Or. Admin. Code § 581-024-0228
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 581-024-0228 - Review School District Operations(1) Pursuant to ORS 334.125(9) each district board shall adopt a policy and procedure describing how the district shall work cooperatively with component school districts to periodically review their operations.(2) The results of the review and report shall be summarized and reported to the Board as part of the district's annual report which is to be submitted by June 30 of each year.(3) Unless specifically waived by the Board, the operations to be reviewed shall be accomplished as follows: (a) 2008-2009, Accounting, payroll and printing; pupil transportation; legal services, investments and auditing; insurance and student records management. The order of review may be determined by the ESD and the component school districts.(b) Other operations identified by the state board prior to September 1 of each school year.(4) Other similar operations are subject to review as agreed upon by the district and its component school districts. Nothing in the requirements of this rule prevents a district and its component school districts from reviewing any operations at any time. However a district shall review at least one operation per year.Or. Admin. Code § 581-024-0228
EB 16-1994, f. & cert. ef. 11-14-94; ODE 8-1999, f. & cert. ef. 1-15-99; Suspended by ODE 7-2006(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 2-14-06 thru 8-1-06; ODE 28-2008, f. 10-23-08, cert. ef. 10-24-08Stat. Auth.: ORS 334.125(9)
Stats. Implemented: ORS 334.125