (T) |
K143 | Process residues from the recovery of light oil, including, but not limited to, those generated in stills, decanters, and wash oil recovery units from the recovery of coke by-products produced from coal. | (T) |
K144 | Wastewater sump residues from light oil refining, including, but not limited to, intercepting or contamination sump sludges from the recovery of coke by-products produced from coal. | (T) |
K145 | Residues from naphthalene collection and recovery operations from the recovery of coke by-products produced from coal. | (T) |
K147 | Tar storage tank residues from coal tar refining. | (T) |
K148 | Residues from coal tar distillation, including but not limited to, still bottoms. | (T) |
Nonwastewaters containing constituents in amounts equal to or exceeding the following levels during any calendar year are subject to the K181 listing, unless the conditions in the K181 listing are met.
Constituent | Chemical Abstracts No. | Mass levels (kg/yr) |
Aniline | 62-53-3 | 9,300 |
o-Anisidine | 90-04-0 | 110 |
4-Chloroaniline | 106-47-8 | 4,800 |
p-Cresidine | 120-71-8 | 660 |
2, 4-dimethylaniline | 95-68-1 | 100 |
1, 2-Phenylenediamine | 95-54-5 | 710 |
1, 3-Phenylenediamine | 108-45-2 | 1,200 |
The procedures described in subparts (i) through (iii) and (v) of this part establish when nonwastewaters from the production of dyes/pigments would not be hazardous (these procedures apply to wastes that are not disposed in landfill units or treated in combustion units as specified in part 1 of this subparagraph). If the nonwastewaters are disposed in landfill units or treated in combustion units as described in part 1 of this subparagraph, then the nonwastewaters are not hazardous. In order to demonstrate that it is meeting the landfill disposal or combustion conditions contained in the K181 listing description, the generator must maintain documentation as described in subpart (iv) of this part.
Generators that have knowledge (e.g., knowledge of constituents in wastes based on prior sampling and analysis data and/or information about raw materials used, production processes used, and reaction and degradation products formed) that their wastes contain none of the K181 constituents (see part 3 of this subparagraph) can use their knowledge to determine that their waste is not K181. The generator must document the basis for all such determinations on an annual basis and keep each annual documentation for three years.
If the total annual quantity of dyes and/or pigment nonwastewaters generated is 1,000 metric tons or less, the generator can use knowledge of the wastes (e. g., knowledge of constituents in wastes based on prior analytical data and/or information about raw materials used, production processes used, and reaction and degradation products formed) to conclude that annual mass loadings for the K181 constituents are below the listing levels of part 3 of this subparagraph. To make this determination, the generator must:
If the total annual quantity of dyes and/or pigment nonwastewaters generated is greater than 1,000 metric tons, the generator must perform all of the steps described in items (I) through (XI) of this subpart in order to make a determination that its waste is not K181.
For the purposes of meeting the landfill disposal and combustion condition set out in the K181 listing description, the generator must maintain on site for three years documentation demonstrating that each shipment of waste was received by a landfill unit that is subject to or meets the landfill design standards set out in the listing description, or was treated in combustion units as specified in the listing description.
During the interim period, from the point of generation to completion of the hazardous waste determination, the generator is responsible for storing the wastes appropriately. If the wastes are determined to be hazardous and the generator has not complied with the requirements of this Chapter during the interim period, the generator could be subject to an enforcement action for improper management.
The following materials or items are hazardous wastes if and when they are discarded or intended to be discarded as described in item (1)(b)1(ii)(I) of this rule, when they are mixed with waste oil or used oil or other material and applied to the land for dust suppression or road treatment, when they are otherwise applied to the land in lieu of their original intended use or when they are contained in products that are applied to the land in lieu of their original intended use, or when, in lieu of their original intended use, they are produced for use as (or as a component of) a fuel, distributed for use as a fuel, or burned as a fuel.
(Comment: Unless the residue is being beneficially used or reused, or legitimately recycled or reclaimed; or being accumulated, stored, transported, or treated prior to such use, re-use, recycling, or reclamation, the Department considers the residue to be intended for discard, and thus, a hazardous waste. An example of a legitimate re-use of the residue would be where the residue remains in the container and the container is used to hold the same commercial chemical product or manufacturing chemical intermediate it previously held. An example of the discard of the residue would be where the drum is sent to a drum reconditioner who reconditions the drum but discards the residue.)
(Comment: The phrase "commercial chemical product or manufacturing chemical intermediate having the generic name listed in . . ." refers to a chemical substance which is manufactured or formulated for commercial or manufacturing use which consists of the commercially pure grade of the chemical, any technical grades of the chemical that are produced or marketed, and all formulations in which the chemical is the sole active ingredient. It does not refer to a material, such as a manufacturing process waste, that contains any of the substances listed in part 5 or 6 of this subparagraph. Where a manufacturing process waste is deemed to be a hazardous waste because it contains a substance listed in part 5 or 6 of this subparagraph, such waste will be listed in either subparagraphs (b) or (c) of this paragraph or will be identified as a hazardous waste by the characteristics set forth in paragraph (3) of this rule.)
(Comment: For the convenience of the regulated community the primary hazardous properties of these materials have been indicated by the letters T (Toxicity), and R (Reactivity). Absence of a letter indicates that the compound only is listed for acute toxicity.)
These wastes and their corresponding Hazardous Waste Codes are:
Hazardous Waste No. | Chemical Abstracts No. | Substance |
P023 | 107-20-0 | Acetaldehyde, chloro- |
P002 | 591-08-2 | Acetamide, N-(aminothioxomethyl)- |
P057 | 640-19-7 | Acetamide, 2-fluoro- |
P058 | 62-74-8 | Acetic acid, fluoro-, sodium salt |
P002 | 591-08-2 | 1-Acetyl-2-thiourea |
P003 | 107-02-8 | Acrolein |
P070 | 116-06-3 | Aldicarb |
P203 | 1646-88-4 | Aldicarb sulfone. |
P004 | 309-00-2 | Aldrin |
P005 | 107-18-6 | Allyl alcohol |
P006 | 20859-73-8 | Aluminum phosphide (R,T) |
P007 | 2763-96-4 | 5-(Aminomethyl)-3-isoxazolol |
P008 | 504-24-5 | 4-Aminopyridine |
P009 | 131-74-8 | Ammonium picrate (R) |
P119 | 7803-55-6 | Ammonium vanadate |
P099 | 506-61-6 | Argentate(1-), bis(cyano-C)-, potassium |
P010 | 7778-39-4 | Arsenic acid H3AsO4 |
P012 | 1327-53-3 | Arsenic oxide As2O3 |
P011 | 1303-28-2 | Arsenic oxide As2O5 |
P011 | 1303-28-2 | Arsenic pentoxide |
P012 | 1327-53-3 | Arsenic trioxide |
P038 | 692-42-2 | Arsine, diethyl- |
P036 | 696-28-6 | Arsonous dichloride, phenyl- |
P054 | 151-56-4 | Aziridine |
P067 | 75-55-8 | Aziridine, 2-methyl- |
P013 | 542-62-1 | Barium cyanide |
P024 | 106-47-8 | Benzenamine, 4-chloro- |
P077 | 100-01-6 | Benzenamine, 4-nitro- |
P028 | 100-44-7 | Benzene, (chloromethyl)- |
P042 | 51-43-4 | 1,2-Benzenediol, 4-[1-hydroxy-2-(methylamino)ethyl]-, (R)- |
P046 | 122-09-8 | Benzeneethanamine, alpha,alpha-dimethyl- |
P014 | 108-98-5 | Benzenethiol |
P127 | 1563-66-2 | 7-Benzofuranol, 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-, methylcarbamate. |
P188 | 57-64-7 | Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, compd. with (3aS-cis) -1,2,3,3a,8,8a-hexahydro-1,3a,8-trimethylpyrrolo[2,3-b]indol-5-yl methylcarbamate ester (1:1). |
P001 | 181-81-2 | 2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, 4-hydroxy-3-(3-oxo-1-phenylbutyl)-, & salts, when present at concentrations greater than 0.3% |
P028 | 100-44-7 | Benzyl chloride |
P015 | 7440-41-7 | Beryllium powder |
P017 | 598-31-2 | Bromoacetone |
P018 | 357-57-3 | Brucine |
P045 | 39196-18-4 | 2-Butanone, 3,3-dimethyl-1-(methylthio)-, O-[(methylamino)carbonyl] oxime |
P021 | 592-01-8 | Calcium cyanide |
P021 | 592-01-8 | Calcium cyanide Ca(CN)2 |
P189 | 55285-14-8 | Carbamic acid, [(dibutylamino)- thio]methyl-, 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl- 7-benzofuranyl ester. |
P191 | 644-64-4 | Carbamic acid, dimethyl-, 1-[(dimethyl-amino)carbonyl]- 5-methyl-1H- pyrazol-3-yl ester. |
P192 | 119-38-0 | Carbamic acid, dimethyl-, 3-methyl-1- (1-methylethyl)-1H- pyrazol-5-yl ester. |
P190 | 1129-41-5 | Carbamic acid, methyl-, 3-methylphenyl ester. |
P127 | 1563-66-2 | Carbofuran. |
P022 | 75-15-0 | Carbon disulfide |
P095 | 75-44-5 | Carbonic dichloride |
P189 | 55285-14-8 | Carbosulfan. |
P023 | 107-20-0 | Chloroacetaldehyde |
P024 | 106-47-8 | p-Chloroaniline |
P026 | 5344-82-1 | 1-(o-Chlorophenyl)thiourea |
P027 | 542-76-7 | 3-Chloropropionitrile |
P029 | 544-92-3 | Copper cyanide |
P029 | 544-92-3 | Copper cyanide Cu(CN) |
P202 | 64-00-6 | m-Cumenyl methylcarbamate. |
P030 | Cyanides (soluble cyanide salts), not otherwise specified | |
P031 | 460-19-5 | Cyanogen |
P033 | 506-77-4 | Cyanogen chloride |
P033 | 506-77-4 | Cyanogen chloride (CN)Cl |
P034 | 131-89-5 | 2-Cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitrophenol |
P016 | 542-88-1 | Dichloromethyl ether |
P036 | 696-28-6 | Dichlorophenylarsine |
P037 | 60-57-1 | Dieldrin |
P038 | 692-42-2 | Diethylarsine |
P041 | 311-45-5 | Diethyl-p-nitrophenyl phosphate |
P040 | 297-97-2 | O,O-Diethyl O-pyrazinyl phosphorothioate |
P043 | 55-91-4 | Diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) |
P004 | 309-00-2 | 1,4,5,8-Dimethanonaphthalene, 1,2,3,4,10,10-hexachloro-1,4,4a,5,8,8a,-hexahydro-, (1alpha,4alpha,4abeta,5alpha,8alpha,8abeta)- |
P060 | 465-73-6 | 1,4,5,8-Dimethanonaphthalene, 1,2,3,4,10,10-hexachloro-1,4,4a,5,8,8a-hexahydro-, (1alpha,4alpha,4abeta,5beta,8beta,8abeta)- |
P037 | 60-57-1 | 2,7:3,6-Dimethanonaphth[2,3-b]oxirene, 3,4,5,6,9,9-hexachloro-1a,2,2a,3,6,6a,7,7a-octahydro-, (1aalpha,2beta,2aalpha,3beta,6beta,6aalpha,7beta, 7aalpha)- |
P051 | 172-20-8 | 2,7:3,6-Dimethanonaphth [2,3-b]oxirene, 3,4,5,6,9,9-hexachloro-1a,2,2a,3,6,6a,7,7a-octahydro-, (1aalpha,2beta,2abeta,3alpha,6alpha,6abeta,7beta, 7aalpha)-, & metabolites |
P044 | 60-51-5 | Dimethoate |
P046 | 122-09-8 | alpha,alpha-Dimethylphenethylamine |
P191 | 644-64-4 | Dimetilan. |
P047 | 1534-52-1 | 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol, & salts |
P048 | 51-28-5 | 2,4-Dinitrophenol |
P020 | 88-85-7 | Dinoseb |
P085 | 152-16-9 | Diphosphoramide, octamethyl- |
P111 | 107-49-3 | Diphosphoric acid, tetraethyl ester |
P039 | 298-04-4 | Disulfoton |
P049 | 541-53-7 | Dithiobiuret |
P185 | 26419-73-8 | 1,3-Dithiolane-2-carboxaldehyde, 2,4-dimethyl-, O- [(methylamino)- carbonyl]oxime. |
P050 | 115-29-7 | Endosulfan |
P088 | 145-73-3 | Endothall |
P051 | 72-20-8 | Endrin |
P051 | 72-20-8 | Endrin, & metabolites |
P042 | 51-43-4 | Epinephrine |
P031 | 460-19-5 | Ethanedinitrile |
P194 | 23135-22-0 | Ethanimidothioic acid, 2-(dimethylamino)-N-[[(methylamino) carbonyl]oxy]-2-oxo-, methyl ester. |
P066 | 16752-77-5 | Ethanimidothioic acid, N-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-, methyl ester |
P101 | 107-12-0 | Ethyl cyanide |
P054 | 151-56-4 | Ethyleneimine |
P097 | 52-85-7 | Famphur |
P056 | 7782-41-4 | Fluorine |
P057 | 640-19-7 | Fluoroacetamide |
P058 | 62-74-8 | Fluoroacetic acid, sodium salt |
P198 | 23422-53-9 | Formetanate hydrochloride. |
P197 | 17702-57-7 | Formparanate. |
P065 | 628-86-4 | Fulminic acid, mercury(2+) salt (R,T) |
P059 | 76-44-8 | Heptachlor |
P062 | 757-58-4 | Hexaethyl tetraphosphate |
P116 | 79-19-6 | Hydrazinecarbothioamide |
P068 | 60-34-4 | Hydrazine, methyl- |
P063 | 74-90-8 | Hydrocyanic acid |
P063 | 74-90-8 | Hydrogen cyanide |
P096 | 7803-51-2 | Hydrogen phosphide |
P060 | 465-73-6 | Isodrin |
P192 | 119-38-0 | Isolan. |
P202 | 64-00-6 | 3-Isopropylphenyl N-methylcarbamate. |
P007 | 2763-96-4 | 3(2H)-Isoxazolone, 5-(aminomethyl)- |
P196 | 15339-36-3 | Manganese, bis(dimethylcarbamodithioato-S,S')-, |
P196 | 15339-36-3 | Manganese dimethyldithiocarbamate. |
P092 | 62-38-4 | Mercury, (acetato-O)phenyl- |
P065 | 628-86-4 | Mercury fulminate (R,T) |
P082 | 62-75-9 | Methanamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso- |
P064 | 624-83-9 | Methane, isocyanato- |
P016 | 542-88-1 | Methane, oxybis[chloro- |
P112 | 509-14-8 | Methane, tetranitro- (R) |
P118 | 75-70-7 | Methanethiol, trichloro- |
P198 | 23422-53-9 | Methanimidamide, N,N-dimethyl-N'-[3-[[(methylamino)-carbonyl]oxy]phenyl]-, monohydrochloride. |
P197 | 17702-57-7 | Methanimidamide, N,N-dimethyl-N'-[2-methyl-4-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]phenyl]- |
P050 | 115-29-7 | 6,9-Methano-2,4,3-benzodioxathiepin, 6,7,8,9,10,10- hexachloro-1,5,5a,6,9,9a-hexahydro-, 3-oxide |
P059 | 76-44-8 | 4,7-Methano-1H-indene, 1,4,5,6,7,8,8-heptachloro- 3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro- |
P199 | 2032-65-7 | Methiocarb. |
P066 | 16752-77-5 | Methomyl |
P068 | 60-34-4 | Methyl hydrazine |
P064 | 624-83-9 | Methyl isocyanate |
P069 | 75-86-5 | 2-Methyllactonitrile |
P071 | 298-00-0 | Methyl parathion |
P190 | 1129-41-5 | Metolcarb. |
P128 | 315-18-4 | Mexacarbate. |
P072 | 86-88-4 | alpha-Naphthylthiourea |
P073 | 13463-39-3 | Nickel carbonyl |
P073 | 13463-39-3 | Nickel carbonyl Ni(CO)4, (T-4)- |
P074 | 557-19-7 | Nickel cyanide |
P074 | 557-19-7 | Nickel cyanide Ni(CN)2 |
P075 | 154-11-5 | Nicotine, & salts (this listing does not include patches, gums, and lozenges that are FDA-approved over-the-counter nicotine replacement therapies). |
P076 | 10102-43-9 | Nitric oxide |
P077 | 100-01-6 | p-Nitroaniline |
P078 | 10102-44-0 | Nitrogen dioxide |
P076 | 10102-43-9 | Nitrogen oxide NO |
P078 | 10102-44-0 | Nitrogen oxide NO2 |
P081 | 55-63-0 | Nitroglycerine (R) |
P082 | 62-75-9 | N-Nitrosodimethylamine |
P084 | 4549-40-0 | N-Nitrosomethylvinylamine |
P085 | 152-16-9 | Octamethylpyrophosphoramide |
P087 | 20816-12-0 | Osmium oxide OsO4, (T-4)- |
P087 | 20816-12-0 | Osmium tetroxide |
P088 | 145-73-3 | 7-Oxabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2,3-dicarboxylic acid |
P194 | 23135-22-0 | Oxamyl. |
P089 | 56-38-2 | Parathion |
P034 | 131-89-5 | Phenol, 2-cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitro- |
P128 | 315-18-4 | Phenol, 4-(dimethylamino)-3,5-dimethyl-, methylcarbamate (ester). |
P199 | 2032-65-7 | Phenol, (3,5-dimethyl-4-(methylthio)-, methylcarbamate |
P048 | 51-28-5 | Phenol, 2,4-dinitro- |
P047 | 1534-52-1 | Phenol, 2-methyl-4,6-dinitro-, & salts |
P202 | 64-00-6 | Phenol, 3-(1-methylethyl)-, methyl carbamate. |
P201 | 2631-37-0 | Phenol, 3-methyl-5-(1-methylethyl)-, methyl carbamate. |
P020 | 88-85-7 | Phenol, 2-(1-methylpropyl)-4,6-dinitro- |
P009 | 131-74-8 | Phenol, 2,4,6-trinitro-, ammonium salt (R) |
P092 | 62-38-4 | Phenylmercury acetate |
P093 | 103-85-5 | Phenylthiourea |
P094 | 298-02-2 | Phorate |
P095 | 75-44-5 | Phosgene |
P096 | 7803-51-2 | Phosphine |
P041 | 311-45-5 | Phosphoric acid, diethyl 4-nitrophenyl ester |
P039 | 298-04-4 | Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-diethyl S-[2-(ethylthio)ethyl] ester |
P094 | 298-02-2 | Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-diethyl S-[(ethylthio)methyl] ester |
P044 | 60-51-5 | Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-dimethyl S-[2-(methylamino)-2-oxoethyl] ester |
P043 | 55-91-4 | Phosphorofluoridic acid, bis(1-methylethyl) ester |
P089 | 56-38-2 | Phosphorothioic acid, O,O-diethyl O-(4-nitrophenyl) ester |
P040 | 297-97-2 | Phosphorothioic acid, O,O-diethyl O-pyrazinyl ester |
P097 | 52-85-7 | Phosphorothioic acid, O-[4-[(dimethylamino)sulfonyl]phenyl] O,O-dimethyl ester |
P071 | 298-00-0 | Phosphorothioic acid, O,O,-dimethyl O-(4-nitrophenyl) ester |
P204 | 57-47-6 | Physostigmine. |
P188 | 57-64-7 | Physostigmine salicylate. |
P110 | 78-00-2 | Plumbane, tetraethyl- |
P098 | 151-50-8 | Potassium cyanide |
P098 | 151-50-8 | Potassium cyanide K(CN) |
P099 | 506-61-6 | Potassium silver cyanide |
P201 | 2631-37-0 | Promecarb |
P203 | 1646-88-4 | Propanal, 2-methyl-2-(methyl-sulfonyl)-, O-[(methylamino)carbonyl] oxime. |
P070 | 116-06-3 | Propanal, 2-methyl-2-(methylthio)-, O-[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxime |
P101 | 107-12-0 | Propanenitrile |
P027 | 542-76-7 | Propanenitrile, 3-chloro- |
P069 | 75-86-5 | Propanenitrile, 2-hydroxy-2-methyl- |
P081 | 55-63-0 | 1,2,3-Propanetriol, trinitrate (R) |
P017 | 598-31-2 | 2-Propanone, 1-bromo- |
P102 | 107-19-7 | Propargyl alcohol |
P003 | 107-02-8 | 2-Propenal |
P005 | 107-18-6 | 2-Propen-1-ol |
P067 | 75-55-8 | 1,2-Propylenimine |
P102 | 107-19-7 | 2-Propyn-1-ol |
P008 | 504-24-5 | 4-Pyridinamine |
P075 | 154-11-5 | Pyridine, 3-(1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)-, (S)-, & salts (this listing does not include patches, gums, and lozenges that are FDA-approved over-the-counter nicotine replacement therapies). |
P204 | 57-47-6 | Pyrrolo[2,3-b]indol-5-ol, 1,2,3,3a,8,8a-hexahydro-1,3a,8-trimethyl-, methylcarbamate (ester), (3aS-cis)-. |
P114 | 12039-52-0 | Selenious acid, dithallium(1+) salt |
P103 | 630-10-4 | Selenourea |
P104 | 506-64-9 | Silver cyanide |
P104 | 506-64-9 | Silver cyanide Ag(CN) |
P105 | 26628-22-8 | Sodium azide |
P106 | 143-33-9 | Sodium cyanide |
P106 | 143-33-9 | Sodium cyanide Na(CN) |
P108 | 157-24-9 | Strychnidin-10-one, & salts |
P018 | 357-57-3 | Strychnidin-10-one, 2,3-dimethoxy- |
P108 | 157-24-9 | Strychnine, & salts |
P115 | 7446-18-6 | Sulfuric acid, dithallium(1+) salt |
P109 | 3689-24-5 | Tetraethyldithiopyrophosphate |
P110 | 78-00-2 | Tetraethyl lead |
P111 | 107-49-3 | Tetraethyl pyrophosphate |
P112 | 509-14-8 | Tetranitromethane (R) |
P062 | 757-58-4 | Tetraphosphoric acid, hexaethyl ester |
P113 | 1314-32-5 | Thallic oxide |
P113 | 1314-32-5 | Thallium oxide Tl2O3 |
P114 | 12039-52-0 | Thallium(I) selenite |
P115 | 7446-18-6 | Thallium(I) sulfate |
P109 | 3689-24-5 | Thiodiphosphoric acid, tetraethyl ester |
P045 | 39196-18-4 | Thiofanox |
P049 | 541-53-7 | Thioimidodicarbonic diamide [(H2N)C(S)]2NH |
P014 | 108-98-5 | Thiophenol |
P116 | 79-19-6 | Thiosemicarbazide |
P026 | 5344-82-1 | Thiourea, (2-chlorophenyl)- |
P072 | 86-88-4 | Thiourea, 1-naphthalenyl- |
P093 | 103-85-5 | Thiourea, phenyl- |
P185 | 26419-73-8 | Tirpate. |
P123 | 8001-35-2 | Toxaphene |
P118 | 75-70-7 | Trichloromethanethiol |
P119 | 7803-55-6 | Vanadic acid, ammonium salt |
P120 | 1314-62-1 | Vanadium oxide V2O5 |
P120 | 1314-62-1 | Vanadium pentoxide |
P084 | 4549-40-0 | Vinylamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso- |
P001 | 181-81-2 | Warfarin, & salts, when present at concentrations greater than 0.3% |
P205 | 137-30-4 | Zinc, bis(dimethylcarbamodithioato-S,S')-, |
P121 | 557-21-1 | Zinc cyanide |
P121 | 557-21-1 | Zinc cyanide Zn(CN)2 |
P122 | 1314-84-7 | Zinc phosphide Zn3P2, when present at concentrations greater than 10% (R, T) |
P205 | 137-30-4 | Ziram. |
FOOTNOTE: 1CAS Number given for parent compound only.
