S.D. Admin. R. 10:03:02:05
Current through Register Vol. 51, page 71, January 6, 2025
Section 10:03:02:05 - Authorized action by the boardThe board may take the following actions:
(1) Authorize immediate destruction of records which have no further administrative, legal, fiscal, research, or historical value or which have insufficient administrative, legal, or fiscal value to warrant further keeping;(2) Conduct a contested case hearing as provided by SDCL 1-26;(3) Revoke any previous authorization granted by the board according to a retention and destruction schedule or otherwise provided the agency head or public officer having custody is given 15 days' advance notice and opportunity to protest through the contested case procedure in SDCL 1-26;(4) Require further supporting evidence to a petition prior to taking board action;(5) Authorize continuing current destruction of transitory use materials which include acquired copyrighted books, pamphlets, booklets, and newsletters; recordings used for routine dictation which is transcribed; rough drafts; and informal notations;(6) Authorize destruction of records according to a records retention and destruction schedule; and(7) Authorize destruction of the original of a record if the original has been recorded, copied or reproduced by any photographic, photostatic, microfilm, microcard, miniature photographic, or other process which accurately reproduces or forms a durable medium for reproducing the original as authorized by SDCL 19-7-12, provided that any microfilm copy meets the standards set forth in chapter 10:04:02.S.D. Admin. R. 10:03:02:05
8 SDR 120, effective 3/21/1982; 39 SDR 203, effective 6/10/2013.General Authority: SDCL 1-27-11.1, 1-27-16.
Law Implemented: SDCL 1-27-11, 1-27-18, 1-27-19.
Obsolete records listed by state agencies, SDCL 1-27-14.