Or. Admin. Code § 575-070-0070
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 575-070-0070 - Authorized Deferment of Repayment(1) A borrower under contract to teach at least half-time in a public elementary or secondary school in Oregon may defer the beginning of the repayment period for up to three years, subject to annual verification of employment status. (2) A borrower who can document his/her inability to locate suitable employment may defer the beginning of the repayment period for up to three years, subject to annual verification efforts to locate employment. (3) No borrower may receive more than three years of authorized deferment of repayment. Or. Admin. Code § 575-070-0070
SSC 4-1987(Temp), f. 10-12-87, ef. 10-15-87; SSC 1-1988, f. & cert. ef. 1-6-88; OSAC 1-2015, f. & cert. ef. 12/18/2015Stat. Auth.: ORS 348
Stats. Implemented: ORS 329.757 - 329.780