(Comment: For the convenience of the regulated community, the primary hazardous properties of these materials have been indicated by the letters T (Toxicity), R (Reactivity), I (Ignitability) and C (Corrosivity). Absence of a letter indicates that the compound is only listed for toxicity.)
These wastes and their corresponding Hazardous Waste Codes are:
Hazardous Waste No. | Chemical Abstracts No. | Substance |
U394 | 30558-43-1 | A2213. |
U001 | 75-07-0 | Acetaldehyde (I) |
U034 | 75-87-6 | Acetaldehyde, trichloro- |
U187 | 62-44-2 | Acetamide, N-(4-ethoxyphenyl)- |
U005 | 53-96-3 | Acetamide, N-9H-fluoren-2-yl- |
U240 | 194-75-7 | Acetic acid, (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-, salts & esters |
U112 | 141-78-6 | Acetic acid, ethyl ester (I) |
U144 | 301-04-2 | Acetic acid, lead(2+) salt |
U214 | 563-68-8 | Acetic acid, thallium(1+) salt |
see F027 | 93-76-5 | Acetic acid, (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)- |
U002 | 67-64-1 | Acetone (I) |
U003 | 75-05-8 | Acetonitrile (I,T) |
U004 | 98-86-2 | Acetophenone |
U005 | 53-96-3 | 2-Acetylaminofluorene |
U006 | 75-36-5 | Acetyl chloride (C,R,T) |
U007 | 79-06-1 | Acrylamide |
U008 | 79-10-7 | Acrylic acid (I) |
U009 | 107-13-1 | Acrylonitrile |
U011 | 61-82-5 | Amitrole |
U012 | 62-53-3 | Aniline (I,T) |
U136 | 75-60-5 | Arsinic acid, dimethyl- |
U014 | 492-80-8 | Auramine |
U015 | 115-02-6 | Azaserine |
U010 | 50-07-7 | Azirino[2',3':3,4]pyrrolo[1,2-a]indole-4,7-dione, 6-amino-8-[[(aminocarbonyl)oxy]methyl]-1,1a,2,8,8a,8b-hexahydro-8a-methoxy-5-methyl-, [1aS-(1aalpha, 8beta,8aalpha,8balpha)]- |
U280 | 101-27-9 | Barban. |
U278 | 22781-23-3 | Bendiocarb. |
U364 | 22961-82-6 | Bendiocarb phenol. |
U271 | 17804-35-2 | Benomyl. |
U157 | 56-49-5 | Benz[j]aceanthrylene, 1,2-dihydro-3-methyl- |
U016 | 225-51-4 | Benz[c]acridine |
U017 | 98-87-3 | Benzal chloride |
U192 | 23950-58-5 | Benzamide, 3,5-dichloro-N-(1,1-dimethyl-2-propynyl)- |
U018 | 56-55-3 | Benz[a]anthracene |
U094 | 57-97-6 | Benz[a]anthracene, 7,12-dimethyl- |
U012 | 62-53-3 | Benzenamine (I,T) |
U014 | 492-80-8 | Benzenamine, 4,4'-carbonimidoylbis[N,N-dimethyl- |
U049 | 3165-93-3 | Benzenamine, 4-chloro-2-methyl-, hydrochloride |
U093 | 60-11-7 | Benzenamine, N,N-dimethyl-4-(phenylazo)- |
U328 | 95-53-4 | Benzenamine, 2-methyl- |
U353 | 106-49-0 | Benzenamine, 4-methyl- |
U158 | 101-14-4 | Benzenamine, 4,4'-methylenebis[2-chloro- |
U222 | 636-21-5 | Benzenamine, 2-methyl-, hydrochloride |
U181 | 99-55-8 | Benzenamine, 2-methyl-5-nitro- |
U019 | 71-43-2 | Benzene (I,T) |
U038 | 510-15-6 | Benzeneacetic acid, 4-chloro-alpha-(4-chlorophenyl)-alpha-hydroxy-, ethyl ester |
U030 | 101-55-3 | Benzene, 1-bromo-4-phenoxy- |
U035 | 305-03-3 | Benzenebutanoic acid, 4-[bis(2-chloroethyl)amino]- |
U037 | 108-90-7 | Benzene, chloro- |
U221 | 25376-45-8 | Benzenediamine, ar-methyl- |
U028 | 117-81-7 | 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester |
U069 | 84-74-2 | 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dibutyl ester |
U088 | 84-66-2 | 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, diethyl ester |
U102 | 131-11-3 | 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dimethyl ester |
U107 | 117-84-0 | 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dioctyl ester |
U070 | 95-50-1 | Benzene, 1,2-dichloro- |
U071 | 541-73-1 | Benzene, 1,3-dichloro- |
U072 | 106-46-7 | Benzene, 1,4-dichloro- |
U060 | 72-54-8 | Benzene, 1,1'-(2,2-dichloroethylidene)bis[4-chloro- |
U017 | 98-87-3 | Benzene, (dichloromethyl)- |
U223 | 26471-62-5 | Benzene, 1,3-diisocyanatomethyl- (R,T) |
U239 | 1330-20-7 | Benzene, dimethyl- (I) |
U201 | 108-46-3 | 1,3-Benzenediol |
U127 | 118-74-1 | Benzene, hexachloro- |
U056 | 110-82-7 | Benzene, hexahydro- (I) |
U220 | 108-88-3 | Benzene, methyl- |
U105 | 121-14-2 | Benzene, 1-methyl-2,4-dinitro- |
U106 | 606-20-2 | Benzene, 2-methyl-1,3-dinitro- |
U055 | 98-82-8 | Benzene, (1-methylethyl)- (I) |
U169 | 98-95-3 | Benzene, nitro- |
U183 | 608-93-5 | Benzene, pentachloro- |
U185 | 82-68-8 | Benzene, pentachloronitro- |
U020 | 98-09-9 | Benzenesulfonic acid chloride (C,R) |
U020 | 98-09-9 | Benzenesulfonyl chloride (C,R) |
U207 | 95-94-3 | Benzene, 1,2,4,5-tetrachloro- |
U061 | 50-29-3 | Benzene, 1,1'-(2,2,2-trichloroethylidene)bis[4-chloro- |
U247 | 72-43-5 | Benzene, 1,1'-(2,2,2-trichloroethylidene)bis[4- methoxy- |
U023 | 98-07-7 | Benzene, (trichloromethyl)- |
U234 | 99-35-4 | Benzene, 1,3,5-trinitro- |
U021 | 92-87-5 | Benzidine |
U278 | 22781-23-3 | 1,3-Benzodioxol-4-ol, 2,2-dimethyl-, methyl carbamate. |
U364 | 22961-82-6 | 1,3-Benzodioxol-4-ol, 2,2-dimethyl-, |
U203 | 94-59-7 | 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5-(2-propenyl)- |
U141 | 120-58-1 | 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5-(1-propenyl)- |
U090 | 94-58-6 | 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5-propyl- |
U367 | 1563-38-8 | 7-Benzofuranol, 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl- |
U064 | 189-55-9 | Benzo[rst]pentaphene |
U248 | 181-81-2 | 2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, 4-hydroxy-3-(3-oxo-1-phenylbutyl)-, & salts, when present at concentrations of 0.3% or less |
U022 | 50-32-8 | Benzo[a]pyrene |
U197 | 106-51-4 | p-Benzoquinone |
U023 | 98-07-7 | Benzotrichloride (C,R,T) |
U085 | 1464-53-5 | 2,2'-Bioxirane |
U021 | 92-87-5 | [1,1 '-Biphenyl]-4,4'-diamine |
U073 | 91-94-1 | [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4,4'-diamine, 3,3'-dichloro- |
U091 | 119-90-4 | [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4,4'-diamine, 3,3'-dimethoxy- |
U095 | 119-93-7 | [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4,4'-diamine, 3,3'-dimethyl- |
U225 | 75-25-2 | Bromoform |
U030 | 101-55-3 | 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether |
U128 | 87-68-3 | 1,3-Butadiene, 1,1,2,3,4,4-hexachloro- |
U172 | 924-16-3 | 1-Butanamine, N-butyl-N-nitroso- |
U031 | 71-36-3 | 1-Butanol (I) |
U159 | 78-93-3 | 2-Butanone (I,T) |
U160 | 1338-23-4 | 2-Butanone peroxide (R,T) |
U053 | 4170-30-3 | 2-Butenal |
U074 | 764-41-0 | 2-Butene, 1,4-dichloro- (I,T) |
U143 | 303-34-4 | 2-Butenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 7-[[2,3-dihydroxy- 2-(1-methoxyethyl)-3-methyl-1-oxobutoxy]methyl]- 2,3,5,7a-tetrahydro-1H-pyrrolizin-1-yl ester, [1S-[1alpha(Z),7(2S*,3R*),7aalpha]]- |
U031 | 71-36-3 | n-Butyl alcohol (I) |
U136 | 75-60-5 | Cacodylic acid |
U032 | 13765-19-0 | Calcium chromate |
U372 | 10605-21-7 | Carbamic acid, 1H-benzimidazol-2-yl, methyl ester. |
U271 | 17804-35-2 | Carbamic acid, [1-[(butylamino)carbonyl]-1H-benzimidazol-2- yl]-, methyl ester. |
U280 | 101-27-9 | Carbamic acid, (3-chlorophenyl)-, 4-chloro-2-butynyl ester. |
U238 | 51-79-6 | Carbamic acid, ethyl ester |
U178 | 615-53-2 | Carbamic acid, methylnitroso-, ethyl ester |
U373 | 122-42-9 | Carbamic acid, phenyl-, 1-methylethyl ester. |
U409 | 23564-05-8 | Carbamic acid, [1,2-phenylenebis (iminocarbonothioyl)]bis-, dimethyl ester. |
U097 | 79-44-7 | Carbamic chloride, dimethyl- |
U114 | 1111-54-6 | Carbamodithioic acid, 1,2-ethanediylbis-, salts & esters |
U062 | 2303-16-4 | Carbamothioic acid, bis(1-methylethyl)-, S-(2,3-dichloro-2-propenyl) ester |
U389 | 2303-17-5 | Carbamothioic acid, bis(1-methylethyl)-, S-(2,3,3-trichloro-2-propenyl) ester. |
U387 | 52888-80-9 | Carbamothioic acid, dipropyl-, S-(phenylmethyl) ester. |
U279 | 63-25-2 | Carbaryl. |
U372 | 10605-21-7 | Carbendazim. |
U367 | 1563-38-8 | Carbofuran phenol. |
U215 | 6533-73-9 | Carbonic acid, dithallium(1+) salt |
U033 | 353-50-4 | Carbonic difluoride |
U156 | 79-22-1 | Carbonochloridic acid, methyl ester (I,T) |
U033 | 353-50-4 | Carbon oxyfluoride (R,T) |
U211 | 56-23-5 | Carbon tetrachloride |
U034 | 75-87-6 | Chloral |
U035 | 305-03-3 | Chlorambucil |
U036 | 57-74-9 | Chlordane, alpha & gamma isomers |
U026 | 494-03-1 | Chlornaphazin |
U037 | 108-90-7 | Chlorobenzene |
U038 | 510-15-6 | Chlorobenzilate |
U039 | 59-50-7 | p-Chloro-m-cresol |
U042 | 110-75-8 | 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether |
U044 | 67-66-3 | Chloroform |
U046 | 107-30-2 | Chloromethyl methyl ether |
U047 | 91-58-7 | beta-Chloronaphthalene |
U048 | 95-57-8 | o-Chlorophenol |
U049 | 3165-93-3 | 4-Chloro-o-toluidine, hydrochloride |
U032 | 13765-19-0 | Chromic acid H2CrO4, calcium salt |
U050 | 218-01-9 | Chrysene |
U051 | Creosote | |
U052 | 1319-77-3 | Cresol (Cresylic acid) |
U053 | 4170-30-3 | Crotonaldehyde |
U055 | 98-82-8 | Cumene (I) |
U246 | 506-68-3 | Cyanogen bromide (CN)Br |
U197 | 106-51-4 | 2,5-Cyclohexadiene-1,4-dione |
U056 | 110-82-7 | Cyclohexane (I) |
U129 | 58-89-9 | Cyclohexane, 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachloro-, (1alpha,2alpha,3beta,4alpha,5alpha,6beta)- |
U057 | 108-94-1 | Cyclohexanone (I) |
U130 | 77-47-4 | 1,3-Cyclopentadiene, 1,2,3,4,5,5-hexachloro- |
U058 | 50-18-0 | Cyclophosphamide |
U240 | 194-75-7 | 2,4-D, salts & esters |
U059 | 20830-81-3 | Daunomycin |
U060 | 72-54-8 | DDD |
U061 | 50-29-3 | DDT |
U062 | 2303-16-4 | Diallate |
U063 | 53-70-3 | Dibenz[a,h]anthracene |
U064 | 189-55-9 | Dibenzo[a,i]pyrene |
U066 | 96-12-8 | 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane |
U069 | 84-74-2 | Dibutyl phthalate |
U070 | 95-50-1 | o-Dichlorobenzene |
U071 | 541-73-1 | m-Dichlorobenzene |
U072 | 106-46-7 | p-Dichlorobenzene |
U073 | 91-94-1 | 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine |
U074 | 764-41-0 | 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene (I,T) |
U075 | 75-71-8 | Dichlorodifluoromethane |
U078 | 75-35-4 | 1,1-Dichloroethylene |
U079 | 156-60-5 | 1,2-Dichloroethylene |
U025 | 111-44-4 | Dichloroethyl ether |
U027 | 108-60-1 | Dichloroisopropyl ether |
U024 | 111-91-1 | Dichloromethoxy ethane |
U081 | 120-83-2 | 2,4-Dichlorophenol |
U082 | 87-65-0 | 2,6-Dichlorophenol |
U084 | 542-75-6 | 1,3-Dichloropropene |
U085 | 1464-53-5 | 1,2:3,4-Diepoxybutane (I,T) |
U395 | 5952-26-1 | Diethylene glycol, dicarbamate. |
U108 | 123-91-1 | 1,4-Diethyleneoxide |
U028 | 117-81-7 | Diethylhexyl phthalate |
U086 | 1615-80-1 | N,N'-Diethylhydrazine |
U087 | 3288-58-2 | O,O-Diethyl S-methyl dithiophosphate |
U088 | 84-66-2 | Diethyl phthalate |
U089 | 56-53-1 | Diethylstilbesterol |
U090 | 94-58-6 | Dihydrosafrole |
U091 | 119-90-4 | 3,3'-Dimethoxybenzidine |
U092 | 124-40-3 | Dimethylamine (I) |
U093 | 60-11-7 | p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene |
U094 | 57-97-6 | 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene |
U095 | 119-93-7 | 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine |
U096 | 80-15-9 | alpha,alpha-Dimethylbenzylhydroperoxide (R) |
U097 | 79-44-7 | Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride |
U098 | 57-14-7 | 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine |
U099 | 540-73-8 | 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine |
U101 | 105-67-9 | 2,4-Dimethylphenol |
U102 | 131-11-3 | Dimethyl phthalate |
U103 | 77-78-1 | Dimethyl sulfate |
U105 | 121-14-2 | 2,4-Dinitrotoluene |
U106 | 606-20-2 | 2,6-Dinitrotoluene |
U107 | 117-84-0 | Di-n-octyl phthalate |
U108 | 123-91-1 | 1,4-Dioxane |
U109 | 122-66-7 | 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine |
U110 | 142-84-7 | Dipropylamine (I) |
U111 | 621-64-7 | Di-n-propylnitrosamine |
U041 | 106-89-8 | Epichlorohydrin |
U001 | 75-07-0 | Ethanal (I) |
U174 | 55-18-5 | Ethanamine, N-ethyl-N-nitroso- |
U404 | 121-44-8 | Ethanamine, N,N-diethyl- |
U155 | 91-80-5 | 1,2-Ethanediamine, N,N-dimethyl-N'-2-pyridinyl-N'-(2-thienylmethyl)- |
U067 | 106-93-4 | Ethane, 1,2-dibromo- |
U076 | 75-34-3 | Ethane, 1,1-dichloro- |
U077 | 107-06-2 | Ethane, 1,2-dichloro- |
U131 | 67-72-1 | Ethane, hexachloro- |
U024 | 111-91-1 | Ethane, 1,1'-[methylenebis(oxy)]bis[2-chloro- |
U117 | 60-29-7 | Ethane, 1,1'-oxybis-(I) |
U025 | 111-44-4 | Ethane, 1,1'-oxybis[2-chloro- |
U184 | 76-01-7 | Ethane, pentachloro- |
U208 | 630-20-6 | Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrachloro- |
U209 | 79-34-5 | Ethane, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro- |
U218 | 62-55-5 | Ethanethioamide |
U226 | 71-55-6 | Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro- |
U227 | 79-00-5 | Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro- |
U410 | 59669-26-0 | Ethanimidothioic acid, N,N'- [thiobis[(methylimino)carbonyloxy]]bis-, dimethyl ester |
U394 | 30558-43-1 | Ethanimidothioic acid, 2-(dimethylamino)-N-hydroxy-2-oxo-, methyl ester. |
U359 | 110-80-5 | Ethanol, 2-ethoxy- |
U173 | 1116-54-7 | Ethanol, 2,2'-(nitrosoimino)bis- |
U395 | 5952-26-1 | Ethanol, 2,2'-oxybis-, dicarbamate. |
U004 | 98-86-2 | Ethanone, 1-phenyl- |
U043 | 75-01-4 | Ethene, chloro- |
U042 | 110-75-8 | Ethene, (2-chloroethoxy)- |
U078 | 75-35-4 | Ethene, 1,1-dichloro- |
U079 | 156-60-5 | Ethene, 1,2-dichloro-, (E)- |
U210 | 127-18-4 | Ethene, tetrachloro- |
U228 | 79-01-6 | Ethene, trichloro- |
U112 | 141-78-6 | Ethyl acetate (I) |
U113 | 140-88-5 | Ethyl acrylate (I) |
U238 | 51-79-6 | Ethyl carbamate (urethane) |
U117 | 60-29-7 | Ethyl ether (I) |
U114 | 1111-54-6 | Ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid, salts & esters |
U067 | 106-93-4 | Ethylene dibromide |
U077 | 107-06-2 | Ethylene dichloride |
U359 | 110-80-5 | Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether |
U115 | 75-21-8 | Ethylene oxide (I,T) |
U116 | 96-45-7 | Ethylenethiourea |
U076 | 75-34-3 | Ethylidene dichloride |
U118 | 97-63-2 | Ethyl methacrylate |
U119 | 62-50-0 | Ethyl methanesulfonate |
U120 | 206-44-0 | Fluoranthene |
U122 | 50-00-0 | Formaldehyde |
U123 | 64-18-6 | Formic acid (C,T) |
U124 | 110-00-9 | Furan (I) |
U125 | 98-01-1 | 2-Furancarboxaldehyde (I) |
U147 | 108-31-6 | 2,5-Furandione |
U213 | 109-99-9 | Furan, tetrahydro-(I) |
U125 | 98-01-1 | Furfural (I) |
U124 | 110-00-9 | Furfuran (I) |
U206 | 18883-66-4 | Glucopyranose, 2-deoxy-2-(3-methyl-3-nitrosoureido)-, D- |
U206 | 18883-66-4 | D-Glucose, 2-deoxy-2-[[(methylnitrosoamino)- carbonyl]amino]- |
U126 | 765-34-4 | Glycidylaldehyde |
U163 | 70-25-7 | Guanidine, N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitroso- |
U127 | 118-74-1 | Hexachlorobenzene |
U128 | 87-68-3 | Hexachlorobutadiene |
U130 | 77-47-4 | Hexachlorocyclopentadiene |
U131 | 67-72-1 | Hexachloroethane |
U132 | 70-30-4 | Hexachlorophene |
U243 | 1888-71-7 | Hexachloropropene |
U133 | 302-01-2 | Hydrazine (R,T) |
U086 | 1615-80-1 | Hydrazine, 1,2-diethyl- |
U098 | 57-14-7 | Hydrazine, 1,1-dimethyl- |
U099 | 540-73-8 | Hydrazine, 1,2-dimethyl- |
U109 | 122-66-7 | Hydrazine, 1,2-diphenyl- |
U134 | 7664-39-3 | Hydrofluoric acid (C,T) |
U134 | 7664-39-3 | Hydrogen fluoride (C,T) |
U135 | 7783-06-4 | Hydrogen sulfide |
U135 | 7783-06-4 | Hydrogen sulfide H2S |
U096 | 80-15-9 | Hydroperoxide, 1-methyl-1-phenylethyl- (R) |
U116 | 96-45-7 | 2-Imidazolidinethione |
U137 | 193-39-5 | Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene |
U190 | 85-44-9 | 1,3-Isobenzofurandione |
U140 | 78-83-1 | Isobutyl alcohol (I,T) |
U141 | 120-58-1 | Isosafrole |
U142 | 143-50-0 | Kepone |
U143 | 303-34-4 | Lasiocarpine |
U144 | 301-04-2 | Lead acetate |
U146 | 1335-32-6 | Lead, bis(acetato-O)tetrahydroxytri- |
U145 | 7446-27-7 | Lead phosphate |
U146 | 1335-32-6 | Lead subacetate |
U129 | 58-89-9 | Lindane |
U163 | 70-25-7 | MNNG |
U147 | 108-31-6 | Maleic anhydride |
U148 | 123-33-1 | Maleic hydrazide |
U149 | 109-77-3 | Malononitrile |
U150 | 148-82-3 | Melphalan |
U151 | 7439-97-6 | Mercury |
U152 | 126-98-7 | Methacrylonitrile (I, T) |
U092 | 124-40-3 | Methanamine, N-methyl- (I) |
U029 | 74-83-9 | Methane, bromo- |
U045 | 74-87-3 | Methane, chloro- (I, T) |
U046 | 107-30-2 | Methane, chloromethoxy- |
U068 | 74-95-3 | Methane, dibromo- |
U080 | 75-09-2 | Methane, dichloro- |
U075 | 75-71-8 | Methane, dichlorodifluoro- |
U138 | 74-88-4 | Methane, iodo- |
U119 | 62-50-0 | Methanesulfonic acid, ethyl ester |
U211 | 56-23-5 | Methane, tetrachloro- |
U153 | 74-93-1 | Methanethiol (I, T) |
U225 | 75-25-2 | Methane, tribromo- |
U044 | 67-66-3 | Methane, trichloro- |
U121 | 75-69-4 | Methane, trichlorofluoro- |
U036 | 57-74-9 | 4,7-Methano-1H-indene, 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,8-octachloro-2,3,3a,4,7,7a-hexahydro- |
U154 | 67-56-1 | Methanol (I) |
U155 | 91-80-5 | Methapyrilene |
U142 | 143-50-0 | 1,3,4-Metheno-2H-cyclobuta[cd]pentalen-2-one, 1,1a,3,3a,4,5,5,5a,5b,6-decachlorooctahydro- |
U247 | 72-43-5 | Methoxychlor |
U154 | 67-56-1 | Methyl alcohol (I) |
U029 | 74-83-9 | Methyl bromide |
U186 | 504-60-9 | 1-Methylbutadiene (I) |
U045 | 74-87-3 | Methyl chloride (I,T) |
U156 | 79-22-1 | Methyl chlorocarbonate (I,T) |
U226 | 71-55-6 | Methyl chloroform |
U157 | 56-49-5 | 3-Methylcholanthrene |
U158 | 101-14-4 | 4,4'-Methylenebis(2-chloroaniline) |
U068 | 74-95-3 | Methylene bromide |
U080 | 75-09-2 | Methylene chloride |
U159 | 78-93-3 | Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) (I,T) |
U160 | 1338-23-4 | Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (R,T) |
U138 | 74-88-4 | Methyl iodide |
U161 | 108-10-1 | Methyl isobutyl ketone (I) |
U162 | 80-62-6 | Methyl methacrylate (I,T) |
U161 | 108-10-1 | 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (I) |
U164 | 56-04-2 | Methylthiouracil |
U010 | 50-07-7 | Mitomycin C |
U059 | 20830-81-3 | 5,12-Naphthacenedione, 8-acetyl-10-[(3-amino-2,3,6-trideoxy)-alpha-L-lyxo-hexopyranosyl)oxy]-7,8,9,10-tetrahydro-6,8,11-trihydroxy-1-methoxy-, (8S-cis)- |
U167 | 134-32-7 | 1-Naphthalenamine |
U168 | 91-59-8 | 2-Naphthalenamine |
U026 | 494-03-1 | Naphthalenamine, N,N'-bis(2-chloroethyl)- |
U165 | 91-20-3 | Naphthalene |
U047 | 91-58-7 | Naphthalene, 2-chloro- |
U166 | 130-15-4 | 1,4-Naphthalenedione |
U236 | 72-57-1 | 2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 3,3'-[(3,3'- dimethyl[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis(azo)bis[5-amino-4-hydroxy]-, tetrasodium salt |
U279 | 63-25-2 | 1-Naphthalenol, methylcarbamate. |
U166 | 130-15-4 | 1,4-Naphthoquinone |
U167 | 134-32-7 | alpha-Naphthylamine |
U168 | 91-59-8 | beta-Naphthylamine |
U217 | 10102-45-1 | Nitric acid, thallium(1+) salt |
U169 | 98-95-3 | Nitrobenzene (I,T) |
U170 | 100-02-7 | p-Nitrophenol |
U171 | 79-46-9 | 2-Nitropropane (I,T) |
U172 | 924-16-3 | N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine |
U173 | 1116-54-7 | N-Nitrosodiethanolamine |
U174 | 55-18-5 | N-Nitrosodiethylamine |
U176 | 759-73-9 | N-Nitroso-N-ethylurea |
U177 | 684-93-5 | N-Nitroso-N-methylurea |
U178 | 615-53-2 | N-Nitroso-N-methylurethane |
U179 | 100-75-4 | N-Nitrosopiperidine |
U180 | 930-55-2 | N-Nitrosopyrrolidine |
U181 | 99-55-8 | 5-Nitro-o-toluidine |
U193 | 1120-71-4 | 1,2-Oxathiolane, 2,2-dioxide |
U058 | 50-18-0 | 2H-1,3,2-Oxazaphosphorin-2-amine, N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl)tetrahydro-, 2-oxide |
U115 | 75-21-8 | Oxirane (I,T) |
U126 | 765-34-4 | Oxiranecarboxyaldehyde |
U041 | 106-89-8 | Oxirane, (chloromethyl)- |
U182 | 123-63-7 | Paraldehyde |
U183 | 608-93-5 | Pentachlorobenzene |
U184 | 76-01-7 | Pentachloroethane |
U185 | 82-68-8 | Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) |
See F027 | 87-86-5 | Pentachlorophenol |
U161 | 108-10-1 | Pentanol, 4-methyl- |
U186 | 504-60-9 | 1,3-Pentadiene (I) |
U187 | 62-44-2 | Phenacetin |
U188 | 108-95-2 | Phenol |
U048 | 95-57-8 | Phenol, 2-chloro- |
U039 | 59-50-7 | Phenol, 4-chloro-3-methyl- |
U081 | 120-83-2 | Phenol, 2,4-dichloro- |
U082 | 87-65-0 | Phenol, 2,6-dichloro- |
U089 | 56-53-1 | Phenol, 4,4'-(1,2-diethyl-1,2-ethenediyl)bis-, (E)- |
U101 | 105-67-9 | Phenol, 2,4-dimethyl- |
U052 | 1319-77-3 | Phenol, methyl- |
U132 | 70-30-4 | Phenol, 2,2'-methylenebis[3,4,6-trichloro- |
U411 | 114-26-1 | Phenol, 2-(1-methylethoxy)-, methylcarbamate. |
U170 | 100-02-7 | Phenol, 4-nitro- |
See F027 | 87-86-5 | Phenol, pentachloro- |
See F027 | 58-90-2 | Phenol, 2,3,4,6-tetrachloro- |
See F027 | 95-95-4 | Phenol, 2,4,5-trichloro- |
See F027 | 88-06-2 | Phenol, 2,4,6-trichloro- |
U150 | 148-82-3 | L-Phenylalanine, 4-[bis(2-chloroethyl)amino]- |
U145 | 7446-27-7 | Phosphoric acid, lead(2+) salt (2:3) |
U087 | 3288-58-2 | Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-diethyl S-methyl ester |
U189 | 1314-80-3 | Phosphorus sulfide (R) |
U190 | 85-44-9 | Phthalic anhydride |
U191 | 109-06-8 | 2-Picoline |
U179 | 100-75-4 | Piperidine, 1-nitroso- |
U192 | 23950-58-5 | Pronamide |
U194 | 107-10-8 | 1-Propanamine (I,T) |
U111 | 621-64-7 | 1-Propanamine, N-nitroso-N-propyl- |
U110 | 142-84-7 | 1-Propanamine, N-propyl- (I) |
U066 | 96-12-8 | Propane, 1,2-dibromo-3-chloro- |
U083 | 78-87-5 | Propane, 1,2-dichloro- |
U149 | 109-77-3 | Propanedinitrile |
U171 | 79-46-9 | Propane, 2-nitro- (I,T) |
U027 | 108-60-1 | Propane, 2,2'-oxybis[2-chloro- |
U193 | 1120-71-4 | 1,3-Propane sultone |
See F027 | 93-72-1 | Propanoic acid, 2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)- |
U235 | 126-72-7 | 1-Propanol, 2,3-dibromo-, phosphate (3:1) |
U140 | 78-83-1 | 1-Propanol, 2-methyl- (I,T) |
U002 | 67-64-1 | 2-Propanone (I) |
U007 | 79-06-1 | 2-Propenamide |
U084 | 542-75-6 | 1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro- |
U243 | 1888-71-7 | 1-Propene, 1,1,2,3,3,3-hexachloro- |
U009 | 107-13-1 | 2-Propenenitrile |
U152 | 126-98-7 | 2-Propenenitrile, 2-methyl- (I,T) |
U008 | 79-10-7 | 2-Propenoic acid (I) |
U113 | 140-88-5 | 2-Propenoic acid, ethyl ester (I) |
U118 | 97-63-2 | 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, ethyl ester |
U162 | 80-62-6 | 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, methyl ester (I,T) |
U373 | 122-42-9 | Propham. |
U411 | 114-26-1 | Propoxur. |
U194 | 107-10-8 | n-Propylamine (I,T) |
U083 | 78-87-5 | Propylene dichloride |
U387 | 52888-80-9 | Prosulfocarb. |
U148 | 123-33-1 | 3,6-Pyridazinedione, 1,2-dihydro- |
U196 | 110-86-1 | Pyridine |
U191 | 109-06-8 | Pyridine, 2-methyl- |
U237 | 66-75-1 | 2,4-(1H,3H)-Pyrimidinedione, 5-[bis(2- chloroethyl)amino]- |
U164 | 56-04-2 | 4(1H)-Pyrimidinone, 2,3-dihydro-6-methyl-2-thioxo- |
U180 | 930-55-2 | Pyrrolidine, 1-nitroso- |
U200 | 50-55-5 | Reserpine |
U201 | 108-46-3 | Resorcinol |
U203 | 94-59-7 | Safrole |
U204 | 7783-00-8 | Selenious acid |
U204 | 7783-00-8 | Selenium dioxide |
U205 | 7488-56-4 | Selenium sulfide |
U205 | 7488-56-4 | Selenium sulfide SeS2 (R,T) |
U015 | 115-02-6 | L-Serine, diazoacetate (ester) |
See F027 | 93-72-1 | Silvex (2,4,5-TP) |
U206 | 18883-66-4 | Streptozotocin |
U103 | 77-78-1 | Sulfuric acid, dimethyl ester |
U189 | 1314-80-3 | Sulfur phosphide (R) |
See F027 | 93-76-5 | 2,4,5-T |
U207 | 95-94-3 | 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene |
U208 | 630-20-6 | 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane |
U209 | 79-34-5 | 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane |
U210 | 127-18-4 | Tetrachloroethylene |
See F027 | 58-90-2 | 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol |
U213 | 109-99-9 | Tetrahydrofuran (I) |
U214 | 563-68-8 | Thallium(I) acetate |
U215 | 6533-73-9 | Thallium(I) carbonate |
U216 | 7791-12-0 | Thallium(I) chloride |
U216 | 7791-12-0 | Thallium chloride TlCl |
U217 | 10102-45-1 | Thallium(I) nitrate |
U218 | 62-55-5 | Thioacetamide |
U410 | 59669-26-0 | Thiodicarb. |
U153 | 74-93-1 | Thiomethanol (I,T) |
U244 | 137-26-8 | Thioperoxydicarbonic diamide [(H2N)C(S)]2S2, tetramethyl- |
U409 | 23564-05-8 | Thiophanate-methyl. |
U219 | 62-56-6 | Thiourea |
U244 | 137-26-8 | Thiram |
U220 | 108-88-3 | Toluene |
U221 | 25376-45-8 | Toluenediamine |
U223 | 26471-62-5 | Toluene diisocyanate (R,T) |
U328 | 95-53-4 | o-Toluidine |
U353 | 106-49-0 | p-Toluidine |
U222 | 636-21-5 | o-Toluidine hydrochloride |
U389 | 2303-17-5 | Triallate. |
U011 | 61-82-5 | 1H-1,2,4-Triazol-3-amine |
U226 | 71-55-6 | 1,1,1-Trichloroethane |
U227 | 79-00-5 | 1,1,2-Trichloroethane |
U228 | 79-01-6 | Trichloroethylene |
U121 | 75-69-4 | Trichloromonofluoromethane |
See F027 | 95-95-4 | 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol |
See F027 | 88-06-2 | 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol |
U404 | 121-44-8 | Triethylamine. |
U234 | 99-35-4 | 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene (R,T) |
U182 | 123-63-7 | 1,3,5-Trioxane, 2,4,6-trimethyl- |
U235 | 126-72-7 | Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate |
U236 | 72-57-1 | Trypan blue |
U237 | 66-75-1 | Uracil mustard |
U176 | 759-73-9 | Urea, N-ethyl-N-nitroso- |
U177 | 684-93-5 | Urea, N-methyl-N-nitroso- |
U043 | 75-01-4 | Vinyl chloride |
U248 | 181-81-2 | Warfarin, & salts, when present at concentrations of 0.3% or less |
U239 | 1330-20-7 | Xylene (I) |
U200 | 50-55-5 | Yohimban-16-carboxylic acid, 11,17-dimethoxy-18-[(3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoyl)oxy]-methyl ester, (3beta,16beta,17alpha,18beta,20alpha)- |
U249 | 1314-84-7 | Zinc phosphide Zn3P2, when present at concentrations of 10% or less |
FOOTNOTE: 1 CAS Number given for parent compound only.
"I certify under penalty of law that all process equipment required to be cleaned or replaced under Rule 0400-12-01-.02(4)(f) was cleaned or replaced as represented in the equipment cleaning and replacement plan and accompanying documentation. I am aware that there are significant penalties for providing false information, including the possibility of fine or imprisonment."
Used, broken CRTs are not solid wastes if they meet the following conditions:
These materials are not solid wastes if they are destined for recycling and if they meet the following requirements:
The broken CRTs must be either:
Each container in which the used, broken CRT is contained must be labeled or marked clearly with one of the following phrases: "Used cathode ray tube(s)-contains leaded glass" or "Leaded glass from televisions or computers." It must also be labeled: "Do not mix with other glass materials."
The used, broken CRTs must be transported in a container meeting the requirements (i)(II) and subpart (ii) of this part.
The used, broken CRTs are subject to the limitations on speculative accumulation as defined in subpart (1)(a)3(viii) of this rule. If they are used in a manner constituting disposal, they must comply with the applicable requirements of Rule 0400-12-01-.09(3) instead of the requirements of this subparagraph.
[Note: The implementation of this subpart (Rule 0400-12-01-.02(5)(b) 1(v) Exports) remains the responsibility of EPA.]
In addition to the applicable conditions specified in subparts (i) through (iv) of this part, exporters of used, broken CRTs must comply with the following requirements:
"I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining this information, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment."
Used, broken CRTs undergoing processing are subject to the requirement of subpart 1(iv) of this subparagraph.
Glass from used CRTs that is destined for recycling at a CRT glass manufacturer or a lead smelter after processing is not a solid waste unless it is speculatively accumulated as defined in subpart (1)(a)3(viii) of this rule.
Glass from used CRTs that is used in a manner constituting disposal must comply with the requirements of paragraph (3) of Rule 0400-12-01-.09 instead of the requirements of this subparagraph.
[Note: The implementation of this subparagraph remains the responsibility of EPA.]
Used, intact CRTs exported for recycling are not solid wastes if they meet the notice and consent conditions of subpart (b)1(v) of this paragraph, and if they are not speculatively accumulated as defined in subpart (1)(a)3(viii) of this rule.
[Note: The implementation of this subparagraph remains the responsibility of EPA.]
"I certify under penalty of law that the CRTs described in this notice are intact and fully functioning or capable of being functional after refurbishment and that the used CRTs will be reused or refurbished and reused. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment."
The terms defined in parts (8)(b)5, 7, 8 and 9 of Rule 0400-12-01-.05 have the same meaning in this paragraph as they do in subparagraph (8)(b) of Rule 0400-12-01-.05.
(Note: To determine the potential cost of closing the facility as a treatment, storage and disposal facility, the Commissioner expects the owner or operator to develop and provide the information consistent with information required in a closure plan developed in accordance with part (7)(c)2 of Rule 0400-12-01-.05.)
Per subitem (1)(d)1(xxiv)(VI)VII of this rule, an owner or operator of a reclamation or intermediate facility must have financial assurance as a condition of the exclusion as required under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv). He must choose from the options as specified in parts 1 through 7 of this subparagraph. The Commissioner may accept alternative financial assurance mechanisms proposed by the owner or operator in writing, if the Commissioner determines that such mechanisms will provide protection to human health and the environment that is equivalent to other allowable financial assurance mechanisms.
"Notwithstanding any contrary term or condition of the above described Certificate of Deposit, [INSERT NAME OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTION] (the "Financial Institution") hereby covenants, warrants and represents that said Certificate of Deposit shall not be subject to any right, charge, security interest, lien or claim of any kind in favor of the Financial Institution. The Financial Institution further agrees that it shall not release the Certificate of Deposit or the proceeds thereof to anyone other than to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (the "Department") without the written consent of the Department."
An owner or operator of a hazardous secondary material reclamation facility or an intermediate facility subject to financial assurance requirements under subitem (1)(d)1(xxiv)(VI)VII of this rule, or a group of such facilities, must demonstrate financial responsibility for bodily injury and property damage to third parties caused by sudden accidental occurrences arising from operations of the facility or group of facilities. The owner or operator must have and maintain liability coverage for sudden accidental occurrences in the amount of at least $1 million per occurrence with an annual aggregate of at least $2 million, exclusive of legal defense costs. This liability coverage may be demonstrated as specified in subpart (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) or (vi) of this part:
An owner or operator of a hazardous secondary material reclamation facility or intermediate facility with land-based units, as defined in subparagraph (2)(a) of Rule 0400-12-01-.01, which are used to manage hazardous secondary materials excluded under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of this rule or a group of such facilities, must demonstrate financial responsibility for bodily injury and property damage to third parties caused by nonsudden accidental occurrences arising from operations of the facility or group of facilities. The owner or operator must have and maintain liability coverage for nonsudden accidental occurrences in the amount of at least $3 million per occurrence with an annual aggregate of at least $6 million, exclusive of legal defense costs. An owner or operator who must meet the requirements of this part may combine the required per-occurrence coverage levels for sudden and nonsudden accidental occurrences into a single per-occurrence level, and combine the required annual aggregate coverage levels for sudden and nonsudden accidental occurrences into a single annual aggregate level. Owners or operators who combine coverage levels for sudden and nonsudden accidental occurrences must maintain liability coverage in the amount of at least $4 million per occurrence and $8 million annual aggregate. This liability coverage may be demonstrated as specified in subpart (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), or (vi) of this part:
If an owner or operator can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that the levels of financial responsibility required by part 1 or 2 of this subparagraph are not consistent with the degree and duration of risk associated with treatment and/or storage at the facility or group of facilities, the owner or operator may obtain a variance from the Commissioner. The request for a variance must be submitted in writing to the Commissioner. If granted, the variance will take the form of an adjusted level of required liability coverage, such level to be based on the Commissioner's assessment of the degree and duration of risk associated with the ownership or operation of the facility or group of facilities. The Commissioner may require an owner or operator who requests a variance to provide such technical and engineering information as is deemed necessary by the Commissioner to determine a level of financial responsibility other than that required by part 1 or 2 of this subparagraph.
If the Commissioner determines that the levels of financial responsibility required by part 1 or 2 of this subparagraph are not consistent with the degree and duration of risk associated with treatment and/or storage at the facility or group of facilities, the Commissioner may adjust the level of financial responsibility required under part 1 or 2 of this subparagraph as may be necessary to protect human health and the environment. This adjusted level will be based on the Commissioner's assessment of the degree and duration of risk associated with the ownership or operation of the facility or group of facilities. In addition, if the Commissioner determines that there is a significant risk to human health and the environment from nonsudden accidental occurrences resulting from the operations of a facility that is not a surface impoundment, pile, or land treatment facility, he may require that an owner or operator of the facility comply with part 2 of this subparagraph. An owner or operator must furnish to the Commissioner, within a reasonable time, any information which the Commissioner requests to determine whether cause exists for such adjustments of level or type of coverage.
Within 60 days after receiving certifications from the owner or operator and a qualified Professional Engineer that all hazardous secondary materials have been removed from the facility or a unit at the facility and the facility or a unit has been decontaminated in accordance with the approved plan per part (d)8 of this paragraph, the Commissioner will notify the owner or operator in writing that he is no longer required under item (1)(d)1(xxiv)(VI)VII of this rule to maintain liability coverage for that facility or a unit at the facility, unless the Commissioner has reason to believe that that all hazardous secondary materials have not been removed from the facility or unit at a facility or that the facility or unit has not been decontaminated in accordance with the approved plan.
The wording of the financial instruments must be as follows or otherwise approved for use by the Commissioner:
Trust Agreement
Trust Agreement, the "Agreement," entered into as of [date] by and between [name of the owner or operator], a [name of State] [insert "corporation," "partnership," "association," or "proprietorship"], the "Grantor," and [name of corporate trustee], [insert "incorporated in the State of ___________________ " or "a national bank"], the "Trustee."
Whereas, the Underground Storage Tanks and Solid Waste Disposal Control Board, an agency of the State of Tennessee, has established certain rules applicable to the Grantor, requiring that an owner or operator of a facility regulated under Rule 0400-12-01-.05, or 0400-12-01-.06, or satisfying the conditions of the exclusion under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 shall provide assurance that funds will be available if needed for care of the facility under paragraph (7) of Rule 0400-12-01-.05 or 0400-12-01-.06, as applicable, Whereas, the Grantor has elected to establish a trust to provide all or part of such financial assurance for the facilities identified herein,
Whereas, the Grantor, acting through its duly authorized officers, has selected the Trustee to be the trustee under this agreement, and the Trustee is willing to act as trustee,
Now, Therefore, the Grantor and the Trustee agree as follows:
As used in this Agreement:
This Agreement pertains to the facilities and cost estimates identified on attached Schedule A [on Schedule A, for each facility list the EPA Identification Number (if available), name, address, and the current cost estimates, or portions thereof, for which financial assurance is demonstrated by this Agreement].
The Grantor and the Trustee hereby establish a trust fund, the "Fund," for the benefit of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation in the event that the hazardous secondary materials of the grantor no longer meet the conditions of the exclusion under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02. The Grantor and the Trustee intend that no third party have access to the Fund except as herein provided. The Fund is established initially as consisting of the property, which is acceptable to the Trustee, described in Schedule B attached hereto. Such property and any other property subsequently transferred to the Trustee is referred to as the Fund, together with all earnings and profits thereon, less any payments or distributions made by the Trustee pursuant to this Agreement. The Fund shall be held by the Trustee, IN TRUST, as hereinafter provided. The Trustee shall not be responsible nor shall it undertake any responsibility for the amount or adequacy of, nor any duty to collect from the Grantor, any payments necessary to discharge any liabilities of the Grantor established by the Commissioner.
The Trustee shall make payments from the Fund as the Commissioner shall direct, in writing, to provide for the payment of the costs of the performance of activities required under paragraph (7) of Rules 0400-12-01-.05 or 0400-12-01-.06 for the facilities covered by this Agreement. The Trustee shall reimburse the Grantor or other persons as specified by the Commissioner from the Fund for expenditures for such activities in such amounts as the beneficiary shall direct in writing. In addition, the Trustee shall refund to the Grantor such amounts as the Commissioner specifies in writing. Upon refund, such funds shall no longer constitute part of the Fund as defined herein.
Payments made to the Trustee for the Fund shall consist of cash or securities acceptable to the Trustee.
The Trustee shall invest and reinvest the principal and income of the Fund and keep the Fund invested as a single fund, without distinction between principal and income, in accordance with general investment policies and guidelines which the Grantor may communicate in writing to the Trustee from time to time, subject, however, to the provisions of this section. In investing, reinvesting, exchanging, selling, and managing the Fund, the Trustee shall discharge his duties with respect to the trust fund solely in the interest of the beneficiary and with the care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing which persons of prudence, acting in a like capacity and familiar with such matters, would use in the conduct of an enterprise of a like character and with like aims; except that:
The Trustee is expressly authorized in its discretion:
Without in any way limiting the powers and discretions conferred upon the Trustee by the other provisions of this Agreement or by law, the Trustee is expressly authorized and empowered:
All taxes of any kind that may be assessed or levied against or in respect of the Fund and all brokerage commissions incurred by the Fund shall be paid from the Fund. All other expenses incurred by the Trustee in connection with the administration of this Trust, including fees for legal services rendered to the Trustee, the compensation of the Trustee to the extent not paid directly by the Grantor, and all other proper charges and disbursements of the Trustee shall be paid from the Fund.
The Trustee shall annually, at least 30 days prior to the anniversary date of establishment of the Fund, furnish to the Grantor and to the Commissioner a statement confirming the value of the Trust. Any securities in the Fund shall be valued at market value as of no more than 60 days prior to the anniversary date of establishment of the Fund. The failure of the Grantor to object in writing to the Trustee within 90 days after the statement has been furnished to the Grantor and the Commissioner shall constitute a conclusively binding assent by the Grantor, barring the Grantor from asserting any claim or liability against the Trustee with respect to matters disclosed in the statement.
The Trustee may from time to time consult with counsel, who may be counsel to the Grantor, with respect to any question arising as to the construction of this Agreement or any action to be taken hereunder. The Trustee shall be fully protected, to the extent permitted by law, in acting upon the advice of counsel.
The Trustee shall be entitled to reasonable compensation for its services as agreed upon in writing from time to time with the Grantor.
The Trustee may resign or the Grantor may replace the Trustee, but such resignation or replacement shall not be effective until the Grantor has appointed a successor trustee and this successor accepts the appointment. The successor trustee shall have the same powers and duties as those conferred upon the Trustee hereunder. Upon the successor trustee's acceptance of the appointment, the Trustee shall assign, transfer, and pay over to the successor trustee the funds and properties then constituting the Fund. If for any reason the Grantor cannot or does not act in the event of the resignation of the Trustee, the Trustee may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for the appointment of a successor trustee or for instructions. The successor trustee shall specify the date on which it assumes administration of the trust in a writing sent to the Grantor, the Commissioner, and the present Trustee by certified mail 10 days before such change becomes effective. Any expenses incurred by the Trustee as a result of any of the acts contemplated by this Section shall be paid as provided in Section 9.
All orders, requests, and instructions by the Grantor to the Trustee shall be in writing, signed by such persons as are designated in the attached Exhibit A or such other designees as the Grantor may designate by amendment to Exhibit A. The Trustee shall be fully protected in acting without inquiry in accordance with the Grantor's orders, requests, and instructions. All orders, requests, and instructions by the Commissioner to the Trustee shall be in writing, signed by the Commissioner or their designee, and the Trustee shall act and shall be fully protected in acting in accordance with such orders, requests, and instructions. The Trustee shall have the right to assume, in the absence of written notice to the contrary, that no event constituting a change or a termination of the authority of any person to act on behalf of the Grantor or the Commissioner hereunder has occurred. The Trustee shall have no duty to act in the absence of such orders, requests, and instructions from the Grantor and/or the Commissioner, except as provided for herein.
