Or. Admin. Code § 690-507-0785
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 690-507-0785 - Flow Meter Specifications and Installation Guidelines(1) A flow meter shall meet the following specifications:(a) A flow meter shall be of the velocity-propeller type or shunt line venturi type with enclosed propeller made of non-corrosive materials. Other types of flow meters may be used with the written approval of the Water Resources Director;(b) A flow meter shall have a rated accuracy of plus or minus two percent of actual flow for all rates of flow within the range of flow for which the meter is designed. The flow meter shall register the full range of discharge from the source of water for which it is to be used;(c) The register head of the flow meter shall have a visual, recording, mechanical, digital totalizer located on or adjacent to the flow meter and shall be equipped with a test sweep hand so that flow rate can be quickly determined. The register face shall be protected by a suitable plate or cover;(d) Units of water measurement shall be in acre-feet, cubit feet, or gallons. The totalizer shall read directly in the above-described units. Flow meters recording in acre-feet shall read to the nearest 1/10th acre-foot, and the decimal multiplier shall be clearly indicated on the face of the register head;(e) The totalizing part of the flow meter shall have a sufficient capacity to record the quantity of water authorized to be pumped over a period of two (2) years;(f) Both the register and the flow meter unit shall be provided with a method of sealing with a wire or lead seal to prevent unauthorized tampering with the placement or position of the flow meter.(2) The flow meter installation shall be as follows:(a) The flow meter shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and in such a manner that there shall be a full pipe of water at all times during which water is being pumped;(b) There shall be no turnouts or diversions between the source of water and the flow meter installation;(c) The flow meter shall be placed in the pipe not less than five pipe diameters downstream from any valve, elbow, or other obstruction which might create turbulent flow, or install straightening vanes as recommended by the flow meter manufacturer. There shall also be at least one pipe diameter of unobstructed flow on the downstream side of the flow meter;(d) All in-line saddle flow meters equipped with U-bolt fasteners shall be provided with a sealing wire and lead seal near the terminal ends of the U-bolt following the complete installation of the flow meter;(e) Except for wells authorized for municipal use, the flow meter and register shall not be locked in a building which would prevent access to the register. The register or flow meter shelter may be equipped with a lock to prevent tampering or breakage, provided that a lock is used and for which that watermaster has a key;(f) The flow meter installation is subject to inspection and approval by the Director;(g) In the case of artesian wells which flow at various times, the flow meter shall be installed in a manner which will measure both pumped and flowing discharges.(3) Flow meters shall be kept clear of debris or other foreign or vegetative growth which could impede their operation. All flow meters shall be lubricated as specified by the manufacturer.Or. Admin. Code § 690-507-0785
WRD 6-1991, f. & cert. ef. 6-14-91Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.900 - ORS 536.935 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.745
Stats. Implemented: