S.D. Admin. R. 20:48:07:21
Current through Register Vol. 51, page 71, January 6, 2025
Section 20:48:07:21 - Administration and organization The institution and the program administration must demonstrate evidence to the satisfaction of the board of compliance with the following requirements for administration and organization:
(1) The nursing education program is an integral part of an accredited institution that meets the criteria for accreditation of the Higher Learning Commission, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and that is authorized and lawfully empowered to confer a certificate or degree in nursing; http://policy.hlcommission.org/Policies/criteria-for-accreditation.html(2) The nursing program has statements of purpose, philosophy, and outcomes which are consistent with those of the governing institution and with SDCL chapter 36-9 or 36-9 A and other relevant state statutes, and this article;(3) The purpose and outcomes of the nursing program are consistent with generally accepted standards of nursing practice appropriate for graduates of the type of nursing program being offered and ensure that graduates are prepared for safe and effective nursing practice;(4) The fiscal, human, physical, clinical and technical learning resources are adequate to support program purposes and outcomes;(5) The organizational relationship of the nursing education program to central administration is clearly defined with authority, responsibility, and channels of communication clearly delineated;(6) The nursing education program has established its own organization with clearly defined authority, responsibility, and channels of communication, including the following: (a) Rules, bylaws, or their institutional equivalent which govern the activities of the faculty organization are in writing;(b) Regular meetings of the faculty organization are scheduled; and(c) Minutes of faculty organization and committee meetings reflect discussion and decisions and are on file in the nursing education program office or available electronically;(7) Policies and procedures pertaining to the nursing education program are in writing and are congruent with those of the governing institution, reviewed regularly by the nursing faculty, and revised as needed;(8) The ultimate responsibility for administering the nursing education program is vested in a registered nurse who is currently licensed or privileged to practice in South Dakota, whose appointment is full-time, who has 10 percent or less of workload designated for teaching, and who meets the qualifications in § 20:48:07:22;(9) The administrator carries out the responsibilities listed in § 20:48:07:23;(10) The advanced practice nursing education program has received accreditation by a national accrediting body that is approved by the U.S. Department of Education for advanced practice nursing programs or has made application to become accredited and is pending final action by the accrediting body.S.D. Admin. R. 20:48:07:21
3 SDR 35, effective 11/11/1976; 9 SDR 151, effective 5/30/1983; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective 7/1/1986; transferred from; 45 SDR 009, effective 7/30/2018General Authority: SDCL 36-9-21(8), 36-9A-41.
Law Implemented: SDCL 36-9-58, 36-9A-21.1.
A Handbook of Accreditation, 2003 edition, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Higher Learning Commission. Copies may be obtained from the Higher Learning Commission, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, 159 North Dearborn Street, 6th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601; $4.