The following general records retention schedule contains minimum retention periods for the official copy of the institution's records. These retentions and dispositions apply regardless of physical format, i.e., paper, microfilm, electronic storage, digital imaging, etc. Convenience, informational or duplicate copies are not governed by this regulation and may be destroyed when no longer needed for reference. To destroy records in accordance with this regulation, institutions must complete and submit a report of records destroyed form to the State Archives after eligible records have been destroyed. These forms are available from the Department's Archives and Records Management Division. Before disposing of public records under this general schedule, colleges and universities are responsible for ensuring that records are no longer required for federal or state audits, for legal purposes, for litigation, for fiscal information, and/or for any other action. This general schedule supersedes all schedules approved previously for the same record series. However, state colleges and universities may opt out of this general schedule and request the continuing use of existing schedules or the establishment of specific retention schedules for their records when appropriate, necessary, or in order to avoid conflict with other laws or regulations.
S.C. Code Regs. § 12-800