Or. Admin. Code § 813-203-0000
OAR chapter 813, division 203 originally provided specific guidance pursuant to US Public Laws 116-260 and 117-2. These laws designated Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) to administer and operate the Low-Income Household Water Assistance (LIHWA) Program in a manner similar to that of the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)-see OAR Chapter 813, Division 200. The purpose of the program is to assist low-income households with their household drinking water and sewage disposal services needs through water assistance payments. This division of rules shall apply to any additional funds received, either under these laws or otherwise, specifically for the purpose above.
Or. Admin. Code § 813-203-0000
Statutory/Other Authority: US Public Law 116-260, ORS 456.555 & US Public Law 117-2
Statutes/Other Implemented: US Public Law 116-260, US Public Law 117-2 & ORS 458.505