OPRD may amend a public contract awarded as an intermediate procurement in accordance with OAR 137-047-0800, but the cumulative amendments shall not increase the total contract price to a sum that is greater than 25 percent of the original contract price, except:
(1) OPRD may amend a public contract awarded as an intermediate procurement in accordance with OAR 137-047-0800 over the 25 percent cumulative amount but not exceeding the $150,000 threshold with written approval from the OPRD Designated Procurement Officer based upon a determination of the best interests of the state.(2) OPRD may amend a public contract awarded as an intermediate procurement in accordance with OAR 137-047-0800 over the 25 percent cumulative amount exceeding the $150,000 threshold with written approval from the OPRD Designated Procurement Officer and Department of Justice based upon a determination of the best interests of the state.Or. Admin. Code § 736-147-0060
PRD 1-2007, f. & cert. ef. 2-7-07; PRD 13-2008, f. & cert. ef. 12-15-08; PRD 17-2009, f. & cert. ef. 12-4-09Stat. Auth.: ORS 279A.065(5)(a) & 279A.070
Stats. Implemented: ORS 279A.050, 279A.065(5), 279A.070 & 279A.140