S.D. Admin. R. 20:06:13:31
The disclosure notice required by § 20:06:13:30 must be in at least twelve-point type. The notice must be printed on or attached to the first page of the policy, subscriber contract, or certificate or the first page of an outline of coverage under a policy, subscriber contract, or certificate if an outline is provided at the time of application. The notice must contain the following language:
"THIS (POLICY OR CERTIFICATE) IS NOT A MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT (POLICY OR CONTRACT). If you are eligible for Medicare, review the [insert the most recent guide as approved by the director] available from the company."
Applications provided to persons eligible for Medicare for the health insurance policies or certificates described in § 20:06:13:30 must disclose, using the applicable statement in Appendix E at the end of this chapter, the extent to which the policy duplicates Medicare. Disclosure used by an issuer must be in substantially the same form and in no less than twelve-point type. For purposes of this section, "form" means the language, format, type size, type proportional spacing, bold character, line spacing, and usage of boxes around text. The issuer shall provide the disclosure statement as a part of, or together with, the application for the policy or certificate.
S.D. Admin. R. 20:06:13:31
General Authority: SDCL 58-17A-7.
Law Implemented: SDCL 58-17A-7.