Or. Admin. Code § 836-085-0035
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 836-085-0035 - Cancellation or Nonrenewal Notice(1) If a risk sharing plan exists under ORS Chapter 735 for the kind of coverage cancelled or nonrenewed, notice of cancellation or nonrenewal required under OAR 836-085-0010(2) is not effective unless the notice contains adequate instructions to the policyholder and if one exists, the insurance producer for applying for insurance through a risk sharing plan under ORS Chapter 735.(2) Adequate instructions under section (1) of this rule must direct the policyholder to the agent of the notifying insurer for assistance or, if no agent exists, must provide that the insurer will directly assist in submission of the application.Or. Admin. Code § 836-085-0035
IC 2-1985(Temp), f. 5-31-85, ef. 6-15-85; IC 4-1985, f. & ef. 9-19-85; ID 8-1987, f. & ef. 12-14-87; ID 8-2005, f. 5-18-05, cert. ef. 8-1-05Stat. Auth.: ORS 731
Stats. Implemented: ORS 746.045, 746.055, 746.160(3) & 746.240