Description | Fee (in dollars) |
Initial filing of Form A for intangible transition property notice. | $550 |
Subsequent filing of notice changes in intangible transition property notice on Form B. | $350 |
Chapter 74 public information requests relating to perfection of security interests . | $10 plus standard per page copying costs |
Copies of papers, testimony, microfiche, records and computer printouts per sheet. | $0.75 |
Copies of microfiche per sheet. | $1.50 |
Copies of microfilm per roll. | $80 |
Certifying copy of a paper, testimony or record. | $5 |
Filing each securities certificate. | $350 |
Filing each abbreviated securities certificate. | $25 |
Filing each application for a certificate, permit or license, or amendment of a certificate, permit or license. | $350 |
Filing an application for a certificate of public convenience for a motor common carrier of property or a group and party carrier of more than 15 passengers. | $100 |
Filing an application for emergency temporary authority as common carrier of passengers or household goods in use, contract carrier of passengers or household goods in use, or broker or for an extension thereof. | $100 |
Filing an application for temporary authority as common carrier of passengers or household goods in use, contract carrier of passengers or household goods in use, or broker. | $100 |
Filing an application for a certificate to discontinue intrastate common carrier passenger or household goods in use service. | $10 |
52 Pa. Code § 1.43
The provisions of this § 1.43 amended under the Public Utility Code, 66 Pa.C.S. § § 317, 501, 504-506, 1102, 1103, 1301, 1501, 2503, 2504 and 2815(d).
This section cited in 52 Pa. Code § 1.34 (relating to single pleading or submittal covering more than one matter); 52 Pa. Code § 3.381 (relating to applications for transportation of property, household goods in use and persons); 52 Pa. Code § 3.383 (relating to applications for temporary authority and emergency temporary authority); 52 Pa. Code § 3.501 (relating to certificate of public convenience as a water supplier or wastewater collection, treatment or disposal provider); 52 Pa. Code § 3.601 (relating to general); 52 Pa. Code § 3.602 (relating to abbreviated securities certificate); 52 Pa. Code § 54.32 (relating to schedule of fees payable to the Commission); 52 Pa. Code § 61.20 (relating to meter tests); 52 Pa. Code § 62.103 (relating to application process); 52 Pa. Code § 65.8 (relating to meters); and 52 Pa. Code § 74.12 (relating to fees).