S.D. Admin. R. 46:11:02:06
To obtain provisional certification an organization shall meet the requirements in § 46:11:02:05.01. The provisional certification is effective for no more than two years. The organization shall:
If the requirements for a two-year certification are not achieved, the division may extend the organization's provisional status by three months and conduct a second review. If the division determines the organization will not meet provisional certification requirements, the division shall obtain services for participants within three months of that determination.
If the organization completes the provisional certification requirements in this section, the organization shall be certified as a provider pursuant to § 46:11:02:07.
S.D. Admin. R. 46:11:02:06
General Authority: SDCL 27B-2-26(2).
Law Implemented: SDCL 27B-2-26.
Covered services, § 67:54:04:14.