Chapter 5:02:08 - Petitions
- Section 5:02:08:00 - Guidelines for acceptance of petitions
- Section 5:02:08:00.01 - Requirements for counting signatures on petitions
- Section 5:02:08:00.02 - Petitions
- Section 5:02:08:00.03 - Form of petition
- Section 5:02:08:00.04 - Validity of petition signature when signer has signed more petitions than offices to be nominated
- Section 5:02:08:00.05 - Methodology for conducting the random sample for a statewide candidate, initiative petition, referred law petition, or initiated constitutional amendment petition
- Section 5:02:08:01 - Form of nominating petition - Partisan election
- Section 5:02:08:02 - Form of petition for circuit court judge - Nonpartisan election
- Section 5:02:08:03 and 5:02:08:04 - Form of petition for highway board of unorganized county - Nonpartisan election.Repealed
- Section 5:02:08:05 - Certificate of nomination for Independent candidate
- Section 5:02:08:05.01 - Independent candidate declaration of candidacy and certification of running mate
- Section 5:02:08:06 - Form of declaration for new political party
- Section 5:02:08:07 - Form of initiative petition
- Section 5:02:08:07.01 - Affidavit to be filed with completed initiative, referendum, or initiated constitutional amendment petition
- Section 5:02:08:07.02 - Affidavit to be submitted with initiative, referendum, or initiated constitutional amendment petition to be circulated
- Section 5:02:08:08 - Form of referendum petition
- Section 5:02:08:09 - Form of initiated constitutional amendment petition or initiated petition for repeal of constitutional provision
- Section 5:02:08:10 - Declaration of pledge by national convention delegates and alternates.Repealed
- Section 5:02:08:11 - Nominating petition for school board member
- Section 5:02:08:12 - Reserved
- Section 5:02:08:13 - Nominating petition for municipal election
- Section 5:02:08:14 - Certificate of nomination for municipal election nominating more than one candidate.Repealed
- Section 5:02:08:15 - Municipal initiative petition
- Section 5:02:08:16 - Municipal referendum petition
- Section 5:02:08:17 - Municipal petition for recall
- Section 5:02:08:18 - County initiative petition
- Section 5:02:08:19 - County referendum petition
- Section 5:02:08:20 - Certificate of nomination for Independent presidential electors
- Section 5:02:08:21 - Form of petition to increase or decrease number of county commissioners
- Section 5:02:08:22 - Form of petition to increase or decrease number of members of school board
- Section 5:02:08:23 - Form of petition for change in municipal government
- Section 5:02:08:24 - Form of petition for water development district director
- Section 5:02:08:25 - Form of petition for irrigation district director by division
- Section 5:02:08:26 - Form of petition for irrigation district director at large
- Section 5:02:08:27 - Form of petition for water project district director by division
- Section 5:02:08:28 - Form of petition for water project district director at large
- Section 5:02:08:29 - Form of petition for school district reorganization through dissolution
- Section 5:02:08:30 - Form of petition for multiple school district reorganization to create a new district
- Section 5:02:08:31 - Form of petition for reconsideration of rejected school district reorganization plan
- Section 5:02:08:32 - Form of petition for combining county offices
- Section 5:02:08:33 - Form of petition for combining a county office with the same office in other counties
- Section 5:02:08:34 - Form of nominating petition for township election
- Section 5:02:08:35 - Form of nominating petition for special district trustee
- Section 5:02:08:36 - Form of petition for conservation district supervisor - Nonpartisan election
- Section 5:02:08:37 - Form of petition for urban area conservation district supervisor - Nonpartisan election (Repealed)
- Section 5:02:08:38 - Form of petition for rural landowner or occupier conservation district supervisor - Nonpartisan election (Repealed)
- Section 5:02:08:39 - Form of petition for organization of a county road, ambulance, rural fire protection, sanitary, watershed, or water project district
- Section 5:02:08:40 - Form of petition for a resolution of cooperation or consolidation
- Section 5:02:08:41 - Form of petition for referring a tax levy opt-out
- Section 5:02:08:42 - Form of petition for consumers power district director
- Section 5:02:08:43 - Form of petition for establishing or eliminating school board representation areas
- Section 5:02:08:44 - Form of petition for referring the discontinuance of an attendance center
- Section 5:02:08:45 - Form for precinct committeeman or committeewoman
- Section 5:02:08:46 - Form of petition for a school board to implement a school sentinel program