S.D. Admin. R. 20:06:38:11
For a policy that provides for a contract premium, the guaranteed death benefit and value available upon surrender must correspond to the contract premium. Nonguaranteed elements may be shown if described in the contract. In the case of an illustration for a policy on which the insurer intends to credit terminal dividends, they may be shown if the insurers current practice is to pay terminal dividends. If any nonguaranteed elements are shown, they must be shown at the same durations as the corresponding guaranteed elements, if any. If no guaranteed benefit or value is available at any duration for which a nonguaranteed benefit or value is shown, a zero must be displayed in the guaranteed column.
S.D. Admin. R. 20:06:38:11
General Authority: SDCL 58-33-5.1.
Law Implemented: SDCL 58-33-5.1.