Or. Admin. Code § 690-507-0630
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 690-507-0630 - Butter Creek CGWA: General Requirements(1) Except as specified in OAR 690-507-0650(3) and 690-507-0670(7), the use of water from the basalt groundwater reservoir within the Butter Creek Critical Groundwater Area shall be limited to the sustainable annual yield.(2) The Commission delegates to the Director the authority to implement these rules.(3) Water from the basalt groundwater reservoir in the Butter Creek Critical Groundwater Area shall be used for irrigation only during the irrigation season. The irrigation season begins on the 15th of March and ends on the 1st of November.(4) The Department shall not accept any new applications for appropriation of water from the basalt groundwater reservoir within the Butter Creek Critical Area.Or. Admin. Code § 690-507-0630
WRD 9-1990, f. & cert. ef. 6-25-90; WRD 3-1992, f. & cert. ef. 2-10-92; WRD 7-1992, f. & cert. ef. 5-14-92; WRD 2-1999, f. & cert. ef. 3-3-99; WRD 2-2017, f. & cert. ef. 5/22/2017Stat. Auth.: ORS 537.515, 537.525, 537.545 & 537.730 - 537.745
Stats. Implemented: ORS 537.535