Section 0360-07-01-.10 - PROSECUTION OF FALSE CLAIMS FOR EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PAY(1) As an added measure to guard against the misuse of State funds, the Firefighting Commission and staff will vigorously seek criminal prosecution through the Attorney General's Office against any individual or individuals it finds have engaged in fraudulent conduct or false representation in connection with the completion of training requirements in order to unjustly obtain educational incentive pay.(2) The Commission will recognize the possibility of inadvertent mistakes involved in a Department's record keeping, and after close scrutiny of such facts will make the proper recommendation to such Department involved and seek immediate reimbursement of such funds erroneously paid due to the Department's oversight. If such reimbursement is not immediately forthcoming, the Firefighting Commission and Staff will commence legal action accordingly.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0360-07-01-.10
Original rule filed October 14, 1994; effective February 28, 1995. Amendment filed December 14, 2009; effective March 14, 2010. Repeal and new rule filed October 27, 2014; effective January 25, 2015. Emergency rules filed September 2, 2021; effective through March 1, 2022. Emergency rules expired effective March 2, 2022, and the rules reverted to their previous statuses. Amendments filed August 29, 2022; effective 11/27/2022.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-24-101, 4-24-106, 4-24-107, and 4-24-201.