1 Pa. Code § 35.207
Proposed reports shall be filed with the office of the agency, which shall serve copies thereof upon all parties and staff counsel, whose appearances have been entered under § 31.24 (relating to notice of appearance).
1 Pa. Code § 35.207
This section cited in 4 Pa. Code §265.2 (relating to level I review); 4 Pa. Code §265.4 (relating to appeals-level III); 4 Pa. Code §607a.20 (relating to proposed decision and order); 12 Pa. Code §11.14 (relating to presiding officer); 22 Pa. Code §121.9 (relating to administrative loan collection review procedures); 22 Pa. Code §121.10 (relating to administrative wage garnishment procedures for Federal loans); 22 Pa. Code §201.11 (relating to proposed opinion and recommendation); 22 Pa. Code §351.1 (relating to purpose and scope); 31 Pa. Code §56.1 (relating to applicability of general rules); 31 Pa. Code §56.2 (relating to adjudication procedure); 34 Pa. Code §3a.9 (relating to suspension or revocation of Pennsylvania inspector commission); 34 Pa. Code §111.18 (relating to decisions of the Board); 34 Pa. Code §131.60 (relating to resolution hearings); 34 Pa. Code §131.111 (relating to decisions of judges); 34 Pa. Code §401.14 (relating to decertification or refusal to certify); 34 Pa. Code §501.8 (relating to hearings/appeals); 37 Pa. Code §21.61 (relating to hearing examiner's recommendation); 52 Pa. Code §5.531 (relating to certification of record without decision); 52 Pa. Code §1005.202 (relating to certification of record without decision); 55 Pa. Code §41.191 (relating to determinations and recommendations by the Bureau); 61 Pa. Code §703.5 (relating to other submissions); and 67 Pa. Code §491.11 (relating to proposed report).