Or. Admin. Code § 860-022-0040
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 860-022-0040 - Relating to City Fees, Taxes, and Other Assessments Imposed Upon Electric Companies, Gas Utilities, and Steam Heat Utilities(1) The aggregate amount of all business or occupation taxes, license, franchise or operating permit fees, or other similar exactions or costs, excepting volumetric-based fees in section (3) of this rule, imposed upon energy utilities by any city in Oregon for engaging in business within such city or for use and occupancy of city streets and public ways, which does not exceed 3 percent for gas utilities or 3.5 percent for electric companies and steam heat utilities, applied to gross revenues as defined herein, shall be allowed as operating expenses of such utilities for rate-making purposes and shall not be itemized or billed separately. All other costs not allowed as operating expenses shall be itemized or billed separately.(2) Except as otherwise provided herein, "gross revenues" means revenues received from utility operations within the city less related net uncollectibles. Gross revenues of an energy utility shall include revenues from the use, rental, or lease of the utility's operating facilities other than residential-type space and water heating equipment. Gross revenues shall not include proceeds from the sale of bonds, mortgage or other evidence of indebtedness, securities or stocks, sales at wholesale by one utility to another when the utility purchasing the service is not the ultimate customer, or revenue from joint pole use.(3) Each electric company subject to volumetric-based privilege taxes or fees shall determine for each city imposing such volumetric charges a base volumetric rate for each customer class calculated as 3.5 percent of the class 1999 gross operating revenues within the city divided by the amount of electric energy in kilowatt-hours delivered to the class in 1999. In cases where 1999 data is not available for a particular city and/or class, the utility's total 1999 Oregon revenues and kilowatt-hour deliveries for the customer class shall be used to calculate the base volumetric rate. An amount equal to the base volumetric rates multiplied by the corresponding amount of electric energy in kilowatt hours delivered in the 12-month period used to determine the electric company's revenue requirement shall be allowed as operating expenses and shall not be itemized or billed separately. The privilege tax shall be allocated across an electric company's customer classes in the same proportional amounts as levied by cities against the electric company.(4) Permit fees or similar charges for street opening, installations, construction, and the like to the extent such fees or charges are reasonably related to the city's costs for inspection, supervision, and regulation in exercising its police powers, and the value of any utility services or use of facilities provided on November 6, 1967, to a city without charge, shall not be considered in computing the percentage levels set forth in sections (1) and (3) of this rule. Any such services may be continued within the same category or type of use. The value of any additional category of utility service or use of facilities provided after November 6, 1967, to a city without charge shall be considered in computing the percentage levels herein set forth.(5) This rule shall not affect franchises existing on November 6, 1967, granted by a city. Payments made or value of service rendered by an energy utility under such franchises shall not be itemized or billed separately. When compensation different from the percentage levels in section (1) of this rule is specified in a franchise existing on November 6, 1967, such compensation shall continue to be treated by the affected utility as an operating expense during the balance of the term of such franchise. Any tax, fee, or other exaction set forth in section (1) of this rule, unilaterally imposed or increased by any city during the unexpired term of a franchise existing on November 6, 1967, and containing a provision for compensation for use and occupancy of streets and public ways, shall be charged pro rata to local users as herein provided.(6) Except as provided in section (5) of this rule, to the extent any city tax, fee, or other exaction referred to in sections (1) and (3) of this rule exceeds the percentage levels allowable as operating expenses in sections (1) and (3) of this rule, such excess amount shall be charged pro rata to energy customers within said city and shall be separately stated on the regular billings to such customers.(7) The percentage levels in sections (1) and (3) of this rule may be changed if the Commission determines after such notice and hearing, as required by law, that fair and reasonable compensation to a city or all cities should be fixed at a different level or that by law or the particular circumstances involved a different level should be established.(8) The amount allowed as an operating expense may be described on customers' bills in a manner determined by the energy utility.Or. Admin. Code § 860-022-0040
PUC 164, f. 4-18-74, ef. 5-11-74 (Order No. 74-307); PUC 3-1990, f. & cert. ef. 4-6-90 (Order No. 90-417); PUC 14-1990, f. & cert. ef. 7-11-90 (Order No. 90-1031); PUC 7-1998, f. & cert. ef. 4-8-98; PUC 3-1999, f. & cert. ef. 8-10-99; PUC 17-2000, f. & cert. ef. 9-29-00; PUC 16-2001, f. & cert. ef. 6-21-01; PUC 15-2002, f. & cert. ef. 6-14-02; PUC 14-2003, f. & cert. ef. 7-24-03; PUC 7-2005, f. & cert. ef. 11-30-05Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, 756 & 757
Stats. Implemented: ORS 756.040 & 757.600 - 757.667