Or. Admin. Code § 632-030-0040
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 632-030-0040 - Maintaining an Operating Permit(1) The Department may revoke, terminate, or refuse to renew an operating permit as provided in ORS 517.862.(2) Prior to the anniversary date of an operating permit, the operator shall submit the required annual fee and file the annual report. The annual report must include production figures that provide a legal and accurate report of all materials mined or excavated. If requested by the Department, the operator must also submit an updated site plan map. The permittee shall maintain an operating permit until mining and reclamation, including revegetation (if required), have been completed.(3) If the Department determines that the permittee has not complied or is not complying with the approved reclamation plan, permit conditions, the Act, or the rules adopted thereunder, the Department will take appropriate action including one or more of the following: a notice of violation under ORS 517.860, a compliance order under 517.860, a suspension order under 517.880, recovery against the bond or alternative form of security under 517.860, and an assessment of civil penalties under 517.992.Or. Admin. Code § 632-030-0040
GMI 5, f. 12-20-73, ef. 1-11-74; GMI 1-1980, f. 2-29-80, ef. 3-1-80; GMI 2-1982, f. & ef. 8-13-82; GMI 2-1985, f. 11-19-85, ef. 11-20-85; GMI 1-1988, f. 3-30-88, cert. ef. 3-11-88; GMI 2-1997, f. & cert. ef. 10-14-97; DGMI 1-1999, f. & cert. ef. 1-7-99; DGMI 1-2000, f. & cert. ef. 7-20-00; DGMI 1-2009, f. & cert. ef. 5-15-09Stat. Auth.: ORS 517
Stats. Implemented: ORS 517.740 & 517.800