Section 0120-01-.25 - RENEWAL OF REGISTRATION(1) All certificates of registration issued to engineers, architects and landscape architects are subject to biennial renewal (every two (2) years) in accordance with the provisions of T.C.A. § 56-1-302(b).(2) An architect, engineer or landscape architect may renew a current, valid registration by submitting a renewal form approved by the board, the required renewal fee, and evidence of having completed the number of professional development hours (PDH's) required by rule 0120-05-.04.(3) Fees for biennial renewal of certificates of registration shall be as follows: Engineer | $140.00 |
Architect | $140.00 |
Landscape Architect | $140.00 |
(4) The penalty fee for late renewal shall be in the amount of ten dollars ($10.00) for each month or fraction of a month which lapses during the six (6)-month late renewal period before payment is tendered.(5) Retirement Status. (a) A registered certificate holder (over age 62) may place the registrant's certificate, if in good standing, in retirement status during the biennial license renewal cycle by filing a form designated by the Board. No fee shall be required. Such registrant shall renew the registrant's certificate by so notifying the Board.(b) A registrant holding a retired certificate may refer to oneself as an engineer, architect, or landscape architect, including on correspondence and business cards, provided that the word "retired" is used in conjunction with the title. However, a holder of a retired certificate may not engage in or offer to engage in the practice of engineering, architecture or landscape architecture as defined by T.C.A. § 62-2-102. Practice or offer to practice in violation of this subparagraph shall be considered to be misconduct and may subject the registrant to disciplinary action by the Board.(c) A registrant holding a retired certificate may not engage in any activity constituting the practice or offer to practice of engineering, architecture or landscape architecture in the State of Tennessee without first notifying the Board, in writing, as to a change to "active" status, satisfying the continuing education requirements of rule 0120-05-.08(d), and paying the biennial registration renewal fee.(6) Inactive Status. (a) A registrant may place the registrant's certificate, if in good standing, in inactive status during the biennial license renewal cycle by filing a form designated by the Board. No fee shall be required to establish inactive status. The registrant with an inactive certificate is still required to pay the biennial registration renewal fee.(b) A registrant holding an inactive certificate shall follow the requirements pertaining to payment or non-payment of the professional privilege tax established in T.C.A. § 67-4-1701et. seq., in accordance with T.C.A. § 67-4-1702(b).(c) A registrant holding an inactive certificate may not engage in any activity constituting the practice or offer to practice engineering, architecture, or landscape architecture in the State of Tennessee without first notifying the Board, in writing, as to a change to "active" status and satisfying the continuing education requirements of Rule 0120-05-.08(d)Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0120-01-.25
Original rule filed January 14, 1980; effective February 28, 1980. Amendment filed June 10, 1982; effective July 26, 1982. Amendment filed October 15, 1986; effective November 29, 1986. Amendment filed November 20, 1989; effective January 4, 1990. Amendment filed October 21, 1992; effective December 5, 1992. Amendment filed January 19, 1995; effective April, 1995. Amendment filed March 13, 1997; effective May 27, 1997. Amendment filed May 20, 2004; effective August 3, 2004. Amendment filed March 9, 2007; effective May 23, 2007. Amendment filed December 11, 2012; effective March 11, 2013. Amendment filed September 15, 2015; effective December 14, 2015. Amendments filed October 28, 2016; effective 1/26/2017.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-2-203(c) and (d), 62-2-307(c), 67-4-1701, and 67-4-1702.