Chapter 20:25:03 - Operator participation and membership classifications and fees
- Section 20:25:03:01 - Operator participation
- Section 20:25:03:01.01 - Operator requirements for receiving tickets.Repealed
- Section 20:25:03:02 - Membership classes
- Section 20:25:03:03 - Membership fees
- Section 20:25:03:04 - Information required when initiating a routine locate request
- Section 20:25:03:04.01 - Information required when initiating a planned excavation locate request
- Section 20:25:03:04.02 - Information required when initiating an informational locate request
- Section 20:25:03:04.03 - Locate requests in emergency situations
- Section 20:25:03:04.04 - No excavation allowed on planned excavation or informational locate requests
- Section 20:25:03:04.05 - Operator compensation on informational locate requests
- Section 20:25:03:05 - Color standards for marking underground facilities and identification of marked facilities
- Section 20:25:03:05.01 - Valid period for underground facility markings
- Section 20:25:03:05.02 - Excavator responsibilities for the preservation of markings
- Section 20:25:03:05.03 - Excavator responsibilities when excavating near markings
- Section 20:25:03:05.04 - Operator responsibilities when marking underground facilities
- Section 20:25:03:06 - Excavating near sensitive telecommunications facilities.Repealed
- Section 20:25:03:07 - Requirements for operation of a one-call notification center
- Section 20:25:03:08 - Ticket standards
- Section 20:25:03:09 - Procedures for marking excavation sites which are impractical to flag, mark, or describe
- Section 20:25:03:10 - Operator requirements after receipt of an emergency or modified routine ticket
- Section 20:25:03:10.01 - Operator requirements after receipt of a planned excavation or informational ticket
- Section 20:25:03:10.02 - Procedures for excavation near high profile underground facilities
- Section 20:25:03:11 - Petition for declaratory rulings
- Section 20:25:03:12 - Board action on petition