- Rule 201 - Agreements of Attorneys
- Rule 202 - Rescinded
- Rule 203 - Rescinded
- Rule 204 - Rescinded
- Rule 204.1 - Pleadings and other Legal Papers. Format
- Rule 205 - Rescinded
- Rule 205.1 - Filing Legal Papers. Mailing. Personal Presentation by Attorney Not Necessary
- Rule 205.2 - Filing Legal Papers with the Prothonotary
- Rule 205.3 - Filing Pleadings and Other Legal Papers with the Prothonotary. Originals and Copies
- Rule 205.4 - Electronic Filing and Service of Legal Papers
- Rule 205.5 - Cover Sheet
- Rule 205.6 - Confidential Information and Confidential Documents. Certification
- Rule 206 - Rescinded
- Rule 206.1 - Petition. Definition. Content. Form
- Rule 206.2 - Answer
- Rule 206.3 - Verification
- Rule 206.4 - Rule to Show Cause. Alternative Procedures. Exception
- Rule 206.5 - Rule to Show Cause. Discretionary Issuance. Stay. Form of Order. Rule Inapplicable to Petition to Strike Default Judgment
- Rule 206.6 - Rule to Show Cause. Issuance as of Course. Stay. Form of Order
- Rule 206.7 - Procedure After Issuance of Rule to Show Cause
- Rule 207 - Rescinded
- Rule 207.1 - Motion to Exclude Expert Testimony Which Relies Upon Novel Scientific Evidence
- Rule 208 - Rescinded
- Rule 208.1 - Motion. Definition. Scope
- Rule 208.2 - Motion. Form. Content
- Rule 208.3 - Alternative Procedures
- Rule 208.4 - Initial Consideration of Motion. Court Orders. Issues of Disputed Fact
- Rule 209 - Rescinded
- Rule 210 - Form of Briefs
- Rule 211 - Oral Arguments
- Rule 212 - Pre-Trial Conference
- Rule 212.1 - Civil actions to be tried by jury. Notice of earliest trial date. Time for completing discovery and filing pre-trial statement
- Rule 212.2 - Civil actions to be tried by jury. Pre-trial statement. Content. Sanctions
- Rule 212.3 - Pre-Trial Conference
- Rule 212.4 - Applicability of Rules. Eminent Domain
- Rule 212.5 - Settlement Conference
- Rule 212.6 - Settlement Conference. Form of Order
- Rule 213 - Consolidation, Severance and Transfer of Actions and Issues within a County. Actions for Wrongful Death and Survival Actions
- Rule 213.1 - Coordination of Actions in Different Counties
- Rule 214 - Preferences on Trial Lists
- Rule 215 - Rescinded
- Rule 215.1 - Rescinded
- Rule 216 - Grounds for Continuance
- Rule 217 - Costs on Continuance
- Rule 218 - Party not Ready When Case is Called for Trial
- Rule 219 - View of Premises
- Rule 220 - Challenge to the Array
- Rule 220.1 - Preliminary Instructions to Prospective and Selected Jurors
- Rule 220.2 - Sanctions for Violation of Rule 220.1
- Rule 220.3 - Voir Dire
- Rule 221 - Peremptory Challenges
- Rule 222 - Attorneys as Witnesses
- Rule 223 - Conduct of the Trial. Generally
- Rule 223.1 - Conduct of the Trial. Trial by Jury
- Rule 223.2 - Conduct of the Jury Trial. Juror Note Taking
- Rule 223.3 - Conduct of the Trial. Actions for Bodily Injury or Death. Jury Instructions on Noneconomic Loss
- Rule 224 - Regulation of Order of Proof
- Rule 225 - Summing Up
- Rule 226 - Points for Charge. Motion for Directed Verdict
- Rule 227 - Exceptions
- Rule 227.1 - Post-Trial Relief
- Rule 227.2 - Court en Banc
- Rule 227.3 - Transcript of Testimony
- Rule 227.4 - Entry of Judgment Upon Praecipe of a Party
- Rule 228 - Testimony as to Misconduct of a Juror
- Rule 229 - Discontinuance
- Rule 229.1 - Settlement Funds. Failure to Deliver Sanctions
- Rule 229.2 - Petition to Transfer Structured Settlement Payment Rights
- Rule 230 - Voluntary Nonsuit
- Rule 230.1 - Compulsory Nonsuit at Trial
- Rule 230.2 - Termination of Inactive Cases
- Rule 231 - Second Action
- Rule 232 - Counterclaim. Termination of Plaintiff's Action
- Rule 233 - Rescinded
- Rule 233.1 - Frivolous Litigation. Pro Se Plaintiff. Motion to Dismiss
- Rule 234 - Rescinded
- Rule 234.1 - Subpoena to Attend and Testify
- Rule 234.2 - Subpoena. Issuance. Service. Compliance. Fees. Prisoners
- Rule 234.3 - Notice to Attend. Notice to Produce
- Rule 234.4 - Subpoena. Notice to Attend. Notice to Produce. Relief from Compliance. Motion to Quash
- Rule 234.5 - Failure to Comply with Subpoena. Notice to Attend or Notice to Produce
- Rule 234.6 - Form of Subpoena
- Rule 234.7 - Form of Notice to Attend
- Rule 234.8 - Form of Notice to Produce
- Rule 234.9 - Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt of Subpoena by Mail
- Rule 235 - Notice to Attorney General. Constitutionality of Statute. Charitable Bequest or Trust
- Rule 236 - Notice by Prothonotary of Entry of Order or Judgment
- Rule 237 - Notice of Praecipe for Final Judgment
- Rule 237.1 - Notice of Praecipe for Entry of Judgment of Non Pros for Failure to File Complaint or by Default for Failure to Plead
- Rule 237.2 - Agreement to Extend Time to Plead Following Notice of Intention to Enter Judgment. Judgment of Non Pros by Default
- Rule 237.3 - Relief from Judgment of Non Pros or by Default
- Rule 237.4 - Form of Notice of Praecipe to Enter Judgment of Non Pros
- Rule 237.5 - Form of Notice of Praecipe to Enter Judgment by Default
- Rule 237.6 - Form of Agreement to Extend Time
- Rule 238 - Damages for Delay in an Action for Bodily Injury, Death or Property Damage
- Rule 239 - Local Rules
- Rule 239.1 - Pleadings and Legal Papers. Local Rules 205.2(a) and 205.2(b)
- Rule 239.2 - Petitions. Rule to Show Cause. Local Rules 206.1(a) and 206.4(c)
- Rule 239.3 - Motions. Local Rules 208.2(c), 208.2(d), 208.2(e), 208.3(a) and 208.3(b)
- Rule 239.4 - Briefs. Local Rule 210
- Rule 239.5 - Preliminary Objections. Local Rule 1028(c)
- Rule 239.6 - Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings. Local Rule 1034(a)
- Rule 239.7 - Motion for Summary Judgment. Local Rule 1035.2(a)
- Rule 239.8 - Local Rules. Promulgation. Publication. Effective Date
- Rule 239.9 - Electronic Filing. Local Rule 205.4
- Rule 240 - In Forma Pauperis
- Rule 242 - Citation of Authorities
- Rule 247 - Rescinded
- Rule 247.1 - Rescinded
- Rule 248 - Modification of Time
- Rule 249 - Authority of Individual Judge
- Rule 250 - Scope of Chapter