Chapter 2:01:13 - Police canine team certification
- Section 2:01:13:01 - Definitions
- Section 2:01:13:02 - Certification required. Repealed
- Section 2:01:13:02.01 - Certificate of qualification
- Section 2:01:13:03 - Standards for certification as an accelerant detection canine team
- Section 2:01:13:04 - Expiration of certification as an accelerant detection canine team
- Section 2:01:13:05 - Standards for certification as a drug detection canine team
- Section 2:01:13:05.01 - Standards for certification as an explosive detection canine team
- Section 2:01:13:06 - Standards for certification as a patrol canine team
- Section 2:01:13:06.01 - Standards for certification as a corrections canine team
- Section 2:01:13:07 - Expiration of certification as a drug detection, explosive detection, patrol, or corrections canine team
- Section 2:01:13:08 - Standards for certification as a scent discriminatory canine team
- Section 2:01:13:09 - Expiration of certification to act as a scent discriminatory canine team
- Section 2:01:13:10 - Renewal of certification as a canine team
- Section 2:01:13:11 - Training records maintained by canine handlers
- Section 2:01:13:12 - Training records maintained by commission
- Section 2:01:13:13 - Forms
- Section 2:01:13:14 - Request for certification of canine team
- Section 2:01:13:15 - Change in eligibility of canine team
- Section 2:01:13:16 - Reevaluation upon failure. Repealed
- Section 2:01:13:17 - Fees. Repealed
- Section 2:01:13:18 - Revocation or suspension of certification or authorization
- Section 2:01:13:19 - Reciprocity
- Section 2:01:13:20 - Waiver
- Section 2:01:13:20.01 - Certification expiration extension