Note: If the retailer moves its retail business to a new location, then the retailer must notify the Department of the move prior to the move. Upon notification, the Department will issue a corrected retail license at no charge for the new location.
Note: Unlike other types of partnerships, a general partner in a limited liability partnership ("LLP") is not liable for debts, obligations and liabilities chargeable to the partnership while the partnership is a registered LLP. (See Code Section 33-41-370.)
A partner in an LLP and a member of an LLC may, however, be individually and personally liable for withholding taxes, state and local sales and use taxes, or both as a "withholding agent" (withholding tax), a "responsible person" (state and local sales and use taxes), or both under the provisions of Code Section 12-8-2010 and Code Section 12-54-195.
However, the Department advises the resulting LLC to either advise the Department of the change in general partners or partners or obtain a new retail license for each retail location. If the Department is not advised of the change in general partners or partners or a new retail license is not obtained, it will be presumed that the general partner or partners are liable for any sales or use taxes the LLC fails to pay (unless the retail license of record indicates the partnership is a registered LLP pursuant to Code Section 33-41-1120) . Since the resulting LLC is not required to obtain a new retail license, the payment of the application fee for a retail license, as prescribed in Code Section 12-36-510, is not required to be paid for a retail license obtained as a result of the conversion of a partnership to an LLC taxed as a partnership.
S.C. Code Regs. § 117-300.6