Chapter 44:90:05 - Cannabis cultivation facilities
- Section 44:90:05:01 - Cultivation activities - Compliance with operating procedures
- Section 44:90:05:02 - Packaging and labeling cannabis for retail sale
- Section 44:90:05:03 - Cultivation equipment - Safety
- Section 44:90:05:04 - Cultivation area
- Section 44:90:05:05 - Hours of operation - Exigent circumstances
- Section 44:90:05:06 - Fences and gates
- Section 44:90:05:07 - Safe application of pesticides and other chemicals used in cultivation - Training requirements
- Section 44:90:05:08 - Application of pesticides
- Section 44:90:05:09 - List of approved active ingredients in pesticides
- Section 44:90:05:10 - Safety of cannabis - Use or presence of prohibited pesticides - Contaminants