This Agreement may be amended by an instrument in writing executed by the Grantor, the Trustee, and the Commissioner, or by the Trustee and the Commissioner if the Grantor ceases to exist.
Subject to the right of the parties to amend this Agreement as provided in Section 16, this Trust shall be irrevocable and shall continue until terminated at the written agreement of the Grantor, the Trustee, and the Commissioner, or by the Trustee and the Commissioner, if the Grantor ceases to exist. Upon termination of the Trust, all remaining trust property, less final trust administration expenses, shall be delivered to the Grantor.
The Trustee shall not incur personal liability of any nature in connection with any act or omission, made in good faith, in the administration of this Trust, or in carrying out any directions by the Grantor or the Commissioner issued in accordance with this Agreement. The Trustee shall be indemnified and saved harmless by the Grantor or from the Trust Fund, or both, from and against any personal liability to which the Trustee may be subjected by reason of any act or conduct in its official capacity, including all expenses reasonably incurred in its defense in the event the Grantor fails to provide such defense.
This Agreement shall be administered, construed, and enforced according to the laws of the state of [insert name of state].
As used in this Agreement, words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural include the singular. The descriptive headings for each Section of this Agreement shall not affect the interpretation or the legal efficacy of this Agreement.
In Witness Whereof the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective officers duly authorized and their corporate seals to be hereunto affixed and attested as of the date first above written: The parties below certify that the wording of this Agreement is identical to the wording specified in subpart (8)(l)1(i) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 as such rules were constituted on the date first above written.
[Signature of Grantor]
[Signature of Trustee]
State of _____________________ County of _______________________
On this [date], before me personally came [owner or operator] to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that she/he resides at [address], that she/he is [title] of [corporation], the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that she/he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to such instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that she/he signed her/his name thereto by like order.
[Signature of Notary Public]
Financial Guarantee Bond
Date bond executed:
Effective date:
Principal: [legal name and business address of owner or operator]
Type of Organization: [insert "individual," "joint venture," "partnership," or "corporation"]
State of incorporation: ________________________________
Surety(ies): [name(s) and business address(es)]
EPA Identification Number, name, address and amount(s) for each facility guaranteed by this bond:
Total penal sum of bond: $ _____________________ Surety's bond number: ___________________
Know All Persons By These Presents, That we, the Principal and Surety(ies) are firmly bound to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation in the event that the hazardous secondary materials at the reclamation or intermediate facility listed below no longer meet the conditions of the exclusion under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02, in the above penal sum for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns jointly and severally; provided that, where the Surety(ies) are corporations acting as co-sureties, we, the Sureties, bind ourselves in such sum "jointly and severally" only for the purpose of allowing a joint action or actions against any or all of us, and for all other purposes each Surety binds itself, jointly and severally with the Principal, for the payment of such sum only as is set forth opposite the name of such Surety, but if no limit of liability is indicated, the limit of liability shall be the full amount of the penal sum.
Whereas said Principal is required, under the Tennessee Hazardous Waste Management Act, to have a permit or interim status in order to own or operate each facility identified above, or to meet conditions under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02; and
Whereas said Principal is required to provide financial assurance as a condition of permit or interim status or as a condition of an exclusion under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02;
Now, Therefore, the conditions of the obligation are such that if the Principal shall faithfully satisfy all the conditions established for exclusion of hazardous secondary materials from coverage as solid waste under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02, Or, if the Principal shall provide alternate financial assurance, as specified in paragraph (8) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02, as applicable, and obtain the Commissioner's written approval of such assurance, within 90 days after the date notice of cancellation is received by both the Principal and the Commissioner from the Surety(ies), then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it is to remain in full force and effect.
The Surety(ies) shall become liable on this bond obligation only when the Principal has failed to fulfill the conditions described above. Upon notification by the Commissioner that the Principal has failed to perform as guaranteed by this bond, the Surety(ies) shall forfeit all or a portion of the penal sum of this bond to the Department.
Upon notification by the Commissioner that the Principal has failed to provide alternate financial assurance as specified in paragraph (8) of rule 0400-12-01-.02, and obtain written approval of such assurance from the Commissioner during the 90 days following receipt by both the Principal and the Commissioner of a notice of cancellation of the bond, the Surety(ies) shall forfeit the penal sum of this bond to the Department.
The liability of the Surety(ies) shall not be discharged by any payment or succession of payments hereunder, unless and until such payment or payments shall amount in the aggregate to the penal sum of the bond, but in no event shall the obligation of the Surety(ies) hereunder exceed the amount of said penal sum.
The Surety(ies) may cancel the bond by sending notice of cancellation by certified mail to the Principal and to the Commissioner, provided, however, that cancellation shall not occur during the 120 days beginning on the date of receipt of the notice of cancellation by both the Principal and the Commissioner, as evidenced by the return receipts.
The Principal may terminate this bond by sending written notice to the Surety(ies), provided, however, that no such notice shall become effective until the Surety(ies) receive(s) written authorization for termination of the bond by the Commissioner.
[The following paragraph is an optional rider that may be included but is not required.]
Principal and Surety(ies) hereby agree to adjust the penal sum of the bond yearly so that it guarantees a new amount, provided that the penal sum does not increase by more than 20 percent in any one year, and no decrease in the penal sum takes place without the written permission of the Commissioner.
In Witness Whereof, the Principal and Surety(ies) have executed this Financial Guarantee Bond and have affixed their seals on the date set forth above.
The persons whose signatures appear below hereby certify that they are authorized to execute this surety bond on behalf of the Principal and Surety(ies) and that the wording of this surety bond is identical to the wording specified in part (8)(l)2 of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 as such rules were constituted on the date this bond was executed.
[Corporate seal] _____________________________
Corporate Surety(ies)
[Name and address]
State of incorporation: _________________________
Liability limit:
$ _________________________________________
[Name(s) and title(s)]
[Corporate seal]
[For every co-surety, provide signature(s), corporate seal, and other information in the same manner as for Surety above.]
Bond premium: $ ________________________________
Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby establish our Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. _______ in your favor, in the event that the hazardous secondary materials at the covered reclamation or intermediary facility(ies) no longer meet the conditions of the exclusion under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02, at the request and for the account of [owner's or operator's name and address] up to the aggregate amount of [in words] U.S. dollars $ _________, available upon presentation of
This letter of credit is effective as of [date] and shall expire on [date at least 1 year later], but such expiration date shall be automatically extended for a period of [at least 1 year] on [date] and on each successive expiration date, unless, at least 120 days before the current expiration date, we notify both you and [owner's or operator's name] by certified mail that we have decided not to extend this letter of credit beyond the current expiration date. In the event you are so notified, any unused portion of the credit shall be available upon presentation of your sight draft for 120 days after the date of receipt by both you and [owner's or operator's name], as shown on the signed return receipts.
Whenever this letter of credit is drawn on under and in compliance with the terms of this credit, we shall duly honor such draft upon presentation to us, and we shall pay the amount of the draft to the State of Tennessee in accordance with your instructions.
We certify that the wording of this letter of credit is identical to the wording specified in part (8)(l)3 of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 as such rules were constituted on the date shown immediately below.
[Signature(s) and title(s) of official(s) of issuing institution] [Date]
This credit is subject to [insert "the most recent edition of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, published and copyrighted by the International Chamber of Commerce," or "the Uniform Commercial Code"].
Hazardous Secondary Material Reclamation/Intermediate Facility Endorsement
This endorsement certifies that the policy to which the endorsement is attached provides insurance to provide financial assurance so that in accordance with applicable rules all hazardous secondary materials can be removed from the facility or any unit at the facility and the facility or any unit at the facility can be decontaminated at the facilities identified above. The Insurer further warrants that such policy conforms in all respects with the requirements of part (8)(d)4 of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 as applicable and as such rules were constituted on the effective date of this endorsement. It is agreed that any provision of the policy inconsistent with such rules is hereby amended to eliminate such inconsistency. The coverage applies at [list EPA Identification Number (if any issued), name, and address for each facility]. The limits of liability are [insert the dollar amount], exclusive of legal defense costs.
Whenever requested by the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, the Insurer agrees to furnish to the Commissioner a duplicate original of the policy listed above, including all endorsements thereon.
I hereby certify that the wording of this endorsement is identical to the wording specified in part (8)(l)4 of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 as such rules were constituted on the date shown immediately below.
[Authorized signature for Insurer]
[Name of person signing]
[Title of person signing]
Signature of witness or notary: _______________________________
Letter From Chief Financial Officer
[Address to the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation].
I am the chief financial officer of [name and address of firm]. This letter is in support of this firm's use of the financial test to demonstrate financial assurance, as specified in paragraph (8) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02.
[Fill out the following nine paragraphs regarding facilities and associated cost estimates. If your firm has no facilities that belong in a particular paragraph, write "None" in the space indicated. For each facility, include its EPA Identification Number (if any issued), name, address, and current cost estimates.]
This firm [insert "is required" or "is not required"] to file a Form 10-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the latest fiscal year.
The fiscal year of this firm ends on [month, day]. The figures for the following items marked with an asterisk are derived from this firm's independently audited, year-end financial statements for the latest completed fiscal year, ended [date].
[Fill in Alternative I if the criteria of item (d)5(i)(I) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 are used. Fill in Alternative II if the criteria of item (d)5(i)(II) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 are used.]
Alternative I
Alternative II
I hereby certify that the wording of this letter is identical to the wording specified in part (8)(l)5 of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 as such rules were constituted on the date shown immediately below.
[Signature] __________________________________
[Name] _____________________________________
[Title] ______________________________________
[Date] ______________________________________
Letter from Chief Financial Officer
[Address to the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation].
I am the chief financial officer of [firm's name and address]. This letter is in support of the use of the financial test to demonstrate financial responsibility for liability coverage under subparagraph (h) [insert "and costs assured under part (d)5" if applicable] as specified in paragraph (8) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02.
[Fill out the following paragraphs regarding facilities and liability coverage. If there are no facilities that belong in a particular paragraph, write "None" in the space indicated. For each facility, include its EPA Identification Number (if any issued), name, and address].
The firm identified above is the owner or operator of the following facilities for which liability coverage for [insert "sudden" or "nonsudden" or "both sudden and nonsudden"] accidental occurrences is being demonstrated through the financial test specified in paragraph (8) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02: _________
The firm identified above guarantees, through the guarantee specified in paragraph (8) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02, liability coverage for [insert "sudden" or "nonsudden" or "both sudden and nonsudden"] accidental occurrences at the following facilities owned or operated by the following: _______________. The firm identified above is [insert one or more:
The firm identified above is the owner or operator of the following facilities for which liability coverage for [insert "sudden" or "nonsudden" or "both sudden and nonsudden"] accidental occurrences is being demonstrated through the financial test specified in paragraph (8) of Rules 0400-12-01-.05 and 0400-12-01-.06: __________
The firm identified above guarantees, through the guarantee specified in paragraph (8) of Rules 0400-12-01-.05 and 0400-12-01-.06, liability coverage for [insert "sudden" or "nonsudden" or "both sudden and nonsudden] accidental occurrences at the following facilities owned or operated by the following:
The firm identified above is [insert one or more:
[If you are using the financial test to demonstrate coverage of both liability and costs assured under part (8)(d)5 of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 or closure or post-closure care costs under subparagraph (8)(g) of Rule 0400-12-01-.05 or 0400-12-01-.06, fill in the following nine paragraphs regarding facilities and associated cost estimates. If there are no facilities that belong in a particular paragraph, write "None" in the space indicated. For each facility, include its EPA identification number (if any issued), name, address, and current cost estimates.]
[Attach a written description of the business relationship or a copy of the contract establishing such relationship to this letter].
This firm [insert "is required" or "is not required"] to file a Form 10-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the latest fiscal year.
The fiscal year of this firm ends on [month, day]. The figures for the following items marked with an asterisk are derived from this firm's independently audited, year-end financial statements for the latest completed fiscal year, ended [date].
Part A. Liability Coverage for Accidental Occurrences [Fill in Alternative I if the criteria of item (h)6(i)(I) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 are used. Fill in Alternative II if the criteria of item (h)6(i)(II) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 are used.]
Alternative I
Alternative II
[Fill in part B if you are using the financial test to demonstrate assurance of both liability coverage and costs assured under part (8)(d)5 of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 or closure or post-closure care costs under subparagraph (g) of Rule 0400-12-01-.05 or 0400-12-01-.06.]
Part B. Facility Care and Liability Coverage
[Fill in Alternative I if the criteria of item (8)(d)5(i)(I) and item (8)(h)6(i)(I) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 are used. Fill in Alternative II if the criteria of item (8)(d)5(i)(II) and item (8)(h)6(i)(II) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 are used.]
Alternative I
Alternative II
I hereby certify that the wording of this letter is identical to the wording specified in part (8)(l)6 of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 as such rules were constituted on the date shown immediately below.
[Signature] ___________________________________
[Name] _______________________________________
[Title] _______________________________________
[Date] _____________________________________________
Corporate Guarantee for Facility Care
Guarantee made this [date] by [name of guaranteeing entity], a business corporation organized under the laws of the state of Tennessee, herein referred to as guarantor. This guarantee is made on behalf of the [owner or operator] of [business address], which is [one of the following: "our subsidiary"; "a subsidiary of [name and address of common parent corporation], of which guarantor is a subsidiary"; or "an entity with which guarantor has a substantial business relationship, as defined in part (8)(b)9 of Rules 0400-12-01-.05 and 0400-12-01-.06" to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation.
Guarantor may terminate this guarantee by sending notice by certified mail to the Commissioner and to [owner or operator], provided that this guarantee may not be terminated unless and until [the owner or operator] obtains, and the Commissioner approves, alternate coverage complying with subparagraph (8)(d) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02.
[Insert the following language if the guarantor is a firm qualifying as a guarantor due to its "substantial business relationship" with the owner or operator]
Guarantor may terminate this guarantee 120 days following the receipt of notification, through certified mail, by the Commissioner and by [the owner or operator].
I hereby certify that the wording of this guarantee is identical to the wording specified in subpart (8)(l)7(i) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 as such rules were constituted on the date first above written.
Effective date: _____________________________________
[Name of guarantor] ________________________________
[Authorized signature for guarantor] _____________________________
[Name of person signing] _____________________________________
[Title of person signing] _______________________________________
Signature of witness or notary: _________________________________
Guarantee for Liability Coverage
Guarantee made this [date] by [name of guaranteeing entity], a business corporation organized under the laws of [if incorporated within the United States insert "the state of __________________ " and insert name of state; if incorporated outside the United States insert the name of the country in which incorporated, the principal place of business within the United States, and the name and address of the registered agent in the state of the principal place of business], herein referred to as guarantor. This guarantee is made on behalf of [owner or operator] of [business address], which is one of the following: "our subsidiary;" "a subsidiary of [name and address of common parent corporation], of which guarantor is a subsidiary;" or "an entity with which guarantor has a substantial business relationship, as defined in [either part (8)(b)9 of Rule 0400-12-01-.05 or part (8)(b)9 of Rule 0400-12-01-.06] , to any and all third parties who have sustained or may sustain bodily injury or property damage caused by [sudden and/or nonsudden] accidental occurrences arising from operation of the facility(ies) covered by this guarantee.
EPA identification number (if any issued), name, and address; and if guarantor is incorporated outside the United States list the name and address of the guarantor's registered agent in each state.] This corporate guarantee satisfies the paragraph (8) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 third-party liability requirements for [insert "sudden" or "nonsudden" or "both sudden and nonsudden"] accidental occurrences in above-named owner or operator facilities for overage in the amount of [insert dollar amount] for each occurrence and [insert dollar amount] annual aggregate.
[Insert the following language if the guarantor is a firm qualifying as a guarantor due to its "substantial business relationship" with the owner or operator]:
Guarantor may terminate this guarantee 120 days following receipt of notification, through certified mail, by the Commissioner and by [the owner or operator].
Certification of Valid Claim
The undersigned, as parties [insert Principal] and [insert name and address of third-party claimant(s)], hereby certify that the claim of bodily injury and/or property damage caused by a [sudden or nonsudden] accidental occurrence arising from operating [Principal's] facility should be paid in the amount of $ _____.
[Signatures] _____________________________
Principal ________________________________
(Notary) Date ____________________________
[Signatures] _____________________________
Claimant(s) _____________________________
(Notary) Date ____________________________
I hereby certify that the wording of the guarantee is identical to the wording specified in subpart (8)(l)7(ii) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 as such rules were constituted on the date shown immediately below.
Effective date: ___________________________________
[Name of guarantor] _______________________________
[Authorized signature for guarantor] _______________________________
[Name of person signing] _______________________________________
[Title of person signing] ________________________________________
Signature of witness or notary: __________________________________
Hazardous Secondary Material Reclamation/Intermediate Facility Liability Endorsement
Attached to and forming part of policy No. _______ issued by [name of Insurer], herein called the Insurer, of [address of Insurer] to [name of insured] of [address] this __________ day of _________, _______.
The effective date of said policy is ______ day of ______________, _______.
I hereby certify that the wording of this endorsement is identical to the wording specified in part (8)(l)8 of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 as such rule was constituted on the date first above written, and that the Insurer is licensed to transact the business of insurance, or eligible to provide insurance as an excess or surplus lines insurer in Tennessee.
[Signature of Authorized Representative of Insurer] ______________________________________
[Type name] __________________________________________
[Title], Authorized Representative of [name of Insurer] _____________________________________
[Address of Representative] _________________________________________________________
Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit
Name and Address of Issuing Institution ______________________________________
Commissioner ___________________________
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby establish our Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit No. ____________ in the favor of ["any and all third-party liability claimants"], at the request and for the account of [owner or operator's name and address] for third-party liability awards or settlements up to [in words] U.S. dollars $ _____________ per occurrence and the annual aggregate amount of [in words] U.S. dollars $ ______, for sudden accidental occurrences and/or for third-party liability awards or settlements up to the amount of [in words] U.S. dollars $ _____________ per occurrence, and the annual aggregate amount of [in words] U.S. dollars $ _____________, for nonsudden accidental occurrences available upon presentation of a sight draft bearing reference to this letter of credit No. ___________, and (1) a signed certificate reading as follows:
Certificate of Valid Claim
The undersigned, as parties [insert principal] and [insert name and address of third party claimant(s)], hereby certify that the claim of bodily injury and/or property damage caused by a [sudden or nonsudden] accidental occurrence arising from operations of [principal's] facility should be paid in the amount of $[ ]. We hereby certify that the claim does not apply to any of the following:
[Signatures] ____________________________________
Grantor _______________________________________
[Signatures] ___________________________________
Claimant(s) ____________________________________
or (2) a valid final court order establishing a judgment against the Grantor for bodily injury or property damage caused by sudden or nonsudden accidental occurrences arising from the operation of the Grantor's facility or group of facilities.
This letter of credit is effective as of [date] and shall expire on [date at least one year later], but such expiration date shall be automatically extended for a period of [at least one year] on [date and on each successive expiration date, unless, at least 120 days before the current expiration date, we notify you, the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, and [owner's or operator's name] by certified mail that we have decided not to extend this letter of credit beyond the current expiration date.
Whenever this letter of credit is drawn on under and in compliance with the terms of this credit, we shall duly honor such draft upon presentation to us.
In the event that this letter of credit is used in combination with another mechanism for liability coverage, this letter of credit shall be considered [insert "primary" or "excess" coverage].
We certify that the wording of this letter of credit is identical to the wording specified in part (8)(l)9 of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 as such rules were constituted on the date shown immediately below.
[Signature(s) and title(s) of official(s) of issuing institution]
This credit is subject to [insert "the most recent edition of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, published and copyrighted by the International Chamber of Commerce," or "the Uniform Commercial Code"].
Payment Bond
Surety Bond No. [Insert number]
Parties [Insert name and address of owner or operator],
Principal, incorporated in [Insert State of incorporation] of [Insert city and State of principal place of business] and [Insert name and address of surety company(ies)], Surety Company(ies), of [Insert surety(ies) place of business].
EPA Identification Number (if any issued), name, and address for each facility guaranteed by this bond: ________
Nonsudden accidental occurrence | Sudden accidental occurrences | |
Penal Sum Per Occurrence Annual Aggregate | [Insert amount] [Insert amount] | [Insert amount] [Insert amount] |
Purpose: This is an agreement between the Surety(ies) and the Principal under which the Surety(ies), its(their) successors and assignees, agree to be responsible for the payment of claims against the Principal for bodily injury and/or property damage to third parties caused by ["sudden" and/or "nonsudden"] accidental occurrences arising from operations of the facility or group of facilities in the sums prescribed herein; subject to the governing provisions and the following conditions.
Governing Provisions:
Certification of Valid Claim
The undersigned, as parties [insert name of Principal] and [insert name and address of third party claimant(s)], hereby certify that the claim of bodily injury and/or property damage caused by a [sudden or nonsudden] accidental occurrence arising from operating [Principal's] facility should be paid in the amount of $[ ].
[Signature] _________________________
Principal ___________________________
[Notary] Date _______________________
[Signature(s)] _______________________
Claimant(s) ___________________________
[Notary] Date _________________________
In Witness Whereof, the Principal and Surety(ies) have executed this Bond and have affixed their seals on the date set forth above.
The persons whose signatures appear below hereby certify that they are authorized to execute this surety bond on behalf of the Principal and Surety(ies) and that the wording of this surety bond is identical to the wording specified in part (8)(l)10 of Rule 0400-12-01-.02, as such rules were constituted on the date this bond was executed.
[Corporate Seal]
[Name and address]
State of incorporation: _______________________________
Liability Limit: $ ____________________________________
[Name(s) and title(s)]
[Corporate seal]
[For every co-surety, provide signature(s), corporate seal, and other information in the same manner as for Surety above.]
Bond premium: $ _________________________________
Trust Agreement
Trust Agreement, the "Agreement," entered into as of [date] by and between [name of the owner or operator] a [name of state] [insert "corporation," "partnership," "association," or "proprietorship"], the "Grantor," and [name of corporate trustee], [insert, "incorporated in the state of ______________ " or "a national bank"], the "Trustee."
Whereas, the Underground Storage Tanks and Solid Waste Disposal Control Board, an agency of the State of Tennessee, has established certain regulations applicable to the Grantor, requiring that an owner or operator must demonstrate financial responsibility for bodily injury and property damage to third parties caused by sudden accidental and/or nonsudden accidental occurrences arising from operations of the facility or group of facilities.
Whereas, the Grantor has elected to establish a trust to assure all or part of such financial responsibility for the facilities identified herein.
Whereas, the Grantor, acting through its duly authorized officers, has selected the Trustee to be the trustee under this agreement, and the Trustee is willing to act as trustee.
Now, therefore, the Grantor and the Trustee agree as follows:
As used in this Agreement:
This agreement pertains to the facilities identified on attached schedule A [on schedule A, for each facility list the EPA Identification Number (if any issued), name, and address of the facility(ies) and the amount of liability coverage, or portions thereof, if more than one instrument affords combined coverage as demonstrated by this Agreement].
The Grantor and the Trustee hereby establish a trust fund, hereinafter the "Fund," for the benefit of any and all third parties injured or damaged by [sudden and/or nonsudden] accidental occurrences arising from operation of the facility(ies) covered by this guarantee, in the amounts of _________ [up to $ 1 million] per occurrence and [up to $2 million] annual aggregate for sudden accidental occurrences and ______ [up to $3 million] per occurrence and __________ [up to $6 million] annual aggregate for nonsudden occurrences, except that the Fund is not established for the benefit of third parties for the following:
In the event of combination with another mechanism for liability coverage, the Fund shall be considered [insert "primary" or "excess"] coverage.
