Chapter 2:01:04 - Procedure for commission rulings
- Section 2:01:04:01 - Informal procedure.Repealed
- Section 2:01:04:01.01 - Rules not applicable to rule-making procedure
- Section 2:01:04:02 - Place of filing, investigations.Repealed
- Section 2:01:04:02.01 - Burden of proof
- Section 2:01:04:03 - Formal matters, commission determination.Repealed
- Section 2:01:04:03.01 - Who may file
- Section 2:01:04:04 - Rules, petition for change.Repealed
- Section 2:01:04:04.01 - Content of application, filing
- Section 2:01:04:05 - Transferred
- Section 2:01:04:05.01 - Investigation
- Section 2:01:04:06 - Transferred
- Section 2:01:04:06.01 - Initial recommendation to be made at the option of the executive secretary
- Section 2:01:04:07 - Notice of recommendation
- Section 2:01:04:08 - Opportunity for hearing upon any application
- Section 2:01:04:09 - Contents of petition for contested case
- Section 2:01:04:10 - Executive secretary may initiate contested case hearing on his recommendation
- Section 2:01:04:11 - Executive secretary may initiate contested case hearing on an application
- Section 2:01:04:12 - Commission members may initiate contested case hearing
- Section 2:01:04:13 - Hearing officer may hear contested cases
- Section 2:01:04:14 - Notice of contested case hearing
- Section 2:01:04:15 - Intervention in contested case
- Section 2:01:04:16 - Service of petition in intervention
- Section 2:01:04:17 - Hearing procedure