Or. Admin. Code § 732-044-0005
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 732-044-0005 - Project Eligibility and Match(1) Projects eligible to receive grants under the Discretionary Fund include, but are not limited to: capital projects such as vehicles, facilities, equipment, and technology, as well as mobility management, planning, and research. Pilot operations projects may be considered for funding if the application includes a feasible financial plan for ongoing operations beyond the initial pilot period.(2) Projects eligible to receive grants under the Intercommunity Discretionary Fund include, but are not limited to: capital Projects such as vehicles, facilities, equipment, and technology as well as mobility management, planning, research, and operations. Pilot and ongoing operations projects may be considered for funding under the Intercommunity Discretionary Fund if the application includes a feasible financial plan for ongoing operations beyond the initial pilot period.(3) Projects eligible to receive grants under the Discretionary and Intercommunity Discretionary Funds must appear in a Local Plan, as defined in OAR 732-040-0005(17), or be a Project that meets one or more of the characteristics in sections (4)(a)(C)-(D) of this rule.(4) Match Requirements: (a) An applicant shall demonstrate the ability to provide a match of at least 20 percent of the total Project's cost, unless any of the following characteristics exist in which case the applicant shall demonstrate the ability to provide a 10 percent match: (A) The Project will predominantly serve or provide access to and from rural communities (communities outside of urbanized areas with populations of 50,000 people or less);(B) The Project will serve an area located outside of a Public Transportation Service Provider's geographic jurisdiction; (C) The Project will fill a significant gap in the Statewide Transit Network; or(D) The Project will provide statewide benefits to multiple Public Transportation Service Providers. The applicant shall identify the benefits to areas outside the jurisdiction where the Project will be located.(b) After determining whether an applicant meets one or more of the characteristics listed in 732-044-0005(4)(a) (A-D), the Agency shall propose a match requirement of 20 percent or 10 percent of the total project cost for each Project recommended for award, considering both individual applicant needs and overall fund availability.(c) Eligible Project match sources may include federal funds and certain state funds (STIF Formula or Special Transportation Funds) for public transportation purposes, local funds, private contributions, and in-kind labor or contributions. Match contributions, including Capital Assets such as property, shall be used only once as match on a single Project and may not be used again as a match. Fare box revenues are not eligible match.Or. Admin. Code § 732-044-0005
PTD 1-2018, adopt filed 06/26/2018, effective 7/1/2018; PTD 1-2022, amend filed 01/25/2022, effective 1/25/2022; PTD 3-2022, amend filed 05/24/2022, effective 7/1/2023Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 184.619, ORS 184.658 & ORS 184.761
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 184.751-184.766