Or. Admin. Code § 813-210-0050
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 813-210-0050 - Recordkeeping and Compliance Monitoring(1) Subgrantees and their subrecipients must maintain accurate financial records satisfactory to OHCS and consistent with CSBG requirements, which document the receipt and disbursement of all CSBG funds by OHCS. Subgrantees must have an accounting system in place satisfactory to OHCS, and implement an approved Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) database for data and fiscal entry.(2) Subgrantees and their subrecipients must maintain other CSBG records satisfactory to OHCS and consistent with CSBG requirements, which include, but are not limited to, documentation of household eligibility, receipt of allowable CSBG services, termination of services and the basis for same, housing status, administrative actions, contracts with subrecipients, review of subrecipient performance, action taken with respect to deficiency notices, and any administrative review proceedings. Such records must be satisfactory to OHCS in substance and format.(3) Subgrantees must provide OHCS with all required reports, data, and financial statements by submission deadlines and satisfactory to OHCS in form and substance as identified in the CSBG requirements and as requested by OHCS.(4) To ensure proper compliance and monitoring of CSBG, subgrantees and their subrecipients must: (a) Furnish representatives of OHCS, the Oregon Secretary of State's Office, the federal government, and their duly authorized representatives access to and permit copying of all electronic and hardcopy books, accounts, documents, and records and allow reasonable access to the project and other property pertaining to CSBG, at any such representative's request.(b) Cooperate fully in any inspections or other monitoring actions taken by OHCS, the Oregon Secretary of State's Office, the federal government, and their duly authorized representatives.(c) Retain and keep accessible all CSBG records and data according to CSBG requirements and as requested by OHCS.(5) OHCS will conduct reviews, audits, and other compliance monitoring as it deems appropriate with respect to each subgrantee and its subrecipients to verify compliance with the CSBG requirements. Subgrantees and their subrecipients must cooperate fully with OHCS in its compliance monitoring activities.(6) Subgrantees must require by contract and monitor their subrecipients' compliance with all CSBG requirements including, but not limited to, recordkeeping and retention of records and OHCS compliance monitoring and enforcement.Or. Admin. Code § 813-210-0050
HR 5-1982, f. & ef. 2-5-82; HR 3-1983, f. & ef. 11-25-83; HSG 8-1992, f. & cert. ef. 7-29-92; Renumbered from 410-060-0025; HSG 7-1993, f. & cert. ef. 10-1-93; OHCS 2-2001(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 10-3-01 thru 4-1-02; Administrative correction 4-12-02; OHCS 2-2002, f. & cert. ef. 4-15-02; OHCS 14-2015, f. & cert. ef. 8/25/2015; OHCS 39-2019, amend filed 12/23/2019, effective 12/23/2019Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 456.555
Statutes/Other Implemented: 42 USC 106 & ORS 458.505