Or. Admin. Code § 690-100-0010
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 690-100-0010 - Definitions(1) "Affected local government" means any local government, as defined in OAR 690-005-0015, within whose jurisdiction water is or would be diverted, conveyed, or used in conjunction with a proposed or financed project.(2) "Director" -- The director of the Water Resources Department or in his absence or inability to act, his designee.(3) "Legislative Assembly" -- Regularly scheduled Legislative Assembly or the Emergency Board acting for the full assembly during interims between legislative sessions.(4) "Significant Public Benefit" -- Synonymous with Public Benefit.(5) "Public Benefit" -- The identifiable benefit of a water development project which contributes to the general well-being or enjoyment of the citizens of the State of Oregon, including, but not limited to, the maintenance or improvement of the following: (c) Public recreation facilities;(d) Environmental enhancement;(e) Riparian (streamside) enhancement;(h) Watershed management;(i) Esthetic enhancement;(j) Instream habitat improvement;(k) Streamflow augmentation;(l) Groundwater recharge.(6) "Reimbursable Public Benefit" -- A public benefit that is identified by purpose and cost in a water resources project and application for "Request for Public Benefit Repayment".(7) "Partial Repayment" -- The amount recommended to the Legislature by the Water Resource Commission to partially pay for projects affording public benefits. The amount of partial repayment shall not exceed the cost of providing the public benefit in the water development project.(8) "Financed Projects" -- Water development projects that will be financed under the Water Development Loan Program.(9) "Proposed Projects" -- Water development projects that will be financed from sources other than the Water Development Loan Program. A Proposed Project may also be an existing project that will provide a public benefit due to a change in the purpose for which the project was constructed or managed. (10) "Environment Assessment" -- A report, provided by the sponsor of a water development project, which identifies and evaluates the positive and negative impacts of the project as it relates to the public benefits defined in these Administrative Rules.(11) "Commission" -- The Water Resources Commission.Or. Admin. Code § 690-100-0010
WRD 5-1982, f. & ef. 6-1-82; WRD 9-1986, f. & ef. 7-22-86; WRD 12-1990, f. & cert. ef. 8-8-90Stat. Auth.: ORS 197, ORS 536, ORS 541 & ORS 542
Stats. Implemented: