Category | Fee |
Application fee-Initial Application for State Accreditation | $1,500 |
Application fee-Renewal Application for State Accreditation | $700 |
Application fee-Ownership Transfer or Change in Administrative Information | $150 |
Application fee-Initial Application for NELAP Accreditation | $3,500 |
Application fee-Renewal Application for NELAP Accreditation | $2,750 |
Application fee-Addition of Field of Accreditation | $350 |
Application fee-Supplemental Onsite Assessment | $500 |
Basic Drinking Water Category-Includes one method for each of the following: Total Coliform Bacteria, Fecal Coliform Bacteria, E. coli Bacteria, Heterotrophic Bacteria, Nitrate, Nitrite, Fluoride, Cyanide | $750 |
Basic Nonpotable Water Category-Includes one method for each of the following: Fecal Coliform Bacteria, BOD, CBOD, Nitrate, Ammonia, Total Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Nitrite, Phosphorus, and one method for each type of residue including % Solids for land applied biosolids | $850 |
Asbestos-first matrix | $600 |
Basic Microbiology-includes fecal coliform, total coliform, E. coli and heterotrophic bacteria-first matrix | $700 |
Complex Microbiology-first matrix | $1,000 |
Trace Metal Category-first matrix | $750 |
Inorganic Nonmetal Category-first matrix | $850 |
Purgeable Volatile Organic Chemicals-first matrix | $850 |
Extractable and Semivolatile Organic Chemicals-first matrix | $1,750 |
Dioxin-first matrix | $850 |
Radiochemical Category-first matrix | $950 |
Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing-first matrix | $950 |
Asbestos-second matrix | $450 |
Basic Microbiology-includes fecal coliform, total coliform, E. coli and heterotrophic bacteria-second matrix | $600 |
Complex Microbiology-second matrix | $900 |
Trace Metal Category-second matrix | $600 |
Inorganic Nonmetal Category-second matrix | $700 |
Purgeable Volatile Organic Chemicals-second matrix | $700 |
Extractable and Semivolatile Organic Chemicals-second matrix | $1,600 |
Dioxin-second matrix | $700 |
Radiochemical Category-second matrix | $850 |
Asbestos-third matrix | $400 |
Basic Microbiology-includes fecal coliform, total coliform, E. coli and heterotrophic bacteria-third matrix | $500 |
Complex Microbiology-third matrix | $800 |
Trace Metal Category-third matrix | $550 |
Inorganic Nonmetal Category-third matrix | $650 |
Purgeable Volatile Organic Chemicals-third matrix | $600 |
Extractable and Semivolatile Organic Chemicals-third matrix | $1,450 |
Dioxin-third matrix | $650 |
Radiochemical Category-third matrix | $750 |
25 Pa. Code § 252.204
The provisions of this § 252.204 amended under 27 Pa.C.S. §§ 4103(a), 4104 and 4105; and section 1920-A of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P.S. § 510-20).
This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 252.201 (relating to application and supporting documents); and 25 Pa. Code § 252.203 (relating to accreditation renewal).