The Fund is established initially as consisting of the property, which is acceptable to the Trustee, described in Schedule B attached hereto. Such property and any other property subsequently transferred to the Trustee is referred to as the Fund, together with all earnings and profits thereon, less any payments or distributions made by the Trustee pursuant to this Agreement. The Fund shall be held by the Trustee, IN TRUST, as hereinafter provided. The Trustee shall not be responsible nor shall it undertake any responsibility for the amount or adequacy of, nor any duty to collect from the Grantor, any payments necessary to discharge any liabilities of the Grantor established by the Department.
The Trustee shall satisfy a third party liability claim by making payments from the Fund only upon receipt of one of the following documents;
Certification of Valid Claim
The undersigned, as parties [insert Grantor] and [insert name and address of third party claimant(s)], hereby certify that the claim of bodily injury and/or property damage caused by a [sudden or nonsudden] accidental occurrence arising from operating [Grantor's] facility or group of facilities should be paid in the amount of $[ ].
Payments made to the Trustee for the Fund shall consist of cash or securities acceptable to the Trustee.
The Trustee shall invest and reinvest the principal and income, in accordance with general investment policies and guidelines which the Grantor may communicate in writing to the Trustee from time to time, subject, however, to the provisions of this section. In investing, reinvesting, exchanging, selling, and managing the Fund, the Trustee shall discharge his duties with respect to the trust fund solely in the interest of the beneficiary and with the care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstance then prevailing which persons of prudence, acting in a like capacity and familiar with such matters, would use in the conduct of an enterprise of a like character and with like aims; except that:
The Trustee is expressly authorized in its discretion:
Without in any way limiting the powers and discretions conferred upon the Trustee by the other provisions of this Agreement or by law, the Trustee is expressly authorized and empowered:
All taxes of any kind that may be assessed or levied against or in respect of the Fund and all brokerage commissions incurred by the Fund shall be paid from the Fund. All other expenses incurred by the Trustee in connection with the administration of this Trust, including fees for legal services rendered to the Trustee, the compensation of the Trustee to the extent not paid directly by the Grantor, and all other proper charges and disbursements of the Trustee shall be paid from the Fund.
The Trustee shall annually, at least 30 days prior to the anniversary date of establishment of the Fund, furnish to the Grantor and to the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation a statement confirming the value of the Trust. Any securities in the Fund shall be valued at market value as of no more than 60 days prior to the anniversary date of establishment of the Fund. The failure of the Grantor to object in writing to the Trustee within 90 days after the statement has been furnished to the Grantor and the Commissioner shall constitute a conclusively binding assent by the Grantor barring the Grantor from asserting any claim or liability against the Trustee with respect to matters disclosed in the statement.
The Trustee may from time to time consult with counsel, who may be counsel to the Grantor with respect to any question arising as to the construction of this Agreement or any action to be taken hereunder. The Trustee shall be fully protected, to the extent permitted by law, in acting upon the advice of counsel.
The Trustee shall be entitled to reasonable compensation for its services as agreed upon in writing from time to time with the Grantor.
The Trustee may resign or the Grantor may replace the Trustee, but such resignation or replacement shall not be effective until the Grantor has appointed a successor trustee and this successor accepts the appointment. The successor trustee shall have the same powers and duties as those conferred upon the Trustee hereunder. Upon the successor trustee's acceptance of the appointment, the Trustee shall assign, transfer, and pay over to the successor trustee the funds and properties then constituting the Fund. If for any reason the Grantor cannot or does not act in the event of the resignation of the Trustee, the Trustee may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for the appointment of a successor trustee or for instructions. The successor trustee shall specify the date on which it assumes administration of the trust in a writing sent to the Grantor, the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, and the present Trustee by certified mail 10 days before such change becomes effective. Any expenses incurred by the Trustee as a result of any of the acts contemplated by this section shall be paid as provided in Section 9.
All orders, requests, and instructions by the Grantor to the Trustee shall be in writing, signed by such persons as are designated in the attached Exhibit A or such other designees as the Grantor may designate by amendments to Exhibit A. The Trustee shall be fully protected in acting without inquiry in accordance with the Grantor's orders, requests, and instructions. All orders, requests, and instructions by the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation to the Trustee shall be in writing, signed by the Commissioner, or designee, and the Trustee shall act and shall be fully protected in acting in accordance with such orders, requests, and instructions. The Trustee shall have the right to assume, in the absence of written notice to the contrary, that no event constituting a change or a termination of the authority of any person to act on behalf of the Grantor or the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation hereunder has occurred. The Trustee shall have no duty to act in the absence of such orders, requests, and instructions from the Grantor and/or the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, except as provided for herein.
If a payment for bodily injury or property damage is made under Section 4 of this trust, the Trustee shall notify the Grantor of such payment and the amount(s) thereof within 5 working days. The Grantor shall, on or before the anniversary date of the establishment of the Fund following such notice, either make payments to the Trustee in amounts sufficient to cause the trust to return to its value immediately prior to the payment of claims under Section 4, or shall provide written proof to the Trustee that other financial assurance for liability coverage has been obtained equaling the amount necessary to return the trust to its value prior to the payment of claims. If the Grantor does not either make payments to the Trustee or provide the Trustee with such proof, the Trustee shall within 10 working days after the anniversary date of the establishment of the Fund provide a written notice of nonpayment to the Commissioner.
This Agreement may be amended by an instrument in writing executed by the Grantor, the Trustee, and the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, or by the Trustee and the Commissioner if the Grantor ceases to exist.
Subject to the right of the parties to amend this Agreement as provided in Section 16, this Trust shall be irrevocable and shall continue until terminated at the written agreement of the Grantor, the Trustee, and the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, or by the Trustee and the Commissioner, if the Grantor ceases to exist. Upon termination of the Trust, all remaining trust property, less final trust administration expenses, shall be delivered to the Grantor.
The Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation will agree to termination of the Trust when the owner or operator substitutes alternate financial assurance as specified in this section.
The Trustee shall not incur personal liability of any nature in connection with any act or omission, made in good faith, in the administration of this Trust, or in carrying out any directions by the Grantor or the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation issued in accordance with this Agreement. The Trustee shall be indemnified and saved harmless by the Grantor or from the Trust Fund, or both, from and against any personal liability to which the Trustee may be subjected by reason of any act or conduct in its official capacity, including all expenses reasonably incurred in its defense in the event the Grantor fails to provide such defense.
This Agreement shall be administered, construed, and enforced according to the laws of the state of [enter name of state].
As used in this Agreement, words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural include the singular. The descriptive headings for each section of this Agreement shall not affect the interpretation or the legal efficacy of this Agreement.
In Witness Whereof the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective officers duly authorized and their corporate seals to be hereunto affixed and attested as of the date first above written. The parties below certify that the wording of this Agreement is identical to the wording specified in part (8)(l)11 of Rule 0400-12-01-.02 as such regulations were constituted on the date first above written.
[Signature of Grantor]
[Signature of Trustee]
State of _______________________ County of _____________________
On this [date], before me personally came [owner or operator] to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that she/he resides at [address], that she/he is [title] of [corporation], the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that she/he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to such instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that she/he signed her/ his name thereto by like order.
[Signature of Notary Public]
Personal Bond
Know All Persons By These Presents, That I, the Principal am firmly bound to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation in the event that the hazardous secondary materials at the reclamation or intermediate facility listed below no longer meet the conditions of the exclusion under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02, in the above penal sum for the payment of which I bind myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns jointly and severally for the payment of the full amount of the penal sum.
Whereas said Principal is required, under the Tennessee Hazardous Waste Management Act, to have a permit or interim status in order to own or operate each facility identified above, or to meet conditions under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02; and
Whereas said Principal is required to provide financial assurance as a condition of permit or interim status or as a condition of an exclusion under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02;
Now, Therefore, the conditions of the obligation are such that if the Principal shall faithfully satisfy all the conditions established for exclusion of hazardous secondary materials from coverage as solid waste under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02,
Or, if the Principal shall provide alternate financial assurance, as specified in paragraph (8) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02, as applicable, and obtain the Commissioner's written approval of such assurance, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it is to remain in full force and effect.
The Principal shall become liable on this bond obligation only when the Principal has failed to fulfill the conditions described above. Upon notification by the Commissioner that the Principal has failed to perform as guaranteed by this bond, the Principal shall forfeit all or a portion of the penal sum of this bond to the Department.
The liability of the Surety(ies) shall not be discharged by any payment or succession of payments hereunder, unless and until such payment or payments shall amount in the aggregate to the penal sum of the bond, but in no event shall the obligation of the Surety(ies) hereunder exceed the amount of said penal sum.
The Principal has this day irrevocably assigned the deposit to the Department and has submitted to the Department the original of Certificate of Deposit # _______________________ or an original safekeeping receipt of the deposit.
The person whose signature appears below hereby certifies that he/she is authorized to execute this surety bond on behalf of the Principal and that the wording of this surety bond is identical to the wording specified in Rule 0400-12-01-.02(8)(l) 13(ii) as such rules were constituted on the date this bond was executed.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this the _____________ day of __________________, 20 _____.
Notary Public
My commission expires on the _________________ day of ________________________, 20 _____.
Personal Bond
Know All Persons By These Presents, That I, the Principal am firmly bound to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation in the event that the hazardous secondary materials at the reclamation or intermediate facility listed below no longer meet the conditions of the exclusion under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02, in the above penal sum for the payment of which I bind myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns jointly and severally for the payment of the full amount of the penal sum.
Whereas said Principal is required, under the Tennessee Hazardous Waste Management Act, to have a permit or interim status in order to own or operate each facility identified above, or to meet conditions under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02, and
Whereas said Principal is required to provide financial assurance as a condition of permit or interim status or as a condition of an exclusion under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02;
Now, Therefore, the conditions of the obligation are such that if the Principal shall faithfully satisfy all the conditions established for exclusion of hazardous secondary materials from coverage as solid waste under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02, Or, if the Principal shall provide alternate financial assurance, as specified in paragraph (8) of Rule 0400-12-01-.02, as applicable, and obtain the Commissioner's written approval of such assurance, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it is to remain in full force and effect.
The Principal shall become liable on this bond obligation only when the Principal has failed to fulfill the conditions described above. Upon notification by the Commissioner that the Principal has failed to perform as guaranteed by this bond, the Principal shall forfeit all or a portion of the penal sum of this bond to the Department.
The liability of the Surety(ies) shall not be discharged by any payment or succession of payments hereunder, unless and until such payment or payments shall amount in the aggregate to the penal sum of the bond, but in no event shall the obligation of the Surety(ies) hereunder exceed the amount of said penal sum.
The Principal has this day deposited funds equal to the penal sum of the bond with the treasurer of the state of Tennessee in support of this personal bond.
The person whose signature appears below hereby certifies that he/she is authorized to execute this surety bond on behalf of the Principal and that the wording of this surety bond is identical to the wording specified in Rule 0400-12-01-.02(8)(l) 14(ii) as such rules were constituted on the date this bond was executed.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this the _____________ day of __________________, 20 _____.
Notary Public
My commission expires on the _________________ day of ________________________, 20 _____.
This paragraph applies to hazardous secondary materials excluded under the remanufacturing exclusion at subpart (1)(d)1(xxvii) of this rule and stored in containers.
If a container holding hazardous secondary material is not in good condition (e.g., severe rusting, apparent structural defects) or if it begins to leak, the hazardous secondary material must be transferred from this container to a container that is in good condition or managed in some other way that complies with the requirements of this rule.
The container must be made of or lined with materials which will not react with, and are otherwise compatible with, the hazardous secondary material to be stored, so that the ability of the container to contain the material is not impaired.
Containers holding ignitable or reactive hazardous secondary material must be located at least 15 meters (50 feet) from the facility's property line.
The remanufacturer or other person that stores or treats the hazardous secondary material shall manage all hazardous secondary material placed in a container in accordance with the applicable requirements of paragraphs (27), (28) and (29) of this rule.
(Note: The practices described in the American Petroleum Institute (API) Publication, Guide for Inspection of Refinery Equipment, Chapter XIII, "Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks," 4th edition, 1981, may be used, where applicable, as guidelines in conducting other than a leak test.)
(Note: If the collected material is a hazardous waste under this rule, it is subject to management as a hazardous waste in accordance with all applicable requirements of Rule 0400-12-01-.03 through Rule 0400-12-01-.10. If the collected material is discharged through a point source to waters of the United States, it is subject to the requirements of sections 301, 304, 402 of the Clean Water Act, or equivalent authority under the Tennessee Water Quality Control Act, as amended. If discharged to a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW), it is subject to the requirements of section 307 of the Clean Water Act, or equivalent authority under the Tennessee Water Quality Control Act, as amended. If the collected material is released to the environment, it may be subject to the reporting requirements of 40 C.F.R. part 302 .)
(Note: The provisions outlined in the Steel Tank Institute's (STI) "Standard for Dual Wall Underground Steel Storage Tanks" may be used as guidelines for aspects of the design of underground steel double-walled tanks.)
A tank system or secondary containment system from which there has been a leak or spill, or which is unfit for use, must be removed from service immediately, and the remanufacturer or other person that stores or treats the hazardous secondary material must satisfy the following requirements:
If the remanufacturer or other person that stores or treats the hazardous secondary material has repaired a tank system in accordance with part 5 of this subparagraph, and the repair has been extensive (e.g., installation of an internal liner; repair of a ruptured primary containment or secondary containment vessel), the tank system must not be returned to service unless the remanufacturer or other person that stores or treats the hazardous secondary material has obtained a certification by a qualified Professional Engineer that the repaired system is capable of handling hazardous secondary materials without release for the intended life of the system. This certification must be kept on file at the facility and maintained until closure of the facility.
(Note: The Regional Administrator or Commissioner may, on the basis of any information received that there is or has been a release of hazardous secondary material or hazardous constituents into the environment, issue an order under RCRA section 7003(a) or the Act (T.C.A. §§ 68-212-101 to -121), respectively, requiring corrective action or such other response as deemed necessary to protect human health or the environment.)
(Note: 40 C.F.R. part 302 may require the owner or operator to notify the National Response Center of certain releases.)
Hazardous secondary material stored in units more than 90 days after the unit ceases to operate under the remanufacturing exclusion at subpart (1)(d)1(xxvii) of this rule or otherwise ceases to be operated for manufacturing, or for storage of a product or a raw material, then becomes subject to regulation as hazardous waste under Rules 0400-12-01-.02 through 0400-12-01-.10, as applicable.
The remanufacturer or other person that stores or treats the hazardous secondary material shall manage all hazardous secondary material placed in a tank in accordance with the applicable requirements of paragraphs (27), (28) and (29) of this rule.
The requirements of this paragraph apply to those areas of an entity managing hazardous secondary materials excluded under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiii) and/or (xxiv) of this rule where hazardous secondary materials are generated or accumulated on site.
Facilities generating or accumulating hazardous secondary material must be maintained and operated to minimize the possibility of a fire, explosion, or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release of hazardous secondary materials or hazardous secondary material constituents to air, soil, or surface water which could threaten human health or the environment.
All facilities generating or accumulating hazardous secondary material must be equipped with the following, unless none of the hazards posed by hazardous secondary material handled at the facility could require a particular kind of equipment specified below:
All facility communications or alarm systems, fire protection equipment, spill control equipment, and decontamination equipment, where required, must be tested and maintained as necessary to assure its proper operation in time of emergency.
The hazardous secondary material generator or intermediate or reclamation facility managing hazardous secondary material excluded from regulation under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of this rule must maintain aisle space to allow the unobstructed movement of personnel, fire protection equipment, spill control equipment, and decontamination equipment to any area of facility operation in an emergency, unless aisle space is not needed for any of these purposes.
A generator or an intermediate or reclamation facility managing hazardous secondary material excluded from regulation under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of this rule that generates or accumulates 6000 kg or less of hazardous secondary material must comply with the following requirements:
A generator or an intermediate or reclamation facility managing hazardous secondary material excluded from regulation under subpart (1)(d)1(xxiv) of this rule that generates or accumulates more than 6000 kg of hazardous secondary material must comply with the following requirements:
A copy of the contingency plan and all revisions to the plan must be:
At all times, there must be at least one employee either on the facility premises or on call (i.e., available to respond to an emergency by reaching the facility within a short period of time) with the responsibility for coordinating all emergency response measures. This emergency coordinator must be thoroughly familiar with all aspects of the facility's contingency plan, all operations and activities at the facility, the location and characteristics of waste handled, the location of all records within the facility, and the facility layout. In addition, this person must have the authority to commit the resources needed to carry out the contingency plan. The emergency coordinator's responsibilities are more fully detailed in part 6 of this subparagraph. Applicable responsibilities for the emergency coordinator vary, depending on factors such as type and variety of hazardous secondary material(s) handled by the facility, and type and complexity of the facility.
All employees must be thoroughly familiar with proper waste handling and emergency procedures relevant to their responsibilities during normal facility operations and emergencies.
This paragraph applies to process vents associated with distillation, fractionation, thin-film evaporation, solvent extraction, or air or stream stripping operations that manage hazardous secondary materials excluded under the remanufacturing exclusion at (1)(d)1(xxvii) of this rule with concentrations of at least 10 ppmw, unless the process vents are equipped with operating air emission controls in accordance with the requirements of an applicable Clean Air Act regulation codified under 40 C.F.R. part 60, part 61, or part 63, or an equivalent rule under the Tennessee Air Quality Act.
As used in this paragraph, all terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given them in the Tennessee Hazardous Waste Management Act and subparagraph (2)(a) of Rule 0400-12-01-.01.
"Air stripping operation" is a desorption operation employed to transfer one or more volatile components from a liquid mixture into a gas (air) either with or without the application of heat to the liquid. Packed towers, spray towers, and bubble-cap, sieve, or valve-type plate towers are among the process configurations used for contacting the air and a liquid.
"Bottoms receiver" means a container or tank used to receive and collect the heavier bottoms fractions of the distillation feed stream that remain in the liquid phase.
"Closed-vent system" means a system that is not open to the atmosphere and that is composed of piping, connections, and, if necessary, flow-inducing devices that transport gas or vapor from a piece or pieces of equipment to a control device.
"Condenser" means a heat-transfer device that reduces a thermodynamic fluid from its vapor phase to its liquid phase.
"Connector" means flanged, screwed, welded, or other joined fittings used to connect two pipelines or a pipeline and a piece of equipment. For the purposes of reporting and recordkeeping, connector means flanged fittings that are not covered by insulation or other materials that prevent location of the fittings.
"Continuous recorder" means a data-recording device recording an instantaneous data value at least once every 15 minutes.
"Control device" means an enclosed combustion device, vapor recovery system, or flare. Any device the primary function of which is the recovery or capture of solvents or other organics for use, reuse, or sale (e.g., a primary condenser on a solvent recovery unit) is not a control device.
"Control device shutdown" means the cessation of operation of a control device for any purpose.
"Distillate receiver" means a container or tank used to receive and collect liquid material (condensed) from the overhead condenser of a distillation unit and from which the condensed liquid is pumped to larger storage tanks or other process units.
"Distillation operation" means an operation, either batch or continuous, separating one or more feed stream(s) into two or more exit streams, each exit stream having component concentrations different from those in the feed stream(s). The separation is achieved by the redistribution of the components between the liquid and vapor phase as they approach equilibrium within the distillation unit.
"Double block and bleed system" means two block valves connected in series with a bleed valve or line that can vent the line between the two block valves.
"Equipment" means each valve, pump, compressor, pressure relief device, sampling connection system, open-ended valve or line, or flange or other connector, and any control devices or systems required by this paragraph.
"Flame zone" means the portion of the combustion chamber in a boiler occupied by the flame envelope.
"Flow indicator" means a device that indicates whether gas flow is present in a vent stream.
"First attempt at repair" means to take rapid action for the purpose of stopping or reducing leakage of organic material to the atmosphere using best practices.
"Fractionation operation" means a distillation operation or method used to separate a mixture of several volatile components of different boiling points in successive stages, each stage removing from the mixture some proportion of one of the components.
"Hazardous secondary material management unit shutdown" means a work practice or operational procedure that stops operation of a hazardous secondary material management unit or part of a hazardous secondary material management unit. An unscheduled work practice or operational procedure that stops operation of a hazardous secondary material management unit or part of a hazardous secondary material management unit for less than 24 hours is not a hazardous secondary material management unit shutdown. The use of spare equipment and technically feasible bypassing of equipment without stopping operation are not hazardous secondary material management unit shutdowns.
"Hot well" means a container for collecting condensate as in a steam condenser serving a vacuum-jet or steam-jet ejector.
"In gas/vapor service" means that the piece of equipment contains or contacts a hazardous secondary material stream that is in the gaseous state at operating conditions.
"In heavy liquid service" means that the piece of equipment is not in gas/vapor service or in light liquid service.
"In light liquid service" means that the piece of equipment contains or contacts a material stream where the vapor pressure of one or more of the organic components in the stream is greater than 0.3 kilopascals (kPa) at 20°C, the total concentration of the pure organic components having a vapor pressure greater than 0.3 kilopascals (kPa) at 20°C is equal to or greater than 20 percent by weight, and the fluid is a liquid at operating conditions.
"In situ sampling systems" means nonextractive samplers or in-line samplers.
"In vacuum service" means that equipment is operating at an internal pressure that is at least 5 kPa below ambient pressure.
"Malfunction" means any sudden failure of a control device or a hazardous secondary material management unit or failure of a hazardous secondary material management unit to operate in a normal or usual manner, so that organic emissions are increased.
"Open-ended valve or line" means any valve, except pressure relief valves, having one side of the valve seat in contact with hazardous secondary material and one side open to the atmosphere, either directly or through open piping.
"Pressure release" means the emission of materials resulting from the system pressure being greater than the set pressure of the pressure relief device.
"Process heater" means a device that transfers heat liberated by burning fuel to fluids contained in tubes, including all fluids except water that are heated to produce steam.
"Process vent" means any open-ended pipe or stack that is vented to the atmosphere either directly, through a vacuum-producing system, or through a tank (e.g., distillate receiver, condenser, bottoms receiver, surge control tank, separator tank, or hot well) associated with hazardous secondary material distillation, fractionation, thin-film evaporation, solvent extraction, or air or steam stripping operations.
"Repaired" means that equipment is adjusted, or otherwise altered, to eliminate a leak.
"Sampling connection system" means an assembly of equipment within a process or material management unit used during periods of representative operation to take samples of the process or material fluid. Equipment used to take non-routine grab samples is not considered a sampling connection system.
"Sensor" means a device that measures a physical quantity or the change in a physical quantity, such as temperature, pressure, flow rate, pH, or liquid level.
"Separator tank" means a device used for separation of two immiscible liquids.
"Solvent extraction operation" means an operation or method of separation in which a solid or solution is contacted with a liquid solvent (the two being mutually insoluble) to preferentially dissolve and transfer one or more components into the solvent.
"Startup" means the setting in operation of a hazardous secondary material management unit or control device for any purpose.
"Steam stripping operation" means a distillation operation in which vaporization of the volatile constituents of a liquid mixture takes place by the introduction of steam directly into the charge.
"Surge control tank" means a large-sized pipe or storage reservoir sufficient to contain the surging liquid discharge of the process tank to which it is connected.
"Thin-film evaporation operation" means a distillation operation that employs a heating surface consisting of a large diameter tube that may be either straight or tapered, horizontal or vertical. Liquid is spread on the tube wall by a rotating assembly of blades that maintain a close clearance from the wall or actually ride on the film of liquid on the wall.
"Vapor incinerator" means any enclosed combustion device that is used for destroying organic compounds and does not extract energy in the form of steam or process heat.
"Vented" means discharged through an opening, typically an open-ended pipe or stack, allowing the passage of a stream of liquids, gases, or fumes into the atmosphere. The passage of liquids, gases, or fumes is caused by mechanical means such as compressors or vacuum-producing systems or by process-related means such as evaporation produced by heating and not caused by tank loading and unloading (working losses) or by natural means such as diurnal temperature changes.
