S.D. Admin. R. 48:01:04:15
Until a signature is placed on the back of a ticket in the space designated, the ticket is owned by the physical possessor of the ticket. When a signature is placed on the back of a ticket in the space designated, the player whose signature appears in that area is the owner of the ticket and is entitled to any prize attributable to the ticket. Regardless of the name or names submitted on a claim form, the executive director may only pay the prize to the player whose signature appears on the back of the ticket in the space designated. If more than one signature appears on the back of the ticket, the executive director may only pay the prize to the player who is designated to receive payment by a release signed by all of the players whose names are signed on the back of the ticket in the space designated.
When a player submits a claim for a cash prize by electronic device, the player represents to the lottery that the player is entitled to claim the prize, that there are no other claims to the prize, and that the player is not prohibited by law from purchasing a lottery ticket or being paid a lottery prize. A false representation is a violation of this section and may result in civil fines pursuant to SDCL subdivision 43-7A-4(12).
S.D. Admin. R. 48:01:04:15
General Authority: SDCL 42-7A-21.
Law Implemented: SDCL 42-7A-4(12), 42-7A-21, 42-7A-23, 42-7A-33, 42-7A-34.