Section 0360-03-01-.32 - CONFINED SPACE RESCUER(1) A Confined Space Rescuer shall successfully complete a Commission-approved training program compliant with the NFPA 1006, Standard for Technical Rescue Professional Qualifications.(2) A Confined Space Rescuer sh all pass the examination(s) for Confined Space Rescuer as promulgated by the Commission.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0360-03-01-.32
Original rule filed December 14, 2009; effective March 14, 2010. Repeal and new rule filed October 27, 2014; effective January 25, 2015. Amendments filed July 27, 2018; effective 10/25/2018.Authority: T.C.A §§ 4-24-101, 4-24-106, and 4-24-107.