Ht = Net heating value of the sample, MJ/scm; where the net enthalpy per mole of offgas is based on combustion at 25°C and 760 mm Hg, but the standard temperature for determining the volume corresponding to 1 mol is 20°C;
K = Constant, 1.74 x 10-7 (1/ppm) (g mol/scm) (MJ/kcal) where standard temperature for (g mol/scm) is 20°C;
Ci = Concentration of sample component i in ppm on a wet basis, as measured for organics by Reference Method 18 in 40 CFR part 60 and measured for hydrogen and carbon monoxide by ASTM D 1946-82 (listed in Rule 0400-12-01-.01(2)(b)); and
Hi = Net heat of combustion of sample component i, kcal/ g mol at 25°C and 760 mm Hg. The heats of combustion may be determined using ASTM D 2382-83 (listed in Rule 0400-12-01-.01(2)(b)) if published values are not available or cannot be calculated.
Log10(Vmax) = (HT + 28.8)÷ 31.7
28.8 = Constant,
31.7 = Constant,
HT = The net heating value as determined in subpart (ii) of this part.
Vmax = 8.706 + 0.7084 (HT) where:
8.706 = Constant,
0.7084 = Constant,
HT = The net heating value as determined in subpart (ii) of this part.
Eh = Total organic mass flow rate, kg/h;
Q2sd = Volumetric flow rate of gases entering or exiting control device, as determined by Method 2, dscm/h;
n = Number of organic compounds in the vent gas;
Ci = Organic concentration in ppm, dry basis, of compound i in the vent gas, as determined by Method 18;
MWi = Molecular weight of organic compound i in the vent gas, kg/kg-mol;
0.0416 = Conversion factor for molar volume, kg-mol/m3 (@ 293 K and 760 mm Hg);
10-6 = Conversion from ppm.
Eh = (Q)(C)(MW)(0.0416)(10-6)
Eh = Total organic mass flow rate, kg/h;
Q = Volumetric flow rate of gases entering or exiting control device, as determined by Method 2, dscm/h;
C = Organic concentration in ppm, dry basis, as determined by Method 25A;
MW = Molecular weight of propane, 44;
0.0416 = Conversion factor for molar volume, kg-mol/ m3 (@ 293 K and 760 mm Hg);
10-6 = Conversion from ppm.
EA = (Eh)(H) where:
EA = Total organic mass emission rate, kg/y;
Eh = Total organic mass flow rate for the process vent, kg/h;
H = Total annual hours of operations for the affected unit, h.
As used in this paragraph, all terms shall have the meaning given them in subparagraph (27)(b) of this rule, the Tennessee Hazardous Waste Management Act and subparagraph (2)(a) of Rule 0400-12-01-.01.
As used in this paragraph, all terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given to them in the Act and Rules 0400-12-01-.01 through 0400-12-01-.06 and 0400-12-01-.09.
"Average volatile organic concentration" or "average VO concentration" means the mass-weighted average volatile organic concentration of a hazardous secondary material as determined in accordance with the requirements of subparagraph (e) of this paragraph.
"Closure device" means a cap, hatch, lid, plug, seal, valve, or other type of fitting that blocks an opening in a cover such that when the device is secured in the closed position it prevents or reduces air pollutant emissions to the atmosphere. Closure devices include devices that are detachable from the cover (e.g., a sampling port cap), manually operated (e.g., a hinged access lid or hatch), or automatically operated (e.g., a spring-loaded pressure relief valve).
"Continuous seal" means a seal that forms a continuous closure that completely covers the space between the edge of the floating roof and the wall of a tank. A continuous seal may be a vapor-mounted seal, liquid-mounted seal, or metallic shoe seal. A continuous seal may be constructed of fastened segments so as to form a continuous seal.
"Cover" means a device that provides a continuous barrier over the hazardous secondary material managed in a unit to prevent or reduce air pollutant emissions to the atmosphere. A cover may have openings (such as access hatches, sampling ports, gauge wells) that are necessary for operation, inspection, maintenance, and repair of the unit on which the cover is used. A cover may be a separate piece of equipment which can be detached and removed from the unit or a cover may be formed by structural features permanently integrated into the design of the unit.
"Empty hazardous secondary material container" means:
"Enclosure" means a structure that surrounds a tank or container, captures organic vapors emitted from the tank or container, and vents the captured vapors through a closed-vent system to a control device.
"External floating roof" means a pontoon-type or double-deck type cover that rests on the surface of the material managed in a tank with no fixed roof.
"Fixed roof" means a cover that is mounted on a unit in a stationary position and does not move with fluctuations in the level of the material managed in the unit.
"Floating membrane cover" means a cover consisting of a synthetic flexible membrane material that rests upon and is supported by the hazardous secondary material being managed in a surface impoundment.
"Floating roof" means a cover consisting of a double deck, pontoon single deck, or internal floating cover which rests upon and is supported by the material being contained, and is equipped with a continuous seal.
"Hard-piping" means pipe or tubing that is manufactured and properly installed in accordance with relevant standards and good engineering practices.
"In light material service" means the container is used to manage a material for which both of the following conditions apply: The vapor pressure of one or more of the organic constituents in the material is greater than 0.3 kilopascals (kPa) at 20°C; and the total concentration of the pure organic constituents having a vapor pressure greater than 0.3 kPa at 20°C is equal to or greater than 20 percent by weight.
"Internal floating roof" means a cover that rests or floats on the material surface (but not necessarily in complete contact with it) inside a tank that has a fixed roof.
"Liquid-mounted seal" means a foam or liquid-filled primary seal mounted in contact with the hazardous secondary material between the tank wall and the floating roof continuously around the circumference of the tank.
"Malfunction" means any sudden, infrequent, and not reasonably preventable failure of air pollution control equipment, process equipment, or a process to operate in a normal or usual manner. Failures that are caused in part by poor maintenance or careless operation are not malfunctions.
"Material determination" means performing all applicable procedures in accordance with the requirements of subparagraph (e) of this paragraph to determine whether a hazardous secondary material meets standards specified in this paragraph. Examples of a material determination include performing the procedures in accordance with the requirements of subparagraph (e) of this paragraph to determine the average VO concentration of a hazardous secondary material at the point of material origination; the average VO concentration of a hazardous secondary material at the point of material treatment and comparing the results to the exit concentration limit specified for the process used to treat the hazardous secondary material; the organic reduction efficiency and the organic biodegradation efficiency for a biological process used to treat a hazardous secondary material and comparing the results to the applicable standards; or the maximum volatile organic vapor pressure for a hazardous secondary material in a tank and comparing the results to the applicable standards.
"Maximum organic vapor pressure" means the sum of the individual organic constituent partial pressures exerted by the material contained in a tank, at the maximum vapor pressure-causing conditions (i.e., temperature, agitation, pH effects of combining materials, etc.) reasonably expected to occur in the tank. For the purpose of this paragraph, maximum organic vapor pressure is determined using the procedures specified in part (e)3 of this paragraph.
"Metallic shoe seal" means a continuous seal that is constructed of metal sheets which are held vertically against the wall of the tank by springs, weighted levers, or other mechanisms and is connected to the floating roof by braces or other means. A flexible coated fabric (envelope) spans the annular space between the metal sheet and the floating roof.
"No detectable organic emissions" means no escape of organics to the atmosphere as determined using the procedure specified in part (e)4 of this paragraph.
"Point of material origination" means as follows:
(Note: This term is being used in a manner similar to the use of the term "point of generation" in air standards established under authority of the Clean Air Act in 40 C.F.R. parts 60, 61, and 63 or an equivalent rule under the authority of the Tennessee Air Quality Act.)
"Single-seal system" means a floating roof having one continuous seal. This seal may be vapor-mounted, liquid-mounted, or a metallic shoe seal.
"Vapor-mounted seal" means a continuous seal that is mounted such that there is a vapor space between the hazardous secondary material in the unit and the bottom of the seal.
"Volatile organic concentration" or "VO concentration" means the fraction by weight of the volatile organic compounds contained in a hazardous secondary material expressed in terms of parts per million (ppmw) as determined by direct measurement or by knowledge of the material in accordance with the requirements of subparagraph (e) of this paragraph. For the purpose of determining the VO concentration of a hazardous secondary material, organic compounds with a Henry's law constant value of at least 0.1 mole-fraction-in-the-gas-phase/mole-fraction-in the liquid-phase (0.1 Y/X) (which can also be expressed as 1.8 x 10-6 atmospheres/gram-mole/m3) at 25°C must be included.
[C-BAR] = Average VO concentration of the hazardous secondary material at the point of material origination on a mass-weighted basis, ppmw.
i = Individual waste determination "i" of the hazardous secondary material.
n = Total number of material determinations of the hazardous secondary material conducted for the averaging period (not to exceed 1 year).
Qi = Mass quantity of hazardous secondary material stream represented by Ci, kg/hr.
QT = Total mass quantity of hazardous secondary material during the averaging period, kg/hr.
Ci = Measured VO concentration of material determination "i" as determined in accordance with the requirements of item (III) of this subpart (i.e. the average of the four or more samples specified in subitem (II)II of this subpart), ppmw.
The provisions of this subparagraph apply to the control of air pollutant emissions from containers for which part (c)2 of this paragraph references the use of this subparagraph for such air emission control.
Appendix I - Representative Sampling Methods
The methods and equipment used for sampling waste materials will vary with the form and consistency of the waste materials to be sampled. Samples collected using the sampling protocols listed below, for sampling waste with properties similar to the indicated materials, will be considered by the Department to be representative of the waste.
Extremely viscous liquid - ASTM Standard D140-70 Crushed or powdered material - ASTM Standard D346-75 Soil or rock-like material - ASTM Standard D420-69 Soil-like material - ASTM Standard D1452-65
Fly Ash-like material - ASTM Standard D2234-76 (ASTM Standards are available from ASTM, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103)
Containerized liquid waste - "COLIWASA"
Liquid waste in pits, ponds, lagoons, and similar reservoirs - "Pond Sampler"
SW-846 also contains additional information on the application of these protocols.
Appendix II - (RESERVED)
Appendix III - (RESERVED)
Appendix IV - (RESERVED) - Radioactive Waste Test Methods
Appendix V - (RESERVED) - Infectious Waste Treatment Specifications
Appendix VI - (RESERVED) - Etiologic Agents
Appendix VII - Basis for Listing Hazardous Waste
Hazardous Waste Code | Hazardous Constituents for Which Listed |
F001 | Tetrachloroethylene, methylene chloride trichloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride, chlorinated fluorocarbons. |
F002 | Tetrachloroethylene, methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, chlorobenzene, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, ortho-dichlorobenzene, trichlorofluoromethane. |
F003 | N.A. |
F004 | Cresols and cresylic acid, nitrobenzene. |
F005 | Toluene, methyl ethyl ketone, carbon disulfide, isobutanol, pyridine, 2-ethoxyethanol, benzene, 2-nitropropane. |
F006 | Cadmium, hexavalent chromium, nickel, cyanide (complexed). |
F007 | Cyanide (salts). |
F008 | Cyanide (salts). |
F009 | Cyanide (salts). |
F010 | Cyanide (salts). |
F011 | Cyanide (salts). |
F012 | Cyanide (complexed). |
F019 | Hexavalent chromium, cyanide (complexed). |
F020 | Tetra- and pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins; tetra and pentachlorodi-benzofurans; tri-and tetrachlorophenols and their chlorophenoxy derivative acids, esters, ethers, amine and other salts. |
F021 | Penta- and hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins; penta- and hexachlorodibenzofurans; pentachlorophenol and its derivatives. |
F022 | Tetra-, penta-, and hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins; tetra-, penta-, and hexachlorodibenzofurans. |
F023 | Tetra-, and pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins; tetra- and pentachlorodibenzofurans; tri-and tetrachlorophenols and their chlorophenoxy derivative acids, esters, ethers, amine and other salts. |
F024 | Chloromethane, dichloromethane, trichloromethane, carbon tetrachloride, chloroethylene, 1,1-dichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, trans-1-2-dichloroethylene, 1,1-dichloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, trichloroethylene, 1,1,1,2-tetra-chloroethane, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, pentachloroethane, hexachloroethane, allyl chloride (3-chloropropene), dichloropropane, dichloropropene, 2-chloro-1,3-butadiene, hexachloro-1,3-butadiene, hexachlorocyclopentadiene, hexachlorocyclohexane, benzene, chlorbenzene, dichlorobenzenes, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, tetrachlorobenzene, pentachlorobenzene, hexachlorobenzene, toluene, naphthalene. |
F025 | Chloromethane; Dichloromethane; Trichloromethane; Carbon tetrachloride; Chloroethylene; 1,1-Dichloroethane; 1,2-Dichloroethane; trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene; 1,1-Dichloroethylene; 1,1,1-Trichloroethane; 1,1,2-Trichloroethane; Trichloroethylene; 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane; 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane; Tetrachloroethylene; Pentachloroethane; Hexachloroethane; Allyl chloride (3-Chloropropene); Dichloropropane; Dichloropropene; 2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene; Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene; Hexachlorocyclopentadiene; Benzene; Chlorobenzene; Dichlorobenzene; 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene; Tetrachlorobenzene; Pentachlorobenzene; Hexachlorobenzene; Toluene; Naphthalene. |
F026 | Tetra-, penta-, and hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins; tetra-, penta-, and hexachlorodibenzofurans. |
F027 | Tetra-, penta-, and hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins; tetra-, penta-, and hexachlorodibenzofurans; tri-, tetra-, and pentachlorophenols and their chlorophenoxy derivative acids, esters, ethers, amine and other salts. |
F028 | Tetra-, penta-, and hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins; tetra-, penta-, and hexachlorodibenzofurans; tri-, tetra-, and pentachlorophenols and their chlorophenoxy derivative acids, esters, ethers, amine and other salts. |
F032 | Benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, dibenz(a,h)-anthracene,indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, pentachlorophenol, arsenic, chromium, tetra-, penta-, hexa-, heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins, tetra-, penta-, hexa-, heptachlorodibenzofurans. |
F034 | Benz(a)anthracene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, naphthalene, arsenic, chromium. |
F035 | Arsenic, chromium, lead. |
F037 | Benzene, benzo(a)pyrene, chrysene, lead, chromium. |
F038 | Benzene, benzo(a)pyrene, chrysene, lead, chromium. |
F039 | All constituents for which treatment standards are specified for multi-source leachate (wastewaters and nonwastewaters) under 40 CFR 268.43, Table CCW. |
K001 | Pentachlorophenol, phenol, 2-chlorophenol, p-chloro-m-cresol, 2,4-dimethylphenyl, 2,4-dinitrophenol, trichlorophenols, tetrachlorophenols, 2,4-dinitrophenol, creosote, chrysene, naphthalene, fluoranthene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, benz(a)anthracene, dibenz(a)anthracene, acenaphthalene. |
K002 | Hexavalent chromium, lead |
K003 | Hexavalent chromium, lead. |
K004 | Hexavalent chromium. |
K005 | Hexavalent chromium, lead. |
K006 | Hexavalent chromium. |
K007 | Cyanide (complexed), hexavalent chromium. |
K008 | Hexavalent chromium. |
K009 | Chloroform, formaldehyde, methylene chloride, methyl chloride, paraldehyde, formic acid. |
K010 | Chloroform, formaldehyde, methylene chloride, methyl chloride, paraldehyde, formic acid, chloroacetaldehyde. |
K011 | Acrylonitrile, acetonitrile, hydrocyanic acid. |
K013 | Hydrocyanic acid, acrylonitrile, acetonitrile. |
K014 | Acetonitrile, acrylamide. |
K015 | Benzyl chloride, chlorobenzene, toluene, benzotrichloride. |
K016 | Hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorobutadiene, carbon tetrachloride, hexachloroethane, perchloroethylene. |
K017 | Epichlorohydrin, chloroethers [bis(chloromethyl) ether and bis (2-chloroethyl) ethers], trichloropropane, dichloropropanols. |
K018 | 1,2-dichloroethane, trichloroethylene, hexachlorobutadiene, hexachlorobenzene. |
K019 | Ethylene dichloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, tetrachloroethanes (1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and 1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane), trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride. |
K020 | Ethylene dichloride, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, tetrachloroethanes (1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and 1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane), trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride. |
K021 | Antimony, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform. |
K022 | Phenol, tars (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). |
K023 | Phthalic anhydride, maleic anhydride. |
K024 | Phthalic anhydride, 1,4-naphthoquinone. |
K025 | Meta-dinitrobenzene, 2,4-dinitrotoluene. |
K026 | Paraldehyde, pyridines, 2-picoline. |
K027 | Toluene diisocyanate, toluene-2, 4-diamine. |
K028 | 1,1,1-trichloroethane, vinyl chloride. |
K029 | 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride, chloroform. |
K030 | Hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorobutadiene, hexachloroethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, ethylene dichloride. |
K031 | Arsenic. |
K032 | Hexachlorocyclopentadiene. |
K033 | Hexachlorocyclopentadiene. |
K034 | Hexachlorocyclopentadiene. |
K035 | Creosote, chrysene, naphthalene, fluoranthene benzo(b) fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd) pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, dibenzo(a)anthracene, acenaphthalene. |
K036 | Toluene, phosphorodithioic and phosphorothioic acid esters. |
K037 | Toluene, phosphorodithioic and phosphorothioic acid esters. |
K038 | Phorate, formaldehyde, phosphorodithioic and phosphorothioic acid esters. |
K039 | Phosphorodithioic and phosphorothioic acid esters. |
K040 | Phorate, formaldehyde, phosphorodithioic and phosphorothioic acid esters. |
K041 | Toxaphene. |
K042 | Hexachlorobenzene, ortho-dichlorobenzene. |
K043 | 2,4-dichlorophenol, 2,6-dichlorophenol, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol. |
K044 | N.A. |
K045 | N.A. |
K046 | Lead. |
K047 | N.A. |
K048 | Hexavalent chromium, lead. |
K049 | Hexavalent chromium, lead. |
K050 | Hexavalent chromium. |
K051 | Hexavalent chromium, lead. |
K052 | Lead. |
K060 | Cyanide, napthalene, phenolic compounds, arsenic. |
K061 | Hexavalent chromium, lead, cadmium. |
K062 | Hexavalent chromium, lead. |
K069 | Hexavalent chromium, lead, cadmium. |
K071 | Mercury. |
K073 | Chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, hexachloroethane, trichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, dichloroethylene, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane. |
K083 | Aniline, diphenylamine, nitrobenzene, phenylenediamine. |
K084 | Arsenic. |
K085 | Benzene, dichlorobenzenes, trichlorobenzenes, tetrachlorobenzenes, pentachlorobenzene, hexachlorobenzene, benzyl chloride. |
K086 | Lead, hexavalent chromium. |
K087 | Phenol, naphthalene. |
K088 | Cyanide (complexes). |
K093 | Phthalic anhydride, maleic anhydride. |
K094 | Phthalic anhydride. |
K095 | 1,1,2-trichloroethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane. |
K096 | 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane. |
K097 | Chlordane, heptachlor. |
K098 | Toxaphene. |
K099 | 2,4-dichlorophenol, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol. |
K100 | Hexavalent chromium, lead, cadmium. |
K101 | Arsenic. |
K102 | Arsenic. |
K103 | Aniline, nitrobenzene, phenylenediamine. |
K104 | Aniline, benzene, diphenylamine, nitrobenzene, phenylenediamine. |
K105 | Benzene, monochlorobenzene, dichlorobenzenes, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol. |
K106 | Mercury. |
K107 | 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine (UDMH). |
K108 | 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine (UDMH). |
K109 | 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine (UDMH). |
K110 | 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine (UDMH). |
K111 | 2,4-Dinitrotoluene. |
K112 | 2,4-Toluenediamine, o-toluidine, p-toluidine, aniline. |
K113 | 2,4-Toluenediamine, o-toluidine, p-toluidine, aniline. |
K114 | 2,4-Toluenediamine, o-toluidine, p-toluidine. |
K115 | 2,4-Toluenediamine. |
K116 | Carbon tetrachloride, tetrachloroethylene, chloroform, phosgene. |
K117 | Ethylene dibromide. |
K118 | Ethylene dibromide. |
K123 | Ethylene thiourea. |
K124 | Ethylene thiourea. |
K125 | Ethylene thiourea. |
K126 | Ethylene thiourea. |
K131 | Dimethyl sulfate, methyl bromide. |
K132 | Methyl bromide. |
K136 | Ethylene dibromide. |
K141 | Benzene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene. |
K142 | Benzene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene. |
K143 | Benzene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene. |
K144 | Benzene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene. |
K145 | Benzene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, naphthalene. |
K147 | Benzene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene. |
K148 | Benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene. |
K149 | Benzotrichloride, benzyl chloride, chloroform, chloromethane, chlorobenzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, hexachlorobenzene, pentachlorobenzene, 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene, toluene. |
K150 | Carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, chloromethane, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, hexachlorobenzene, pentachlorobenzene, 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene. |
K151 | Benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, hexachlorobenzene, pentachlorobenzene, toluene, 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene, tetrachloroethylene. |
K156 | Benomyl, carbaryl, carbendazim, carbofuran, carbosulfan, formaldehyde, methylene chloride, triethylamine. |
K157 | Carbon tetrachloride, formaldehyde, methyl chloride, methylene chloride, pyridine, triethylamine. |
K158 | Benomyl, carbendazim, carbofuran, carbosulfan, chloroform, methylene chloride. |
K159 | Benzene, butylate, eptc, molinate, pebulate, vernolate. |
K161 | Antimony, arsenic, metam-sodium, ziram. |
K169 | Benzene. |
K170 | Benzo(a)pyrene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, benzo (a) anthracene, benzo (b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, 3-methylcholanthrene, 7, 12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene. |
K171 | Benzene, arsenic. |
K172 | Benzene, arsenic. |
K174 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8-Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8-HpCDD), 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8-Heptachlorodibenzofuran (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8-HpCDF), 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9-Heptachlorodibenzofuran (1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9-HpCDF), HxCDDs (All Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins), HxCDFs (All Hexachlorodibenzofurans), PeCDDs (All Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins), OCDD (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9-Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, OCDF (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9-Octachlorodibenzofuran), PeCDFs (All Pentachlorodibenzofurans), TCDDs (All tetrachlorodi-benzo-p-dioxins), TCDFs (All tetrachlorodibenxofurans). |
K175 | Mercury |
K176 | Arsenic, Lead |
K177 | Antimony |
K178 | Thallium |
K181 | Aniline, o-anisidine, 4-chloroaniline, p-cresidine, 2, 4-dimethylaniline, 1, 2-phenylenediamine, 1, 3-phenylenediamine. |
FOOTNOTE: N.A. - Waste is hazardous because it fails the test for the characteristic of ignitability, corrosivity, or reactivity.
