Or. Admin. Code § 732-040-0030

Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 732-040-0030 - Advisory Committees
(1) The Governing Body of each Qualified Entity shall appoint an Advisory Committee for the purpose of advising and assisting the Qualified Entity in carrying out the purposes of the STIF and prioritizing Projects to be funded by STIF moneys received by the Qualified Entity.
(2) A Qualified Entity's Governing Body or Advisory Committee may appoint a Work Group to provide additional input on STIF Formula projects. A Work Group may or may not be composed of members of the Qualified Entity's Advisory Committee. Input from the Work Group shall be considered and documented in the Qualified Entity's Advisory Committee's meeting minutes in the completion of its duties as described in OAR 732-040-0030(1).
(3) Two or more Governing Bodies may appoint a joint Advisory Committee for the purpose of advising and assisting their respective Qualified Entities in carrying out the purposes of the STIF for the Qualified Entities' areas of responsibility.
(a) When the Governing Boards of two or more Qualified Entities appoint a joint Advisory Committee, they shall designate their respective roles and responsibilities pertaining to the management of the joint Advisory Committee in a written agreement pursuant to ORS chapter 190. At a minimum, the written agreement must specifically identify how the Qualified Entities' obligations under section (4) of this rule will be allocated between or among the participating Qualified Entities and must describe the selection and appointment processes for joint Advisory Committee members, consistent with OAR 732-040-0035.
(b) The Qualified Entities shall send a copy of the executed agreement to the Agency within 30 days of execution.
(c) The joint Advisory Committee agreement may be included as part of the agreement required to fulfill the requirements of OAR 732-040-0040, if applicable; however, Qualified Entities may form a joint Advisory Committee without agreeing to jointly manage STIF moneys.
(d) Each Qualified Entity that is party to a joint Advisory Committee agreement remains independently responsible to submit its own STIF Plan pursuant to OAR 732-042-0015 and these rules.
(4) An Advisory Committee may also advise the Qualified Entity regarding the opportunities to Coordinate STIF funded Projects with other local or regional transportation programs and services to improve transportation service delivery and reduce gaps in service.
(5) The Qualified Entity shall ensure that:
(a) The Advisory Committee is guided by written bylaws that include, at a minimum: the Committee's name and purpose; the number of Committee members; Committee membership criteria; the appointment process; the terms of office for the committee members; the Committee's meeting schedule; Committee procedures and member duties, including procedures to provide public notice of meetings, to foster public engagement, and to comply with Oregon public meeting and public records laws; and the Committee's process to review Sub-Recipient proposals for Projects funded in whole or part by the STIF Formula Fund, the STIF Discretionary Fund and the Intercommunity Discretionary Fund, and the decision-making criteria identified in these rules. The bylaws must include a definition of "high percentage of Low-Income Households" for the Committee's use in evaluating proposed Projects. The Qualified Entity shall prepare the written bylaws described in this section and set the terms of office for the Advisory Committee members. The Qualified Entity may seek input on the bylaws from the Advisory Committee.
(b) Copies of Advisory Committee bylaws, meeting minutes and meeting notices are published by the Qualified Entity and made available for public review in a reasonable and timely manner and are maintained for the period prescribed under Chapter 166, Division 150 of the Oregon Administrative Rules.
(c) The Agency is notified of changes in the Advisory Committee membership when the Qualified Entity submits its STIF Plan or grant application.
(6) A Qualified Entity may use another standing advisory committee or combine committees to meet the requirements of these rules as long as that committee also meets all of the committee requirements contained herein.
(7) The Qualified Entity shall appoint an Advisory Committee composed of members that represent diverse interests, perspectives, geography, and the population demographics of the area, as described in OAR 732-040-0035.
(8) In addition to any other duties, the Advisory Committee may also propose any changes to the policies or practices of the Governing Body of the Qualified Entity that the Advisory Committee considers necessary to ensure that:
(a) A Sub-Recipient that has received STIF funds has applied the moneys received in accordance with and for the purposes described in the Project proposal; and
(b) A Project proposal submitted by a Sub-Recipient does not fragment the provision of public transportation services.

Or. Admin. Code § 732-040-0030

PTD 1-2018, adopt filed 06/26/2018, effective 7/1/2018; PTD 1-2022, amend filed 01/25/2022, effective 1/25/2022; PTD 3-2022, amend filed 05/24/2022, effective 7/1/2023

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 184.619, ORS 184.658 & ORS 184.761

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 184.751-184.766