Or. Admin. Code § 856-030-0040
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 856-030-0040 - Transportation Oversight Committee(1) For the purpose of making annual, automatic, cost-based adjustments to the transportation system cost component of the tariff funding the pilotage system for the Columbia River Bar pilotage ground, a Transportation Oversight Committee is established, composed of one public member of the Oregon Board of Maritime Pilots (Board), two members of the Columbia River Bar Pilots (CRBP), a representative of the Columbia River Steamship Operators Association and a representative of a port located on the Columbia River. The public member of the Transportation Oversight Committee will act as chair.(2) Beginning in 2011, the Transportation Oversight Committee will meet as necessary but at least semiannually. The Transportation Oversight Committee will review long-term transportation system planning, will regularly review and make recommendations regarding transportation system costs and and the basis for those costs for the Columbia River Bar pilotage ground.(3) Upon agreement of a majority of members, the Transportation Oversight Committee may submit data requests to the CRBP. Data requests are written interrogatories or requests for documentation. The data requests must be answered within 20 Board business days from the date of service. Each data request must be answered fully and separately in writing or with the documentation requested.(4) On an annual basis beginning in 2011, the Transportation Oversight Committee shall make a recommendation to the Board regarding annual adjustments to the components of the Transportation System Cost of the pilotage system serving the Columbia River Bar pilotage grounds to reflect the best available information about changing economic conditions including expense levels shown by CRBP financial statements and Transportation Oversight Committee projections. The Transportation System Cost components include the following line item categories: helicopter service; repairs and maintenance infrastructure; repairs and maintenance; insurance; boat operator expense; employee wages; employee benefits; transportation launch expense; food vessel expense; taxes and licenses; and administrative/accounting. The recommended adjustments to one or more of the components of the Transportation System Cost shall be developed by the Transportation Oversight Committee and submitted in writing to the Board by July 31 of each year.(5) In the event the Transportation Oversight Committee cannot reach agreement on one or more of the components of the Transportation System Cost, the competing views shall be described in appropriate memoranda drafted by one or more representative of the Transportation Oversight Committee and submitted to the Oregon Board of Maritime Pilots. The submission from the Transportation Oversight Committee shall be considered by the Oregon Board of Maritime Pilots at a meeting that occurs on or before August 31 of each year so that the Committee's recommendations can be considered and any disputed issue decided in order for any adjustments to the components of the Transportation System cost to be effective on September 1 of that year.Or. Admin. Code § 856-030-0040
BMP 2-2011, f. 6-28-11, cert. ef. 6-29-11; BMP 7-2016, f. & cert. ef. 11/22/2016; BMP 2-2018, amend filed 03/20/2018, effective 3/20/2018Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 776 & 670
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 776.115 & 670.310