Appendix VIII - Hazardous Constituents
Common Name | Chemical Abstracts Name | Chemical Abstracts No. | Hazardous Waste Code |
A2213 | Ethanimidothioic acid, 2- (dimethylamino) -N-hydroxy-2-oxo-, methyl ester | 30558-43-1 | U394 |
Acetonitrile | Same | 75-05-8 | U003 |
Acetophenone | Ethanone, 1-phenyl- | 98-86-2 | U004 |
2-Acetylaminefluarone | Acetamide, N-9H-fluoren-2-yl- | 53-96-3 | U005 |
Acetyl chloride | Same | 75-36-5 | U006 |
1-Acetyl-2-thiourea | Acetamide, N-(aminothioxomethyl)- | 591-08-2 | P002 |
Acrolein | 2-Propenal | 107-02-8 | P003 |
Acrylamide | 2-Propenamide | 79-06-1 | U007 |
Acrylonitrile | 2-Propenenitrile | 107-13-1 | U009 |
Aflatoxins | Same | 1402-68-2 | |
Aldicarb | Propanal, 2-methyl-2-(methylthio)-, O-[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxime | 116-06-3 | P070 |
Aldicarb sulfone | Propanal, 2-methyl-2- (methylsulfonyl) -, O-[(methylamino) carbonyl] oxime | 1646-88-4 | P203 |
Aldrin | 1,4,5,8-Dimethanonaphthalene, 1,2,3,4,10,10-10-hexachloro-1,4,4a,5,8,8a-hexahydro-, (1alpha,4alpha,4abeta,5alpha,8alpha, 8abeta)- | 309-00-2 | P004 |
Allyl alcohol | 2-Propen-1-ol | 107-18-6 | P005 |
Allyl chloride | 1-Propane, 3-chloro | 107-05-1 | |
Aluminum phosphide | Same | 20859-73-8 | P006 |
4-Aminobiphenyl | [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4-amine | 92-67-1 | |
5-(Aminomethyl)-3-isoxazolol | 3(2H)-Isoxazolone, 5-(aminomethyl)- | 2763-96-4 | P007 |
4-Aminopyridine | 4-Pyridinamine | 504-24-5 | P008 |
Amitrole | 1H-1,2,4-Triazol-3-amine | 61-82-5 | U011 |
Ammonium vanadate | Vanadic acid, ammonium salt | 7803-55-6 | P119 |
Aniline | Benzenamine | 62-53-3 | U012 |
o-Anisidine (2-methoxyaniline) | Benzenamine, 2-Methoxy- | 90-04-0 | |
Antimony | Benzenamine | 7440-36-0 | |
Antimony compounds, N.O.S.1 | |||
Aramite | Sulfurous acid, 2-chloroethyl 2-[4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenoxy]-1-methylethyl ester | 140-57-8 | |
Arsenic | Same | 7440-38-2 | |
Arsenic compounds, N.O.S.1 | |||
Arsenic acid | Arsenic acid H3AsO4 | 7778-39-4 | P010 |
Arsenic pentoxide | Arsenic oxide As2O5 | 1303-28-2 | P011 |
Arsenic trioxide | Arsenic oxide As2O3 | 1327-53-3 | P012 |
Auramine | Benzenamine, 4,4'-carbonimidoylbis[N,N-dimethyl | 492-80-8 | U014 |
Azaserine | L-Serine, diazoacetate (ester) | 115-02-6 | U015 |
Barban | Carbamic acid, (3-chlorophenyl) -, 4-chloro-2-butynyl ester | 101-27-9 | U280 |
Barium | Same | 7440-39-3 | |
Barium compounds, N.O.S.1 | |||
Barium cyanide | Same | 542-62-1 | P013 |
Bendiocarb | 1,3-Benzodioxol-4-ol, 2,2-dimethyl-, methyl carbamate | 22781-23-3 | U278 |
Bendiocarb phenol | 1,3-Benzodioxol-4-ol, 2,2-dimethyl-, | 22961-82-6 | U364 |
Benomyl | Carbamic acid, [1- [(butylamino) carbonyl]-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl] -, methyl ester | 17804-35-2 | U271 |
Benz[c]acridine | Same | 225-51-4 | U016 |
Benz[a]anthracene | Same | 56-55-3 | U018 |
Benzal chloride | Benzene, (dichloromethyl)- | 98-87-3 | U017 |
Benzene | Same | 71-43-2 | U019 |
Benzenearsonic acid | Arsonic acid, phenyl- | 98-05-5 | |
Benzidine | [1,1 '-Biphenyl]-4,4'-diamine | 92-87-5 | U021 |
Benzo[b]fluoranthene | Benz[e]acephenanthrylene | 205-99-2 | |
Benzo[j]fluoranthene | Same | 205-82-3 | |
Benzo(k)fluoranthene | Same | 207-08-9 | |
Benzo[a]pyrene | Same | 50-32-8 | U022 |
p-Benzoquinone | 2,5-Cyclohexadiene-1,4-dione | 106-51-4 | U197 |
Benzotrichloride | Benzene, (trichloromethyl)- | 98-07-7 | U023 |
Benzyl chloride | Benzene, (chloromethyl)- | 100-44-7 | P028 |
Beryllium powder | Same | 7440-41-7 | P015 |
Beryllium compounds, N.O.S.1 | |||
Bis(pentamethylene)-thiuram tetrasulfide | Piperidine, 1,1'-(tetrathiodicarbonothioyl)-bis- | 120-54-7 | |
Bromoacetone | 2-Propanone, 1-bromo- | 598-31-2 | P017 |
Bromoform | Methane, tribromo- | 75-25-2 | U225 |
4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether | Benzene, 1-bromo-4-phenoxy- | 101-55-3 | U030 |
Brucine | Strychnidin-10-one, 2,3-dimethoxy- | 357-57-3 | P018 |
Butylate | Carbamothioic acid, bis(2-methylpropyl)-, S-ethyl ester | 2008-41-5 | |
Butyl benzyl phthalate | 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, butyl phenylmethyl ester | 85-68-7 | |
Cacodylic acid | Arsinic acid, dimethyl- | 75-60-5 | U136 |
Cadmium | Same | 7440-43-9 | |
Cadmium compounds, N.O.S.1 | |||
Calcium chromate | Chromic acid H2CrO4, calcium salt | 13765-19-0 | U032 |
Calcium cyanide | Calcium cyanide Ca(CN)2 | 592-01-8 | P021 |
Carbaryl | 1-Naphthalenol, methylcarbamate | 63-25-2 | U279 |
Carbendazim | Carbamic acid, 1H-benzimidazol-2-yl, methyl ester | 10605-21-7 | U372 |
Carbofuran | 7-Benzofuranol, 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-, methylcarbamate | 1563-66-2 | P127 |
Carbofuran phenol | 7-Benzofuranol, 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl- | 1563-38-8 | U367 |
Carbon disulfide | Same | 75-15-0 | P022 |
Carbon oxyfluoride | Carbonic difluoride | 353-50-4 | U033 |
Carbon tetrachloride | Methane, tetrachloro- | 56-23-5 | U211 |
Carbosulfan | Carbamic acid, [(dibutylamino) thio] methyl-, 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-7-benzofuranyl ester | 55285-14-8 | P189 |
Chloral | Acetaldehyde, trichloro- | 75-87-6 | U034 |
Chlorambucil | Benzenebutanoic acid, 4-[bis(2-chloroethyl)amino]- | 305-03-3 | U035 |
Chlordane | 4,7-Methano-1H-indene, 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,8-octachloro-2,3,3a,4,7,7a-hexahydro- | 57-74-9 | U036 |
Chlordane (alpha and gamma isomers) | U036 | ||
Chlorinated benzenes, N.O.S.1 | |||
Chlorinated ethane, N.O.S.1 | |||
Chlorinated fluorocarbons, N.O.S.1 | |||
Chlorinated naphthalene, N.O.S.1 | |||
Chlorinated phenol, N.O.S.1 | |||
Chlornaphazin | Naphthalenamine, N,N'-bis(2-chloroethyl)- | 494-03-1 | U026 |
Chloroacetaldehyde | Acetaldehyde, chloro- | 107-20-0 | P023 |
Chloroalkyl ethers, N.O.S.1 | |||
p-Chloroaniline | Benzenamine, 4-chloro- | 106-47-8 | P024 |
Chlorobenzene | Benzene, chloro- | 108-90-7 | U037 |
Chlorobenzilate | Benzeneacetic acid, 4-chloro-alpha-(4-chlorophenyl)-alpha-hydroxy-, ethyl ester | 510-15-6 | U038 |
p-Chloro-m-cresol | Phenol, 4-chloro-3-methyl- | 59-50-7 | U039 |
2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether | Ethene, (2-chloroethoxy)- | 110-75-8 | U042 |
Chloroform | Methane, trichloro- | 67-66-3 | U044 |
Chloromethyl methyl ether | Methane, chloromethoxy- | 107-30-2 | U046 |
beta-Chloronaphthalene | Naphthalene, 2-chloro- | 91-58-7 | U047 |
o-Chlorophenol | Phenol, 2-chloro- | 95-57-8 | U048 |
1-(o-Chlorophenyl)thiourea | Thiourea, (2-chlorophenyl)- | 5344-82-1 | P026 |
Chloroprene | 1,3-Butadiene, 2-chloro- | 126-99-8 | |
3-Chloropropionitrile | Propanenitrile, 3-chloro- | 542-76-7 | P027 |
Chromium | Same | 7440-47-3 | |
Chromium compounds, N.O.S.1 | |||
Chrysene | Same | 218-01-9 | U050 |
Citrus red No. 2 | 2-Naphthalenol, 1-[(2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)azo]- | 6358-53-8 | |
Coal tar creosote | Same | 8007-45-2 | |
Copper cyanide | Copper cyanide CuCN | 544-92-3 | P029 |
Copper dimethyldithiocarbamate | Copper, bis(dimethylcarbamodithioato-S,S')-, | 137-29-1 | |
Creosote | Same | U051 | |
p-Cresidine | 2-Methoxy-5-methylbenzenamine | 120-71-8 | |
Cresol (Cresylic acid) | Phenol, methyl- | 1319-77-3 | U052 |
Crotonaldehyde | 2-Butenal | 4170-30-3 | U053 |
m-Cumenyl methylcarbamate | Phenol, 3-(methylethyl)-, methyl carbamate | 64-00-6 | P202 |
Cyanides (soluble salts and complexes) N.O.S.1 | P030 | ||
Cyanogen | Ethanedinitrile | 460-19-5 | P031 |
Cyanogen bromide | Cyanogen bromide (CN)Br | 506-68-3 | U246 |
Cyanogen chloride | Cyanogen chloride (CN)Cl | 506-77-4 | P033 |
Cycasin | beta-D-Glucopyranoside, (methyl-ONN-azoxy)methyl | 14901-08-7 | |
Cycolate | Carbamothioic acid, cyclohexylethyl-, S-ethyl ester | 1134-23-2 | |
2-Cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitrophenol | Phenol, 2-cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitro- | 131-89-5 | P034 |
Cyclophosphamide | 2H-1,3,2-Oxazaphosphorin-2-amine, N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl)tetrahydro-, 2-oxide | 50-18-0 | U058 |
2,4-D | Acetic acid, (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)- | 94-75-7 | U240 |
2,4-D, salts, esters | U240 | ||
Daunomycin | 5,12-Naphthacenedione, 8-acetyl-10-[(3-amino-2,3,6-trideoxy-alpha-L-lyxo-hexopyranosyl)oxy]-7,8,9,10-tetrahydro-6,8,11-trihydroxy-1-methoxy-, (8S-cis)- | 20830-81-3 | U059 |
Dazomet | 2H-1,3,5-thiadiazine-2-thione, tetrahydro-3,5-dimethyl | 533-74-4 | |
DDD | Benzene, 1,1'-(2,2-dichloroethylidene)bis[4-chloro- | 72-54-8 | U060 |
DDE | Benzene, 1,1'-(dichloroethenylidene)bis[4-chloro- | 72-55-9 | |
DDT | Benzene, 1,1'-(2,2,2-trichloroethylidene)bis[4-chloro- | 50-29-3 | U061 |
Diallate | Carbamothioic acid, bis(1-methylethyl)-, S-(2,3-dichloro-2-propenyl) ester | 2303-16-4 | U062 |
Dibenz[a,h]acridine | Same | 226-36-8 | |
Dibenz[a,j]acridine | Same | 224-42-0 | |
Dibenz[a,h]anthracene | Same | 53-70-3 | U063 |
7H-Dibenzo[c,g]carbazole | Same | 194-59-2 | |
Dibenzo[a,e]pyrene | Naphtho[1,2,3,4-def]chrysene | 192-65-4 | |
Dibenzo[a,h]pyrene | Dibenzo[b,def]chrysene | 189-64-0 | |
Dibenzo[a,i]pyrene | Benzo[rst]pentaphene | 189-55-9 | U064 |
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane | Propane, 1,2-dibromo-3-chloro- | 96-12-8 | U066 |
Dibutyl phthalate | 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dibutyl ester | 84-74-2 | U069 |
o-Dichlorobenzene | Benzene, 1,2-dichloro- | 95-50-1 | U070 |
m-Dichlorobenzene | Benzene, 1,3-dichloro- | 541-73-1 | U071 |
p-Dichlorobenzene | Benzene, 1,4-dichloro- | 106-46-7 | U072 |
Dichlorobenzene, N.O.S.1 | Benzene, dichloro- | 25321-22-6 | |
3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine | [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4,4'-diamine, 3,3'-dichloro- | 91-94-1 | U073 |
1,4-Dichloro-2-butene | 2-Butene, 1,4-dichloro- | 764-41-0 | U074 |
Dichlorodifluoromethane | Methane, dichlorodifluoro- | 75-71-8 | U075 |
Dichloroethylene, N.O.S.1 | Dichloroethylene | 25323-30-2 | |
1,1-Dichloroethylene | Ethene, 1,1-dichloro- | 75-35-4 | U078 |
1,2-Dichloroethylene | Ethene, 1,2-dichloro-, (E)- | 156-60-5 | U079 |
Dichloroethyl ether | Ethane, 1,1'oxybis[2-chloro- | 111-44-4 | U025 |
Dichloroisopropyl ether | Propane, 2,2'-oxybis[2-chloro- | 108-60-1 | U027 |
Dichloromethoxy ethane | Ethane, 1,1'-[methylenebis(oxy)]bis[2-chloro- | 111-91-1 | U024 |
Dichloromethyl ether | Methane, oxybis[chloro- | 542-88-1 | P016 |
2,4-Dichlorophenol | Phenol, 2,4-dichloro- | 120-83-2 | U081 |
2,6-Dichlorophenol | Phenol, 2,6-dichloro- | 87-65-0 | U082 |
Dichlorophenylarsine | Arsonous dichloride, phenyl- | 696-28-6 | P036 |
Dichloropropane, N.O.S.1 | Propane, dichloro- | 26638-19-7 | |
Dichloropropanol, N.O.S.1 | Propanol, dichloro- | 26545-73-3 | |
Dichloropropene, N.O.S.1 | 1-Propene, dichloro- | 26952-23-8 | |
1,3-Dichloropropene | 1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro- | 542-75-6 | U084 |
Dieldrin | 2,7:3,6-Dimethanonaphth[2,3-b]oxirene, 3,4,5,6,9,9-hexachloro-1a,2,2a,3,6,6a,7,7a-octahydro-, (1aalpha,2beta,2aalpha,3beta,6beta, 6aalpha,7beta,7aalpha)- | 60-57-1 | P037 |
1,2:3,4-Diepoxybutane | 2,2'-Bioxirane | 1464-53-5 | U085 |
Diethylarsine | Arsine, diethyl- | 692-42-2 | P038 |
Diethylene glycol, dicarbamate | Ethanol, 2,2'-oxybis-, dicarbamate | 5952-26-1 | U395 |
1,4-Diethyleneoxide | 1,4-Dioxane | 123-91-1 | U108 |
Diethylhexyl phthalate | 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester | 117-81-7 | U028 |
N,N'-Diethylhydrazine | Hydrazine, 1,2-diethyl- | 1615-80-1 | U086 |
O,O-Diethyl S-methyl dithiophosphate | Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-diethyl S-methyl ester | 3288-58-2 | U087 |
Diethyl-p-nitrophenyl phosphate | Phosphoric acid, diethyl 4-nitrophenyl ester | 311-45-5 | P041 |
Diethyl phthalate | 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, diethyl ester | 84-66-2 | U088 |
O,O-Diethyl O-pyrazinyl phosphorothioate | Phosphorothioic acid, O,O-diethyl O-pyrazinyl ester | 297-97-2 | P040 |
Diethylstilbesterol | Phenol, 4,4'-(1,2-diethyl-1,2-ethenediyl)bis-, (E)- | 56-53-1 | U089 |
Dihydrosafrole | 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5-propyl- | 94-58-6 | U090 |
Diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) | Phosphorofluoridic acid, bis(1-methylethyl) ester | 55-91-4 | P043 |
Dimethoate | Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-dimethyl S-[2-(methylamino)-2-oxoethyl] ester | 60-51-5 | P044 |
3,3'-Dimethoxybenzidine | [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4,4'-diamine, 3,3'-dimethoxy- | 119-90-4 | U091 |
p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene | Benzenamine, N,N-dimethyl-4-(phenylazo)- | 60-11-7 | U093 |
2, 4-Dimethylaniline (2, 4-xylidine) | Benzenamine, 2, 4-dimethyl- | 95-68-1 | |
7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene | Benz[a]anthracene, 7,12-dimethyl- | 57-97-6 | U094 |
3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine | [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4,4'-diamine, 3,3'-dimethyl- | 119-93-7 | U095 |
Dimethylcarbamoyl chloride | Carbamic chloride, dimethyl- | 79-44-7 | U097 |
1,1-Dimethylhydrazine | Hydrazine, 1,1-dimethyl- | 57-14-7 | U098 |
1,2-Dimethylhydrazine | Hydrazine, 1,2-dimethyl- | 540-73-8 | U099 |
alpha,alpha-Dimethylphenethylamine | Benzeneethanamine, alpha,alpha-dimethyl- | 122-09-8 | P046 |
2,4-Dimethylphenol | Phenol, 2,4-dimethyl- | 105-67-9 | U101 |
Dimethyl phthalate | 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dimethyl ester | 131-11-3 | U102 |
Dimethyl sulfate | Sulfuric acid, dimethyl ester | 77-78-1 | U103 |
Dimetilan | Carbamic acid, dimethyl-, 1- [(dimethylamino) carbonyl]-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-3-yl ester | 644-64-4 | P191 |
Dinitrobenzene, N.O.S.1 | Benzene, dinitro- | 25154-54-5 | |
4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol | Phenol, 2-methyl-4,6-dinitro- | 534-52-1 | P047 |
4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol salts | P047 | ||
2,4-Dinitrophenol | Phenol, 2,4-dinitro- | 51-28-5 | P048 |
2,4-Dinitrotoluene | Benzene, 1-methyl-2,4-dinitro- | 121-14-2 | U105 |
2,6-Dinitrotoluene | Benzene, 2-methyl-1,3-dinitro- | 606-20-2 | U106 |
Dinoseb | Phenol, 2-(1-methylpropyl)-4,6-dinitro- | 88-85-7 | P020 |
Di-n-octylphthalate | 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dioctyl ester | 117-84-0 | U017 |
Diphenylamine | Benzenamine, N-phenyl- | 122-39-4 | |
1,2-Diphenylhydrazine | Hydrazine, 1,2-diphenyl- | 122-66-7 | U109 |
Di-n-propylnitrosamine | 1-Propanamine, N-nitroso-N-propyl- | 621-64-7 | U111 |
Disulfiram | Thioperoxydicarbonic diamide, tetraethyl | 97-77-8 | |
Disulfoton | Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-diethyl S-[2-(ethylthio)ethyl] ester | 298-04-4 | P039 |
Dithiobiuret | Thioimidodicarbonic diamide [(H2N)C(S)]2NH | 541-53-7 | P049 |
Endosulfan | 6,9-Methano-2,4,3-benzodioxathiepin, 6,7,8,9,10,10-hexachloro-1,5,5a,6,9,9a- hexahydro-, 3-oxide | 115-29-7 | P050 |
Endothall | 7-Oxabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2,3-dicarboxylic acid | 145-73-3 | P088 |
Endrin | 2,7:3,6-Dimethanonaphth[2,3-b]oxirene, 3,4,5,6,9,9-hexachloro-1a,2,2a,3,6,6a,7,7a-octahydro-,(1aalpha,2beta,2abeta,3alpha,6alpha, 6abeta,7beta,7aalpha)- | 72-20-8 | P051 |
Endrin metabolites | P051 | ||
Epichlorohydrin | Oxirane, (chloromethyl)- | 106-89-8 | U041 |
Epinephrine | 1,2-Benzenediol, 4-[1-hydroxy-2-(methylamino)ethyl]-, (R)- | 51-43-4 | P042 |
EPTC | Carbamothioic acid, dipropyl-, S-ethyl ester | 759-94-4 | |
Ethyl carbamate (urethane) | Carbamic acid, ethyl ester | 51-79-6 | U238 |
Ethyl cyanide | Propanenitrile | 107-12-0 | P101 |
Ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid | Carbamodithioic acid, 1,2-ethanediylbis- | 111-54-6 | U114 |
Ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid, salts and esters | U114 | ||
Ethylene dibromide | Ethane, 1,2-dibromo- | 106-93-4 | U067 |
Ethylene dichloride | Ethane, 1,2-dichloro- | 107-06-2 | U077 |
Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether | Ethanol, 2-ethoxy- | 110-80-5 | U359 |
Ethyleneimine | Aziridine | 151-56-4 | P054 |
Ethylene oxide | Oxirane | 75-21-8 | U115 |
Ethylenethiourea | 2-Imidazolidinethione | 96-45-7 | U116 |
Ethylidene dichloride | Ethane, 1,1-dichloro- | 75-34-3 | U076 |
Ethyl methacrylate | 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, ethyl ester | 97-63-2 | U118 |
Ethyl methanesulfonate | Methanesulfonic acid, ethyl ester | 62-50-0 | U119 |
Ethyl Ziram | Zinc, bis(diethylcarbamodithioato-S,S')- | 14324-55-1 | |
Famphur | Phosphorothioic acid, O-[4-[(dimethylamino)sulfonyl]phenyl] O,O-dimethyl ester | 52-85-7 | P097 |
Ferbam | Iron, tris(dimethylcarbamodithioato-S,S')- | 14484-64-1 | |
Fluoranthene | Same | 206-44-0 | U120 |
Fluorine | Same | 7782-41-4 | P056 |
Fluoroacetamide | Acetamide, 2-fluoro- | 640-19-7 | P057 |
Fluoroacetic acid, sodium salt | Acetic acid, fluoro-, sodium salt | 62-74-8 | P058 |
Formaldehyde | Same | 50-00-0 | U122 |
Formetanate hydrochloride | Methanimidamide, N,N-dimethyl-N'-[3-[[(methylamino) carbonyl]oxy]phenyl]-, monohydrochloride | 23422-53-9 | P198 |
Formic acid | Same | 64-18-6 | U123 |
Formparanate | Methanimidamide, N,N-dimethyl-N'-[2-methyl-4-[[(methylamino) carbonyl]oxy]phenyl]-. | 17702-57-7 | P197 |
Glycidylaldehyde | Oxiranecarboxyaldehyde | 765-34-4 | U126 |
Halomethanes, N.O.S.1 | |||
Heptachlor | 4,7-Methano-1H-indene, 1,4,5,6,7,8,8-heptachloro-3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro- | 76-44-8 | P059 |
Heptachlor epoxide | 2,5-Methano-2H-indeno[1,2-b]oxirene, 2,3,4,5,6,7,7-heptachloro-1a,1b,5,5a,6,6a-hexa- hydro-, (1aalpha,1bbeta,2alpha,5alpha, 5abeta,6beta,6aalpha)- | 1024-57-3 | |
Heptachlor epoxide (alpha, beta, and gamma isomers) | |||
Heptachlorodibenzofurans. | |||
Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins | |||
Hexachlorobenzene | Benzene, hexachloro- | 118-74-1 | U127 |
Hexachlorobutadiene | 1,3-Butadiene, 1,1,2,3,4,4-hexachloro- | 87-68-3 | U128 |
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene | 1,3-Cyclopentadiene, 1,2,3,4,5,5-hexachloro- | 77-47-4 | U130 |
Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins | |||
Hexachlorodibenzofurans | |||
Hexachloroethane | Ethane, hexachloro- | 67-72-1 | U131 |
Hexachlorophene | Phenol, 2,2'-methylenebis[3,4,6-trichloro- | 70-30-4 | U132 |
Hexachloropropene | 1-Propene, 1,1,2,3,3,3-hexachloro- | 1888-71-7 | U243 |
Hexaethyl tetraphosphate | Tetraphosphoric acid, hexaethyl ester | 757-58-4 | P062 |
Hydrazine | Same | 302-01-2 | U133 |
Hydrogen cyanide | Hydrocyanic acid | 74-90-8 | P063 |
Hydrogen fluoride | Hydrofluoric acid | 7664-39-3 | U134 |
Hydrogen sulfide | Hydrogen sulfide H2S | 7783-06-4 | U135 |
Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene | Same | 193-39-5 | U137 |
3-Iodo-2-propynyl n-butylcarbamate | Carbamic acid, butyl-, 3-iodo-2-propynyl ester | 55406-53-6 | |
