The sale of farm machinery that is used in planting, cultivating or harvesting farms crops for sale is exempt under Code Section 12-36-2120(16). This exemption also applies to replacement parts and attachments. For purposes of this exemption, the terms "planting," "cultivating," and "harvesting" are defined as follows:
"Planting" includes all necessary steps in the preparation of the soil prior to, and including, the planting and sowing of the seed.
"Cultivating" includes the loosening of the soil around growing plants, control of moisture content in the soil, and weed and pest control.
"Harvesting" begins with the gathering of the crop and ends when the crop is placed in a temporary or permanent storage area. It also includes the additional preparation for storage or sale of certain crops such as the curing of tobacco, grains, and peanuts and the grading and packaging of peaches, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.
The sale of bulk coolers (farm dairy tanks) used in the production and preservation of milk on dairy farms and machines used in the production of poultry and poultry products on poultry farms when such products are sold in the original state of production or preparation for sale are also exempt under Code Section 12-36-2120(16).
The following machines qualify for this exemption:
(a) machinery used in constructing terraces, drainage and irrigation ditches, dikes used to control the water level in cultivated fields, and land clearing prior to cultivation of the soil.(b) machinery specially designed for irrigation purposes, including pumps, pipes, spigots, etc., when sold for use in the cultivation of farm crops.(c) farms wagons used in planting, cultivating or harvesting farm crops.(d) pasteurizing machines, cooling machines, mechanical separators, homogenizing machines and bottling machines used by dairies in the production of milk for sale. Milking machines do not come within the exemption for farm machinery.(e) machines used in the production of poultry and poultry products for sale when incorporated into and made a part of an automated system. This includes automated bulk feed bins placed either inside or outside the building when such bins are connected to automatic feeding systems; the auger conveying feed from bulk feed bins to the automated feeder system; roll-up curtains (hand crank and motorized) to control light and room temperature; automatic chain feeders; auger and pan feeders; automatic waterers, valves, and accessories, brooders-all types, winching systems used to raise and lower brooders to control room temperature and also to facilitate cleaning; electric debeakers; egg washing machinery; egg grading machinery; egg candling machinery; time clocks for controlling lights or machinery; automated nests only; belt gathering systems for nests; laying cages when a part or attachment to an automated feeding and/or watering system; mechanically operated feed carts; bulk feed bodies (the vehicles on which these bodies are mounted are subject to the tax as well as nonmechanized carts); automatic clean-out systems for cage houses; small tractor or Bobcat used for clean-out of poultry houses; machinery used to cool eggs; humidifiers for egg rooms; auxiliary power generators; ventilation equipment for poultry houses (to include fans and motorized shutter assemblies); electric heat tapes (water warmers); monorail system for use in conveying eggs in process; automatic medication proportioners; incubators; scales used in loading mixing buggies to gauge the amount of feed per chicken; electric shockers and wire over automatic troughs; (electrified wire fences would be subject to the tax unless exempt under Section 12-36-2120(45) ); vibrators; infrared brooders (heat lamps used primarily to brood quail); and incinerators. Examples of properties not exempted from the tax under Section 12-36-2120(16) are building materials, fencing and fence posts, hand tools, range waterers and feeders (unless completely mechanized), egg baskets and stackers, hand trucks and nonmechanized egg carts, dollies, brooding paper and guards, nesting materials, boots, gloves, hand-operated sprayers and powder dusters, mouse traps (all types), leg bands, wing bands, and nest eggs. (Note: Some of these items may be exempt under Section 12-36-2120(45).)
(f) animal and motor drawn or operated implements such as plows, harrows, hay rakes, mowers, cultivators, and planters.(g) machinery used in planting, cultivating, and harvesting timber products.(h) tobacco curers (not including flues and furnaces).(i) a flatbed trailer or a stock trailer used for hauling farm crops (i.e. hay, corn, peaches) if the flatbed trailer or stock trailer is used substantially in planting, cultivating, or harvesting such farm crops for sale in their original state of production or preparation for sale.(j) animal and motor drawn or operated tobacco transplanters.(k) portable power saws for use in planting, cultivating, or harvesting farm crops may be purchased free of the tax. The term "farm crops" includes forest products or products of the forests.(l) skidders used in logging operations, when used either by sawmills or by contract loggers.(m) machinery purchased by operators of commercial fisheries and used directly in fishing operations, such as motor operated watercraft and nets attached to booms or cranes for lowering into the sea bed.(n) machinery purchased by commercial crabbers and used directly in crabbing operations, such as motors, mechanical capstans, and crab traps when such traps are hoisted by capstans. This exemption does not apply to:
(a) automobiles and trucks.(b) machinery used in constructing fences and buildings and repairing machinery and equipment.(c) farm implements which are not animal and motor drawn or operated, such as hoes, pitchforks, and shovels.(d) tobacco thermometers.(e) a flatbed trailer or a stock trailer used for hauling tractors, harvesting equipment or cattle or for hauling farm crops from a storage area to market or to a buyer.(f) tobacco transplanters which are not animal and motor drawn or operated.S.C. Code Regs. § 117-301.5