Chapter 41:09:04 - Bait
- Section 41:09:04:01 - Baitfish defined (Repealed)
- Section 41:09:04:02 - Taking, possession, and transportation
- Section 41:09:04:02.01 - License fees
- Section 41:09:04:02.02 - Species that may be taken as bait for commercial use
- Section 41:09:04:02.03 - Transferred
- Section 41:09:04:02.04 - Species that may be taken as bait for noncommercial use
- Section 41:09:04:02.05 - Noncommercial limits defined
- Section 41:09:04:02.06 - Eligibility for bait dealers, agents and employees
- Section 41:09:04:03 - Waters closed to commercial and noncommercial taking of bait
- Section 41:09:04:03.01 - Waters closed to commercial taking of bait
- Section 41:09:04:03.02 - Waters closed to commercial take of bait from May 1 through July 31
- Section 41:09:04:03.03 - Waters closed to commercial and noncommercial taking of freshwater mussels
- Section 41:09:04:04 - Seines, nets, and traps limited
- Section 41:09:04:05 - Trap spacing limited - Emptying required
- Section 41:09:04:06 - Trap marking required - Licensee liable
- Section 41:09:04:07 - Game fish and endangered species to be returned to waters - Rough fish may be destroyed
- Section 41:09:04:08 to 41:09:04:11 - Repealed
- Section 41:09:04:12 - Transportation of bait and other fish by bait dealer
- Section 41:09:04:13 - Transportation of sucker spawn or frogs prohibited (Repealed)
- Section 41:09:04:14 - Bait dealer's license displayed
- Section 41:09:04:14.01 - Bait dealer's license in possession while transporting bait
- Section 41:09:04:15 - Equipment identification
- Section 41:09:04:16 - Records required
- Section 41:09:04:16.01 - Records required for bait taken in South Dakota waters
- Section 41:09:04:16.02 - Records required for bait imported into South Dakota
- Section 41:09:04:16.03 - [Repealed]
- Section 41:09:04:16.04 - Records required for bait sold at wholesale in South Dakota
- Section 41:09:04:16.05 - Records required for bait purchased and transported out of South Dakota
- Section 41:09:04:16.06 - Records required for nonresidential bait dealers for bait sold or purchased in South Dakota
- Section 41:09:04:17 - Conviction for violation may be cause for revocation and non-renewal of bait dealer license