Isobutyl alcohol | 1-Propanol, 2-methyl- | 78-83-1 | U140 |
Isodrin | 1,4,5,8-Dimethanonaphthalene, 1,2,3,4,10,10-hexachloro-1,4,4a,5,8,8a-hexahydro-,(1alpha,4alpha,4abeta,5beta,8beta,-8abeta)- | 465-73-6 | P060 |
Isolan | Carbamic acid, dimethyl-, 3-methyl-1-(1-methylethyl)-1H-pyrazol-5-yl ester | 119-38-0 | P192 |
Isosafrole | 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5-(1-propenyl)- | 120-58-1 | U141 |
Kepone | 1,3,4-Metheno-2H-cyclobuta[cd]pentalen-2-one, 1,1a,3,3a,4,5,5,5a,5b,6-decachlorooctahydro- | 143-50-0 | U142 |
Lasiocarpine | 2-Butenoic acid, 2-methyl-,7-[[2,3-dihydroxy-2-(1-methoxyethyl)-3-methyl-1 - oxobutoxy]methyl]-2,3,5,7a-tetrahydro-1H-pyrrolizin-1-yl ester, [1S-[1alpha(Z),7(2S*,3R*),7aalpha]]- | 303-34-4 | U143 |
Lead | Same | 7439-92-1 | |
Lead compounds, N.O.S.1 | |||
Lead acetate | Acetic acid, lead(2+) salt | 301-04-2 | U144 |
Lead phosphate | Phosphoric acid, lead(2+) salt (2:3) | 7446-27-7 | U145 |
Lead subacetate | Lead, bis(acetato-O)tetrahydroxytri- | 1335-32-6 | U146 |
Lindane | Cyclohexane, 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachloro-, (1alpha,2alpha,3beta,4alpha,5alpha,6beta)- | 58-89-9 | U129 |
Maleic anhydride | 2,5-Furandione | 108-31-6 | U147 |
Maleic hydrazide | 3,6-Pyridazinedione, 1,2-dihydro- | 123-33-1 | U148 |
Malononitrile | Propanedinitrile | 109-77-3 | U149 |
Manganese dimethyldithiocarbamate | Manganese, bis(dimethylcarbamodithioato-S,S')-, | 15339-36-3 | P196 |
Melphalan | L-Phenylalanine, 4-[bis(2-chloroethyl)aminol]- | 148-82-3 | U150 |
Mercury | Same | 7439-97-6 | U151 |
Mercury compounds, N.O.S.1 | |||
Mercury fulminate | Fulminic acid, mercury(2+) salt | 628-86-4 | P065 |
Metam Sodium | Carbamodithioic acid, methyl-, monosodium salt | 137-42-8 | |
Methacrylonitrile | 2-Propenenitrile, 2-methyl- | 126-98-7 | U152 |
Methapyrilene | 1,2-Ethanediamine, N,N-dimethyl-N'-2-pyridinyl-N'-(2-thienylmethyl)- | 91-80-5 | U155 |
Methiocarb | Phenol, (3,5-dimethyl-4-(methylthio)-, methylcarbamate | 2032-65-7 | P199 |
Methomyl | Ethanimidothioic acid, N-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-, methyl ester | 16752-77-5 | P066 |
Methoxychlor | Benzene, 1,1'-(2,2,2-trichloroethylidene)bis[4-methoxy- | 72-43-5 | U247 |
Methyl bromide | Methane, bromo- | 74-83-9 | U029 |
Methyl chloride | Methane, chloro- | 74-87-3 | U045 |
Methyl chlorocarbonate | Carbonochloridic acid, methyl ester | 79-22-1 | U156 |
Methyl chloroform | Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro- | 71-55-6 | U226 |
3-Methylcholanthrene | Benz[j]aceanthrylene, 1,2-dihydro-3-methyl- | 56-49-5 | U157 |
4,4'-Methylenebis (2-chloroaniline) | Benzenamine, 4,4'-methylenebis[2-chloro- | 101-14-4 | U158 |
Methylene bromide | Methane, dibromo- | 74-95-3 | U068 |
Methylene chloride | Methane, dichloro- | 75-09-2 | U080 |
Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) | 2-Butanone | 78-93-3 | U159 |
Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide | 2-Butanone, peroxide | 1338-23-4 | U160 |
Methyl hydrazine | Hydrazine, methyl- | 60-34-4 | P068 |
Methyl iodide | Methane, iodo- | 74-88-4 | U138 |
Methyl isocyanate | Methane, isocyanato- | 624-83-9 | P064 |
2-Methyllactonitrile | Propanenitrile, 2-hydroxy-2-methyl- | 75-86-5 | P069 |
Methyl methacrylate | 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, methyl ester | 80-62-6 | U162 |
Methyl methanesulfonate | Methanesulfonic acid, methyl ester | 66-27-3 | |
Methyl parathion | Phosphorothioic acid, O,O-dimethyl O-(4-nitrophenyl) ester | 298-00-0 | P071 |
Methylthiouracil | 4(1H)-Pyrimidinone, 2,3-dihydro-6-methyl-2-thioxo- | 56-04-2 | U164 |
Metolcarb | Carbamic acid, methyl-, 3-methylphenyl ester | 1129-41-5 | P190 |
Mexacarbate | Phenol, 4-(dimethylamino)-3,5-dimethyl-, methylcarbamate (ester) | 315-18-4 | P128 |
Mitomycin C | Azirino[2',3':3,4]pyrrolo[1,2-a]indole-4,7-dione, 6-amino-8-[[(aminocarbonyl)oxy]methyl]-1,1a,2,8,8a,8b-hexahydro-8a-methoxy-5- methyl-, [1aS-(1aalpha,8beta,8aalpha,8balpha)]- | 50-07-7 | U010 |
MNNG | Guanidine, N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitroso- | 70-25-7 | U163 |
Molinate | 1H-Azepine-1-carbothioic acid, hexahydro-, S-ethyl ester | 2212-67-1 | |
Mustard gas | Ethane, 1,1'-thiobis[2-chloro- | 505-60-2 | |
Naphthalene | Same | 91-20-3 | U165 |
1,4-Naphthoquinone | 1,4-Naphthalenedione | 130-15-4 | U166 |
alpha-Naphthylamine | 1-Naphthalenamine | 134-32-7 | U167 |
beta-Naphthylamine | 2-Naphthalenamine | 91-59-8 | U168 |
alpha-Naphthylthiourea | Thiourea, 1-naphthalenyl- | 86-88-4 | P072 |
Nickel | Same | 7440-02-0 | |
Nickel compounds, N.O.S.1 | |||
Nickel carbonyl | Nickel carbonyl Ni(CO)4, (T-4)- | 13463-39-3 | P073 |
Nickel cyanide | Nickel cyanide Ni(CN)2 | 557-19-7 | P074 |
Nicotine | Pyridine, 3-(1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)-, (S)- | 54-11-5 | P075 |
Nicotine salts | P075 | ||
Nitric oxide | Nitrogen oxide NO | 10102-43-9 | P076 |
p-Nitroaniline | Benzenamine, 4-nitro- | 100-01-6 | P077 |
Nitrobenzene | Benzene, nitro- | 98-95-3 | U169 |
Nitrogen dioxide | Nitrogen oxide NO2 | 10102-44-0 | P078 |
Nitrogen mustard | Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-methyl- | 51-75-2 | |
Nitrogen mustard, hydro-chloride salt | |||
Nitrogen mustard N-oxide | Ethanamine, 2-chloro-N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-methyl-, N-oxide | 126-85-2 | |
Nitrogen mustard, N-oxide, hydrochloride salt | |||
Nitroglycerin | 1,2,3-Propanetriol, trinitrate | 55-63-0 | P081 |
p-Nitrophenol | Phenol, 4-nitro- | 100-02-7 | U170 |
2-Nitropropane | Propane, 2-nitro- | 79-46-9 | U171 |
Nitrosamines, N.O.S.1 | 35576-91-1 | ||
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine | 1-Butanamine, N-butyl-N-nitroso- | 924-16-3 | U172 |
N-Nitrosodiethanolamine | Ethanol, 2,2'-(nitrosoimino)bis- | 1116-54-7 | U173 |
N-Nitrosodiethylamine | Ethanamine, N-ethyl-N-nitroso- | 55-18-5 | U174 |
N-Nitrosodimethylamine | Methanamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso- | 62-75-9 | P082 |
N-Nitroso-N-ethylurea | Urea, N-ethyl-N-nitroso- | 759-73-9 | U176 |
N-Nitrosomethylethylamine | Ethanamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso- | 10595-95-6 | |
N-Nitroso-N-methylurea | Urea, N-methyl-N-nitroso- | 684-93-5 | U177 |
N-Nitroso-N-methylurethane | Carbamic acid, methylnitroso-, ethyl ester | 615-53-2 | U178 |
N-Nitrosomethylvinylamine | Vinylamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso- | 4549-40-0 | P084 |
N-Nitrosomorpholine | Morpholine, 4-nitroso- | 59-89-2 | |
N-Nitrosonornicotine | Pyridine, 3-(1-nitroso-2-pyrrolidinyl)-, (S)- | 16543-55-8 | |
N-Nitrosopiperidine | Piperidine, 1-nitroso- | 100-75-4 | U179 |
N-Nitrosopyrrolidine | Pyrrolidine, 1-nitroso- | 930-55-2 | U180 |
N-Nitrososarcosine | Glycine, N-methyl-N-nitroso- | 13256-22-9 | |
5-Nitro-o-toluidine | Benzenamine, 2-methyl-5-nitro- | 99-55-8 | U181 |
Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) | 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9-Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin | 3268-87-9 | |
Octachlorodibenzofuran (OCDF) | 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9-Octachlorodibenofuran | 39001-02-0 | |
Octamethylpyrophos-phoramide | Diphosphoramide, octamethyl- | 152-16-9 | P085 |
Osmium tetroxide | Osmium oxide OsO4, (T-4)- | 20816-12-0 | P087 |
Oxamyl | Ethanimidothioc acid, 2-(dimethylamino)-N-[[(methylamino)carbonyl]-oxy]-2-oxo-, methyl ester | 23135-22-0 | P194 |
Paraldehyde | 1,3,5-Trioxane, 2,4,6-trimethyl- | 123-63-7 | U182 |
Parathion | Phosphorothioic acid, O,O-diethyl O-(4-nitrophenyl) ester | 56-38-2 | P089 |
Pebulate | Carbamothioic acid, butylethyl-, S-propyl ester | 1114-71-2 | |
Pentachlorobenzene | Benzene, pentachloro- | 608-93-5 | U183 |
Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins | |||
Pentachlorodibenzofurans | |||
Pentachloroethane | Ethane, pentachloro- | 76-01-7 | U184 |
Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) | Benzene, pentachloronitro- | 82-68-8 | U185 |
Pentachlorophenol | Phenol, pentachloro- | 87-86-5 | See F027 |
Phenacetin | Acetamide, N-(4-ethoxyphenyl)- | 62-44-2 | U187 |
Phenol | Same | 108-95-2 | U188 |
Phenylenediamine | Benzenediamine | 25265-76-3 | |
1, 2-Phenylenediamine | 1, 2-Benzenediamine | 95-54-5 | |
1, 3-Phenylenediamine | 1, 3-Benzenediamine | 108-45-2 | |
Phenylmercury acetate | Mercury, (acetato-O)phenyl- | 62-38-4 | P092 |
Phenylthiourea | Thiourea, phenyl- | 103-85-5 | P093 |
Phosgene | Carbonic dichloride | 75-44-5 | P095 |
Phosphine | Same | 7803-51-2 | P096 |
Phorate | Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-diethyl S-[(ethylthio)methyl] ester | 298-02-2 | P094 |
Phthalic acid esters, N.O.S.1 | |||
Phthalic anhydride | 1,3-Isobenzofurandione | 85-44-9 | U190 |
Physostigmine | Pyrrolo[2,3-b]indol-5-01, 1,2,3,3a,8,8a-hexahydro-1,3a,8-trimethyl-, methylcarbamate (ester), (3aS-cis)- | 57-47-6 | P204 |
Physostigmine salicylate | Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, compd. with (3aS-cis)-1,2,3,3a,8,8a-hexahydro-1,3a,8-trimethylpyrrol o [2,3-b]indol-5-yl methylcarbamate ester (1:1) | 57-64-7 | P188 |
2-Picoline | Pyridine, 2-methyl- | 109-06-8 | U191 |
Polychlorinated biphenyls, N.O.S.1 | |||
Potassium cyanide | Potassium cyanide K(CN) | 151-50-8 | P098 |
Potassium dimethyldithiocarbamate | Carbamodithioic acid, dimethyl, potassium salt | 128-03-0 | |
Potassium n-hydroxymethyl-n-methyl-dithiocarbamate | Carbamodithioic acid, (hydroxymethyl)methyl-, monopotassium salt | 51026-28-9 | |
Potassium n-methyldithiocarbamate | Carbamodithioic acid, methyl-monopotassium salt | 137-41-7 | |
Potassium pentachlorophenate | Pentachlorophenol, potassium salt | 7778736 | None |
Potassium silver cyanide | Argentate(1-), bis(cyano-C)-, potassium | 506-61-6 | P099 |
Promecarb | Phenol, 3-methyl-5-(1-methylethyl)-, methyl carbamate | 2631-37-0 | P201 |
Pronamide | Benzamide, 3,5-dichloro-N-(1,1-dimethyl-2-propynyl)- | 23950-58-5 | U192 |
1,3-Propane sultone | 1,2-Oxathiolane, 2,2-dioxide | 1120-71-4 | U193 |
Propham | Carbamic acid, phenyl-, 1-methylethyl ester | 122-42-9 | U373 |
Propoxur | Phenol, 2-(1-methylethoxy)-, methylcarbamate | 114-26-1 | U411 |
n-Propylamine | 1-Propanamine | 107-10-8 | U194 |
Propargyl alcohol | 2-Propyn-1-ol | 107-19-7 | P102 |
Propylene dichloride | Propane, 1,2-dichloro- | 78-87-5 | U083 |
1,2-Propylenimine | Aziridine, 2-methyl- | 75-55-8 | P067 |
Propylthiouracil | 4(1H)-Pyrimidinone, 2,3-dihydro-6-propyl-2-thioxo- | 51-52-5 | |
Prosulfocarb | Carbamothioic acid, dipropyl-, S-(phenylmethyl) ester | 52888-80-9 | U387 |
Pyridine | Same | 110-86-1 | U196 |
Reserpine | Yohimban-16-carboxylic acid, 11,17-dimethoxy-18-[(3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoyl)oxy]-smethyl ester, (3beta,16beta,17alpha,18beta,20alpha)- | 50-55-5 | U200 |
Resorcinol | 1,3-Benzenediol | 108-46-3 | U201 |
Safrole | 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5-(2-propenyl)- | 94-59-7 | U203 |
Selenium | Same | 7782-49-2 | |
Selenium compounds, N.O.S.1 | |||
Selenium dioxide | Selenious acid | 7783-00-8 | U204 |
Selenium sulfide | Selenium sulfide SeS2 | 7488-56-4 | U205 |
Selenium, tetrakis(dimethyl-dithiocarbamate) | Carbamodithioic acid, dimethyl-, tetraanhydrosulfide with orthothioselenious acid | 144-34-3 | |
Selenourea | Same | 630-10-4 | P103 |
Silver | Same | 7440-22-4 | |
Silver compounds, N.O.S.1 | |||
Silver cyanide | Silver cyanide Ag(CN) | 506-64-9 | P104 |
Silvex (2,4,5-TP) | Propanoic acid, 2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)- | 93-72-1 | See F027 |
Sodium cyanide | Sodium cyanide Na(CN) | 143-33-9 | P106 |
Sodium dibutyldithiocarbamate | Carbamodithioic acid, dibutyl, sodium salt | 136-30-1 | |
Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate | Carbamodithioic acid, diethyl-, sodium salt | 148-18-5 | |
Sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate | Carbamodithioic acid, dimethyl-, sodium salt | 128-04-1 | |
Sodium pentachlorophenate | Pentachlorophenol, sodium salt | 131522 | None |
Streptozotocin | D-Glucose, 2-deoxy-2-[[(methylnitrosoamino)carbonyl]amino]- | 18883-66-4 | U206 |
Strychnine | Strychnidin-10-one | 57-24-9 | P108 |
Strychnine salts | P108 | ||
Sulfallate | Carbamodithioic acid, diethyl-, 2-chloro-2-propenyl ester | 95-06-7 | |
TCDD | Dibenzo[b,e][1,4]dioxin, 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro- | 1746-01-6 | |
Tetrabutylthiuram disulfide | Thioperoxydicarbonic diamide, tetrabutyl | 1634-02-2 | |
1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene | Benzene, 1,2,4,5-tetrachloro- | 95-94-3 | U207 |
Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins | |||
Tetrachlorodibenzofurans | |||
Tetrachloroethane, N.O.S.1 | Ethane, tetrachloro-, N.O.S. | 25322-20-7 | |
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane | Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrachloro- | 630-20-6 | U208 |
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane | Ethane, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro- | 79-34-5 | U209 |
Tetrachloroethylene | Ethene, tetrachloro- | 127-18-4 | U210 |
2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol | Phenol, 2,3,4,6-tetrachloro- | 58-90-2 | See F027 |
***2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol, potassium salt | same | 53535276 | None |
2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol, sodium salt | same | 25567559 | None |
Tetraethyldithiopyrophos-phate | Thiodiphosphoric acid, tetraethyl ester | 3689-24-5 | P109 |
Tetraethyl lead | Plumbane, tetraethyl- | 78-00-2 | P110 |
Tetraethyl pyrophosphate | Diphosphoric acid, tetraethyl ester | 107-49-3 | P111 |
Tetramethylthiuram monosulfide | Bis(dimethylthiocarbamoyl) sulfide | 97-74-5 | |
Tetranitromethane | Methane, tetranitro- | 509-14-8 | P112 |
Thallium | Same | 7440-28-0 | |
Thallium compounds, N.O.S.1 | |||
Thallic oxide | Thallium oxide Tl2O3 | 1314-32-5 | P113 |
Thallium(I) acetate | Acetic acid, thallium(1+) salt | 563-68-8 | U214 |
Thallium(I) carbonate | Carbonic acid, dithallium(1+) salt | 6533-73-9 | U215 |
Thallium(I) chloride | Thallium chloride TlCl | 7791-12-0 | U216 |
Thallium(I) nitrate | Nitric acid, thallium(1+) salt | 10102-45-1 | U217 |
Thallium selenite | Selenious acid, dithallium(1+) salt | 12039-52-0 | P114 |
Thallium(I) sulfate | Sulfuric acid, dithallium(1+) salt | 7446-18-6 | P115 |
Thioacetamide | Ethanethioamide | 62-55-5 | U218 |
Thiodicarb | Ethanimidothioic acid, N,N'-[thiobis [(methylimino) carbonyloxy]] bis-, dimethyl ester. | 59669-26-0 | U410 |
Thiofanox | 2-Butanone, 3,3-dimethyl-1-(methylthio)-, 0-[(methylamino)carbonyl] oxime | 39196-18-4 | P045 |
Thiomethanol | Methanethiol | 74-93-1 | U153 |
Thiophanate-methyl | Carbamic acid, [1,2-phyenylenebis (iminocarbonothioyl)] bis-, dimethyl ester | 23564-05-8 | U409 |
Thiophenol | Benzenethiol | 108-98-5 | P014 |
Thiosemicarbazide | Hydrazinecarbothioamide | 79-19-6 | P116 |
Thiourea | Same | 62-56-6 | U219 |
Thiram | Thioperoxydicarbonic diamide [(H2N)C(S)]2S2, tetramethyl- | 137-26-8 | U244 |
Tirpate | 1,3-Dithiolane-2-carboxaldehyde, 2,4-dimethyl-, O-[(methylamino) carbonyl] oxime | 26419-73-8 | P185 |
Toluene | Benzene, methyl- | 108-88-3 | U220 |
Toluenediamine | Benzenediamine, ar-methyl- | 25376-45-8 | U221 |
Toluene-2,4-diamine | 1,3-Benzenediamine, 4-methyl- | 95-80-7 | |
Toluene-2,6-diamine | 1,3-Benzenediamine, 2-methyl- | 823-40-5 | |
Toluene-3,4-diamine | 1,2-Benzenediamine, 4-methyl- | 496-72-0 | |
Toluene diisocyanate | Benzene, 1,3-diisocyanatomethyl- | 26471-62-5 | U223 |
o-Toluidine | Benzenamine, 2-methyl- | 95-53-4 | U328 |
o-Toluidine hydrochloride | Benzenamine, 2-methyl-, hydrochloride | 636-21-5 | U222 |
p-Toluidine | Benzenamine, 4-methyl- | 106-49-0 | U353 |
Toxaphene | Same | 8001-35-2 | P123 |
Triallate | Carbamothioic acid, bis(1-methylethyl)-, S-(2,3,3-trichloro-2-propenyl) ester | 2303-17-5 | U389 |
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene | Benzene, 1,2,4-trichloro- | 120-82-1 | |
1,1,2-Trichloroethane | Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro- | 79-00-5 | U227 |
Trichloroethylene | Ethene, trichloro- | 79-01-6 | U228 |
Trichloromethanethiol | Methanethiol, trichloro- | 75-70-7 | P118 |
Trichloromonofluoro methane | Methane, trichlorofluoro- | 75-69-4 | U121 |
2,4,5-Trichlorophenol | Phenol, 2,4,5-trichloro- | 95-95-4 | See F027 |
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol | Phenol, 2,4,6-trichloro- | 88-06-2 | See F027 |
2,4,5-T | Acetic acid, (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)- | 93-76-5 | See F027 |
Trichloropropane, N.O.S.1 | 25735-29-9 | ||
1,2,3-Trichloropropane | Propane, 1,2,3-trichloro- | 96-18-4 | |
Triethylamine | Ethanamine, N,N-diethyl- | 121-44-8 | U404 |
O,O,O-Triethyl phosphorothioate | Phosphorothioic acid, O,O,O-triethyl ester | 126-68-1 | |
1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene | Benzene, 1,3,5-trinitro- | 99-35-4 | U234 |
Tris(1-aziridinyl)phosphine sulfide | Aziridine, 1,1',1"-phosphinothioylidynetris- | 52-24-4 | |
Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate | 1-Propanol, 2,3-dibromo-, phosphate (3:1) | 126-72-7 | U235 |
Trypan blue | 2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 3,3'-[(3,3'-dimethyl[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis(azo)]- bis[5-amino-4-hydroxy-, tetrasodium salt | 72-57-1 | U236 |
Uracil mustard | 2,4-(1H,3H)-Pyrimidinedione, 5-[bis(2-chloroethyl)amino]- | 66-75-1 | U237 |
Vanadium pentoxide | Vanadium oxide V2O5 | 1314-62-1 | P120 |
Vernolate | Carbamothioic acid, dipropyl-,S-propyl ester | 1929-77-7 | |
Vinyl chloride | Ethene, chloro- | 75-01-4 | U043 |
Warfarin | 2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, 4-hydroxy-3-(3-oxo-1-phenylbutyl)-, when present at concentrations less than 0.3% | 81-81-2 | U248 |
Warfarin | 2H-1-Benzopyran-2-one, 4-hydroxy-3-(3-oxo-1-phenylbutyl)-, when present at concentrations greater than 0.3% | 81-81-2 | P001 |
Warfarin salts, when present at concentrations less than 0.3% | U248 | ||
Warfarin salts, when present at concentrations greater than 0.3% | P001 | ||
Zinc cyanide | Zinc cyanide Zn(CN)2 | 557-21-1 | P121 |
Zinc phosphide | Zinc phosphide Zn3P2, when present at concentrations greater than 10% | 1314-84-7 | P122 |
Zinc phosphide | Zinc phosphide Zn3P2, when present at concentrations of 10% or less | 1314-84-7 | U249 |
Ziram | Zinc, bis(dimethylcarbamodithioato-S,S')-, (T-4)- | 137-30-4 | P205 |
FOOTNOTE: 1The abbreviation N.O.S. (not otherwise specified) signifies those members of the general class not specifically listed by name in this appendix.
Appendix IX - (Reserved) [40 CFR 261 Appendix IX]
(Note: EPA maintains the listing in Appendix IX.)
Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-12-01-.02
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201, et seq., and 68-212-101, et seq.